
Phrases related to: get one's shirt out Page #112

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punch aboveTo reach beyond one's limits; to be more capable than an expected limitation.Rate it:

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PunchboardA book-size laminated paper 1'/2 inch thick board with 25 to 200 drilled holes in surface. Holes contain 'accordion-fold', numbered kite-paper which when 'punched-out of board' with small PUNCH-tool may reveal a 'winning-chance number': Winning Numbers posted on board. Variety of Valuable prizes is predetermined by cost of a single 'PUNCH': Win! Box Candy, jewelry, trinkets, appliances, tools, flashlights et al:Rate it:

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punire aliquemto punish some one.Rate it:

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push offTo go away; to get lost.Rate it:

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push pastTo rudely force one's way in front of another.Rate it:

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push upTo arise or jut out from; to thrust from.Rate it:

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put a sock in itTo be quiet; to shut one's mouth; to stop talking.Rate it:

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put asideTo ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.Rate it:

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put awayTo catch a fly ball or tag out a baserunner.Rate it:

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put down rootsTo feel that one belong in a place.Rate it:

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put in motionto trigger movement, to get goingRate it:

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put into effectTo implement; to execute; to carry out.Rate it:

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put oneself acrossTo explain one's ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality.Rate it:

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put oneself in someone's shoesTo try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person. To empathise.Rate it:

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Put the Cart before the HorseTo carry out something in reverse order, to do opposite of somethingRate it:

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put throughTo pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.Rate it:

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put up or shut upDesist from saying something unless one is able to prove it.Rate it:

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Put Your Finger on SomethingTo be accurate in pointing out something, to precisely recognize or recall somethingRate it:

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putty in someone's handsOne who is readily manipulated or controlled by another person.Rate it:

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puxar a brasa para a minha sardinhato toot one's own hornRate it:

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QT (also QT and qt)Mysteriously; silently; no one knows.Rate it:

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quaestionem poscere (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to get a question submitted to one.Rate it:

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quaestui aliquid habere (Off. 2. 3. 13)to make a profit out of something.Rate it:

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quand il n'y a pas de foin au râtelier, les chevaux se battentWhen poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.Rate it:

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quand les femmes sont ensemble, elles taillent des bavettes à n'en plus finirWhen women get together they indulge in endless gossip.Rate it:

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quand les voleurs se battent, les larcins se découvrentWhen thieves fall out, honest men get their own.Rate it:

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quand on a de l'esprit, on se tire d'affaireWhen one has brains, one gets out of any difficulty.Rate it:

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quand on n'a pas ce que l'on aime il faut aimer ce que l'on aIf you cannot get crumb you had best eat crust.Rate it:

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quand on prend du galon on n'en saurait trop prendreAs well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb; One cannot make too much of a favourable opportunity.Rate it:

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queen elizabeth iiOnly two affectionate eyes of one woman, were able to make the entire planet go to tears - – Queen Elizabeth IIRate it:

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quelque sot le feraitOne would be a fool to do that.Rate it:

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quero verSaid of something one is confident that will not happen.Rate it:

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qui a bu boiraHabit is second nature; If you take to the habit of drinking you cannot get rid of it.Rate it:

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qui a compagnon a maîtreOne is often obliged to give way to the wishes of those with whom one is associated.Rate it:

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qui a terme ne doit rienNo one is obliged to pay before a debt is due.Rate it:

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qui deux choses chasse, ni l'une ni l'autre ne prendBetween two stools one falls to the ground.Rate it:

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qui dort dînesleep allows one to go without foodRate it:

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qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un sonOne should hear both sides of a question.Rate it:

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qui ne demande rien n'a rienLose nothing for want of asking; If you do not ask, you will not get.Rate it:

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qui ne doit rien n'a rien à craindreOut of debt, out of danger.Rate it:

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qui porte épée porte paixOne sword keeps another in its scabbard; Si vis pacem, para bellum.Rate it:

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qui s'agite s'enrichitIf you wish to get rich, you must work (hustle); No pains, no gains.Rate it:

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qui se fait bête, le loup le mangeIf one is too confiding, one is imposed upon. Rate it:

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quiche-eaterIn computer programming circles, a person far removed from practice and concerned only with academic matters, unwilling to "get their hands dirty".Rate it:

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quick-fireHaving one thing coming rapidly after another.Rate it:

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quod googleWhich one should Google.Rate it:

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quod reliquum est vitaethe rest of one's life.Rate it:

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Rain CheckA ticket stub that allows an individual to attend an event on behalf of a canceled one; a paper piece that allows someone to buy a sold-out product at discounted or sale price later onRate it:

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rain checkIn social interactions, a polite way to turn down an invitation, with the implication one is simply postponing it and that another time would be acceptable.Rate it:

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rain chequeAny voucher or note issued by a store to allow a customer to get a special or sale price later if an item is out of stock.Rate it:

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