
Phrases related to: change his ways Page #12

Yee yee! We've found 772 phrases and idioms matching change his ways.

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it is what it isAnother way to say you cannot change what is apparent, but accept it.Rate it:

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it's a game-changerA crucial change in the state of affairs.Rate it:

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iter flectere, convertere, avertereto deviate, change the direction.Rate it:

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j'ai ses enfants sur les brasI have his children on my hands.Rate it:

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j'aurai raison de son entêtementI will master his obstinacy.Rate it:

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je l'ai envoyé paître (fam.)I sent him about his business.Rate it:

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je l'ai envoyé promener (or, fam., paître)I sent him about his business.Rate it:

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je l'ai envoyé promener (or, paître)I sent him about his business.Rate it:

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je l'ai mis hors d'état de vous nuireI have put it out of his power to harm you.Rate it:

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je le lui dirai à sa barbeI will say it to his face.Rate it:

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je le mettrai au pasI will put him on his good behaviour.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sa besogne toute mâchéeI gave him his work all ready cut out; I made his work as easy as possible for him.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sur les doigtsI rapped his knuckles (lit. and fig.).Rate it:

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je lui ai mis la puce à l'oreilleI made him feel uneasy (by rousing his suspicions, etc.); I sent him away with a flea in his ear.Rate it:

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je lui ai rivé son clou (pop.)I shut his mouth; That was a poser for him.Rate it:

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je lui donnerai du fil à retordreI will cut out his work for him; I will give him a deal of trouble.Rate it:

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je lui frotterai les oreillesI will twist his tail for him.Rate it:

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je n'ai pas foi dans son baumeI have no faith in his plan.Rate it:

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jump the fenceTo change from first approach, approach from a different direction, suggest a completely foreign idea.Rate it:

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king of the castleA children's game in which one player is located on something elevated and other players attempt to take his or her place.Rate it:

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king of the hillA child's game in which one player stands on top of a hill or other location atop an incline, and attempts to repel other players whose goal is to capture his position.Rate it:

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king of the hillA person who has achieved a measure of success and is considered to be a leader in his field.Rate it:

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kitchen table softwareEspecially in the early years of personal computers, a set of computer programs developed by an entrepreneurial advanced amateur or self-employed professional computer programmer in his or her own home; software developed by a small business using the services of such programmers.Rate it:

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knowledge is powerWith knowledge and/or education, one's potential or ability to succeed in the pursuit of his objectives will certainly increase.Rate it:

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L-bomban expression of love, usually one that provokes a significant change in a relationshipRate it:

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Lame DuckAbout to retire, in the last days of his or her jobRate it:

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lapsed academicA person formerly employed as a professor or researcher in a university or other institution of higher education, especially one who no longer attempts to remain current in his or her former academic field.Rate it:

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laudem afferreto confer distinction on a person; to redound to his credit.Rate it:

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le diable chante la grand'messeHe hides his vices under the cloak of religion.Rate it:

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le fils fait affront à sa familleThe son is a disgrace to his family.Rate it:

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le loup mourra en sa peauUn méchant ne change pas.Rate it:

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le roi convoqua le ban et l'arrière-banThe king assembled all his dependants.Rate it:

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le scélérat se brûla la cervelleThe scoundrel blew his brains out.Rate it:

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le voleur fuyait, mais nous étions à ses troussesThe thief made off, but we were at his heels.Rate it:

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lead outA race tactic, used to set up a rider for a sprint finish, in which one rider on a team will ride at a very high rate of speed with a teammate following directly behind in his slipstream thus enabling the following rider to gain speed without expending as much energy as he normally would. See drafting.Rate it:

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leave well enough aloneDo not interfere, change, disturb, get involved or try to make a situation better because you might make a situation worse; (also known as "let well enough alone" "leave well alone and "let well alone")Rate it:

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left turnAn unexpected change from the way things seemed to be going.Rate it:

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less is moreThat which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity.1855, Robert Browning, "Men and Women":Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.1954, "'Less Is More'," Time, 14 Jun.:The essence of Mies's architectural philosophy is in his famous and sometimes derided phrase, "Less is more." This means, he says, having "the greatest effect with the least means."2007, Gia Kourlas, "Dance Review: An Ordered World Defined With Soothing Spareness," New York Times, 3 Mar. (retrieved 22 Oct. 2008):The program, which features two premieresRate it:

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let's go brandonMade famous during the 2021 NASCAR Xfinity Series Race at the Talladega Speedway in Alabama, after Brandon Brown lands his first career win.Rate it:

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libera contumacia Socratis (Tusc. 1. 29. 71)the frank but defiant demeanour of Socrates (before his judges).Rate it:

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lick one's woundsHe's just off licking his wounds. He'll be back to try again.Rate it:

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link whoreSomeone who goes to great lengths to get other people to link to his/her website or blog.Rate it:

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loco movere, depellere, deicere hostem (B. G. 7. 51)to drive the enemy from his position.Rate it:

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lone gunmanAn individual person who acts on his or her own initiative, without partners, especially one who has sole responsibility for doing something questionable, confidential, or iniquitous.Rate it:

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loose cannonAn uncontrolled or unpredictable person who causes damage to his own friends, faction, political party, etc.Rate it:

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Loose CannonWho easily loses his or her temper and gets out of controlRate it:

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Lord's SupperThe Last Supper at Passover of Jesus with his disciples.Rate it:

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love childA child born to a married man to someone not his wife.Rate it:

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luminibus alicuius obstruere, officereto obstruct a person's view, shut out his light by building.Rate it:

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luminibus orbare aliquemto deprive a person of his eyes.Rate it:

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