
Phrases related to: take money unlawfully Page #12

Yee yee! We've found 1,074 phrases and idioms matching take money unlawfully.

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c'est à prendre ou à laisserYou must take it or leave it; It’s a case of Hobson’s choice.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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call rollTo make a roll call; to take attendance.Rate it:

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call someone's bluffTo take action on the basis that another person is bluffing.Rate it:

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Call the ShotsTo take charge, to order, to make the decisionsRate it:

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call the tunetake control of something.Rate it:

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capere aliquem vivumto take a person alive.Rate it:

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carry onTo take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it.Rate it:

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carry the canTo take responsibility, especially in a challenging situation.Rate it:

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cart awayTo take something away in order to dispose of it; to remove a large volume of materials.Rate it:

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cash on the barrelheadMoney in the form of paper currency or coins, paid immediately at the time and place of a transaction.Rate it:

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cash outTo retire; to exchange gambling chips for money when finished gambling.Rate it:

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cash upto count the money taken by a business at the end of the day.Rate it:

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cash upto earn moneyRate it:

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catch nappingTo surprise; to take advantage of the lack of watchfulness of.Rate it:

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catch someone nappingTo take advantage of someone's inattention.Rate it:

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caught with one's hand in the cookie jarObserved or apprehended while committing a theft, especially while embezzling money.Rate it:

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causam popularem suscipere or defendereto take up the cause of the people, democratic principles.Rate it:

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ce sont les paresseux qui font le plus de cheminLazy people take the most pains.Rate it:

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cela lui a coûté un argent fou (fam.)That cost him a heap of money.Rate it:

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chew the meat and spit out the bonesTo take in a great deal of information and selectively disregard some of it as invalid or inapplicableRate it:

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chicken feedA very small or insignificant quantity, especially of money.Rate it:

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Chicken FeedVery small amount of money that is not enough to manage a living or scarce piece of information or clueRate it:

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chip inTo put into the pot the amount of chips or money required to continue.Rate it:

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choked the gooseWaste the money on something uselessRate it:

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chump changeA sum of money considered to be insignificant.Rate it:

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cibum sumere, capereto take food.Rate it:

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clap onto temporarily add something to an existing part, especially to add an additional sail to take advantage of a fair windRate it:

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clean outTo empty completely; to remove all money or possessions from.Rate it:

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Clip Your WingsTo cut off luxuries and privileges or take away the power and authority enjoyed by someoneRate it:

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club togetherTo contribute money jointly with others.Rate it:

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cold hard cashMoney, regarded as an incentive that can override any doubts or ethical concerns.Rate it:

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com uma mão na frente e a outra atrásextremely poor; having no moneyRate it:

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come fromTo derive one's opinion or argument from; to take as a conceptual starting point.Rate it:

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come intoTo inherit (money).Rate it:

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come to gripsseize the day! grasp the meaning, act upon the challenge, address the issue, issue stringent directives, take command, show 'em who's boss!Rate it:

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companyAs he had worked for the CIA for over 30 years, he would soon take retirement from the company.Rate it:

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considere alicubi (Att. 5. 14. 1)to take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere.Rate it:

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consilia inter se communicareto take common counsel.Rate it:

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consistere in monteto take up one's position on a mountain.Rate it:

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cool itCalm down, relax, take a time out.Rate it:

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coûter les yeux de la têteTo cost a small fortune, a fearful lot of money.Rate it:

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cover one's assTo make preparations or take precautions to ensure that one is not blamed or punished for one's conduct.Rate it:

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cover someone's assTo make preparations or take precautions to ensure that a person is not blamed or punished for his or her conduct.Rate it:

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cross someone's palmTo give money to a person, especially as a bribe or as an inducement to perform a service.Rate it:

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cross the rubiconTo make an irreversible decision or to take an action with consequences.Rate it:

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cry all the way to the bankTo be happy due to the receipt of money, although expressing sorrow about the cause of such receipt.Rate it:

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cum aliquo facere (Sull. 13. 36)to take some one's side.Rate it:

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curae habere aliquidto have laid something to heart; to take an interest in a thing.Rate it:

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cut acrossTo take a shortcut over or through.Rate it:

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B old
C tall
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