
Phrases related to: art form Page #12

Yee yee! We've found 772 phrases and idioms matching art form.

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proverbs go in pairsAlternative form of proverbs run in pairs.1932, Bertrand Russell, Rate it:

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proverbs often come in pairsAlternative form of proverbs run in pairs.Rate it:

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pub-crawlAlternative form of pub crawl.Rate it:

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pub-crawlAlternative form of pub crawlRate it:

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pucker upTo contract a facial feature so as to form wrinkles; used especially of the lips when whistling or kissingRate it:

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puis-jean interrogative form of je peuxRate it:

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pull one overAlternative form of put one overRate it:

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pull one's punchesAlternative form of pull punches.Rate it:

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pull the other legIn imperative/precative form, used to imply that the speaker does not accept or believe what another has just said.Rate it:

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pull the other oneAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:

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pull the other one, it's got brass bells onAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:

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put through the mangleAlternative form of put through the wringer.Rate it:

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quem deraAlternative form of quem me deraRate it:

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quench-coalAlternative form of quenchcoalRate it:

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qui est bien qu'il s'y tienneRest content where thou art; Better dry bread at home than roast meat abroad.Rate it:

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quid pro quo(law) A form of sexual discrimination where a person implicitly or explicitly offers something in exchange for sexual favours.Rate it:

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r. s. v. p.Alternative form of RSVPRate it:

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r.s.v.p.Alternative form of RSVPRate it:

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red as a beetrootAn expression used when someone's face turns a bright red colour, often through embarrassment. Also used in the comparative form: "Your face was redder than a beetroot".Rate it:

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rely uponAlternative form of rely onRate it:

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render unto CaesarTo give to one's state or government, especially in the form of a tax payment.Rate it:

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right back at youAlternative form of back at youRate it:

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rocking-horse shitAlternative form of rocking horse shit.Rate it:

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roll in one's graveAlternative form of turn in one's grave.Rate it:

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root aroundAlternative form of root about.Rate it:

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rub the fear of God intoAlternative form of put the fear of God into.Rate it:

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rub upAlternative form of rub-upRate it:

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rub up onTo rub one's body against another person as a form of sexual stimulation or flirting.Rate it:

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rubbish in, rubbish outAlternative form of garbage in, garbage out.Rate it:

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ruokAlternative form of RUOKRate it:

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Russian rouletteA deadly game in which a person loads a single bullet in the cylinder of a revolver, spins the cylinder so that the location of the bullet is unknown, points the weapon at his/her head, and pulls the trigger. In its most lethal form, played by multiple participants each of whom takes a turn until the weapon discharges.Rate it:

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s'il te plaitAlternative form of s'il te plaîtRate it:

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s'il vous plaitAlternative form of s'il vous plaîtRate it:

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same oldAlternative form of same old same oldRate it:

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sauce for the gooseA short form of what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the ganderRate it:

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say whenAn imperative form used to request that the interlocutor indicate when one should stop doing something, esp. pouring a drink, because one has reached a sufficient amount.Rate it:

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screamA form of singing associated with the metal and screamo styles of music. It is a loud, rough, distorted version of the voice; rather than the normal voice of the singer.Rate it:

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serpentineHaving the shape or form of a snake.Rate it:

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shome mishtake shurelyAlternative form of shurely shome mishtakeRate it:

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should've would've could'veAlternative form of could have, would have, should haveRate it:

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shoulda, coulda, wouldaAlternative form of woulda, coulda, shouldaRate it:

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shoulda, woulda, couldaAlternative form of woulda, coulda, shouldaRate it:

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shroudOne of the two annular plates at the periphery of a water wheel, which form the sides of the buckets; a shroud plate.Rate it:

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shut itAlternative form of shut upRate it:

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shut outAlternative form of shutoutRate it:

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sidepiecesexDescribes extra-marital or extra-relational physically intimate interaction with one other than one's spouse or longterm partner, with whom one also has some form of established relationship; term, song, and hastag by American Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe one of the acts in which her abusive ex-fiance may have been engaged, while absent from the home daily for 15 hours.Rate it:

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silent treatmentA form of social sanction that consists of ignoring a particular individual, neither speaking to that person nor responding to his or her words.Rate it:

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sit inform of protestRate it:

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skimp and saveAlternative form of scrimp and save.Rate it:

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sleeping at the switchVariant form of asleep at the switch.Rate it:

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