
Phrases related to: that ship has sailed Page #12

Yee yee! We've found 782 phrases and idioms matching that ship has sailed.

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jumped-upthat has risen from a lowly station or an inferior position: often with implication of conceit or arroganceRate it:

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just a minuteStop; wait. Used to indicate that the speaker wishes the previous speaker or the proceedings to stop so that he or she can comment on what has been said or has happened so far.Rate it:

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keep telling yourself thatSaid to someone who has ill-conceived, false beliefs.Rate it:

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kick the tiresTo inspect something to ensure it meets expected standards or has favored characteristics, typically before committing to purchasing or otherwise selecting it.Rate it:

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killThe result of killing; that which has been killed.Rate it:

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king of the hillA person who has achieved a measure of success and is considered to be a leader in his field.Rate it:

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knock-on effectThe continued running of an engine after the ignition has been turned off; dieseling.Rate it:

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know what side of the bread your butter's onTo know who has the upper hand/power in a situation before you take on someone who can make your situation worseRate it:

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la fin justifie les moyensSuccess justifies the means by which it has been attained.Rate it:

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la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu'elle aNo man can give more than he has; A man cannot give what he has not got.Rate it:

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lady killeran individual who is very charming, attractive, and/or has an unusual level of success with womenRate it:

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laughing all the way to the bankA person who has achieved success on a monetary scale when others doubted him.Rate it:

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lay to restTo bury one who has died.Rate it:

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le ministre lui a accordé un débit de tabacThe minister has given him a license to sell tobacco.Rate it:

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le navire a péri corps et biensThe ship went down with all hands on board.Rate it:

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le régiment a donnéThe regiment has engaged.Rate it:

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leave it at thatTo agree that there has been enough discussion, study, etc. and that it is time to stop.Rate it:

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les Anglais débarquenta person is having or has just had her periodRate it:

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level upTo progress to the next level of player character stats and abilities. Often used in role-playing games when the character has aquired enough experience points.Rate it:

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liber deperditusa book which has been entirely lost sight of.Rate it:

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liber intercidit, periitthe book has been lost.Rate it:

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libido consēditthe storm of passion has abated.Rate it:

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life and soul of the partyA person who participates in entertainment events in a very enthusiastic manner and who has a leading role in inspiring others to join in the spirit of festivity.Rate it:

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life of the partyA person who participates in entertainment events in a very enthusiastic manner and who has a leading role in inspiring others to join in the spirit of festivity.Rate it:

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live the dreamTo experience the achievement of every success that one has aspired to achieve, especially from a career.Rate it:

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lone gunmanAn individual person who acts on his or her own initiative, without partners, especially one who has sole responsibility for doing something questionable, confidential, or iniquitous.Rate it:

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lone wolfAn independent person; someone who has an 'independent' streak.Rate it:

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long shotSomething unlikely; something that has little chance of happening or working. The term arose from the accuracy of early ship guns, which were effective only at close range and unlikely to hit the mark at any great distance.Rate it:

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loose cannonA cannon that breaks loose during battle or a storm and causes serious damage to the ship and its crew.Rate it:

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loose endThe end of a rope that has not been fastened.Rate it:

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magistratus vitio creatimagistrates elected irregularly (i.e. either when the auspices have been unfavourable or when some formality has been neglected).Rate it:

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maiden voyageThe first journey made by a ship or spacecraftRate it:

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make a moveTo initiate a conversation or perform an action intended to engage the willing attention of a person in whom one has a romantic or sexual interest.Rate it:

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make a virtue of necessityTo make the best of a difficult situation; to recast or portray an action or situation in which one has no alternatives as an action or situation which was deliberately chosen on its merits.Rate it:

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make one's bedTo make the bed in which one has slept.Rate it:

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marquer le pas(lit.) To mark time; (fig.) To wait for a post to which one has a right.Rate it:

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Mary Celestea ship found empty of all people, in good condition, seemingly abandoned on the high seasRate it:

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memesterAn ancient person with low knowledge. That has been infected with a racket.Rate it:

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memoria alicuius rei excidit, abiit, abolevitthe recollection of a thing has been entirely lost.Rate it:

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middle of the roadOf a type of melodic popular music that has wide appeal.Rate it:

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missing stairA member of a community who is widely but privately known within that community for abusiveness or other harmful behavior that has not been addressed.Rate it:

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mixed blessingSomething that has both good and bad features.Rate it:

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monsieur vit de ses rentesThe gentleman is independent (i.e. has an income of his own).Rate it:

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more holes than a swiss cheeseSomething that has a lot of faults and problems.Rate it:

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mors alicuius luctum mihi attulitsome one's death has plunged me in grief.Rate it:

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mover and shakerSomeone who has power and influence in some field or activity.Rate it:

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multa acerba expertus esthe has had many painful experiences.Rate it:

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natura in omnium animis notionem dei impressit (N. D. 1. 16. 43)Nature has implanted in all men the idea of a God.Rate it:

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navem, classem aedificare, facere, efficere, instituereto build a ship, a fleet.Rate it:

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navem, classem deprimere, mergereto sink a ship, a fleet.Rate it:

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That book was a real labour of _______ for her.
A memory
B hope
C love
D truth