
Phrases related to: each and every one Page #121

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sell oneself shortTo belittle oneself in judgment; to underestimate oneself and one's abilities.Rate it:

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sell outTo abandon one's supporters or principles to seek profit or other personal advantage.Rate it:

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sell the passTo betray one's comrades or countrymen; to betray a cause.Rate it:

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sell upTo sell one's business or other major assetRate it:

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sell-by dateUsed to indicate that something, or someone, is old and out of date.Rate it:

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semisses6 per cent (i.e. if for 100 denarii, asses, one pays half a denarius, half an as per month).Rate it:

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senatus decrevit (populusque iussit) utthe senate decreed (and the people ratified the decree) that...Rate it:

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send awayTo dismiss from one's presence.Rate it:

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send forTo order or summon to one's presence.Rate it:

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sententiam fronte celare, tegerenot to betray one's feelings by one's looks.Rate it:

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sententiam suam aperireto freely express one's opinions.Rate it:

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sententias (verbis) explicare, aperireto explain one's sentiments.Rate it:

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sermonem conferre, instituere, ordiri cum aliquoto enter into conversation with some one.Rate it:

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serve noticeTo fire; to terminate one's employment or formal association.Rate it:

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serve outTo pay back; to have one's revenge on.Rate it:

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serve upThis term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.Rate it:

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set a spellTo sit down for a period of time, especially in the company of other people and in order to relax or to engage in casual conversation.Rate it:

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set asideTo disagree with something and reject or overturn it.Rate it:

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set asideTo separate and reserve something for a specific purpose.Rate it:

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set offTo count an addition in one thing against a reduction in something else.Rate it:

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set the tableTo arrange plates, dishes, cups and utensils in preparation for a meal.Rate it:

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Set Your Teeth on EdgeTo cause irritation and displeasure to someone, to annoy someone by doing something frustratingRate it:

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Settle an Old ScoreTo take revenge for one’s wrong actions being done in the past, to get even with someoneRate it:

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settle downto get comfortable with one's new accommodation or circumstances.Rate it:

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settle downTo establish a settled lifestyle, and especially to marry.Rate it:

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settle upto pay what one owesRate it:

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seul à seulAlone with one other person, and no one else.Rate it:

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severitatem adhibereto show that one is serious.Rate it:

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severum imperium in suis exercere, tenere (De Sen. 11. 37)to be a strict disciplinarian in one's household.Rate it:

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sevocare mentem a sensibus (De Nat. D. 3. 8. 21)to free one's mind from the influences of the senses.Rate it:

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sexual enjoymentSexual intercourse that produces physical and psychological pleasure.Rate it:

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sexual relationBehaviour of a sexual nature between one or more individuals.Rate it:

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sexual tensionPhysically induced libidinal unrest arising between two individuals when aware of each other's presence.Rate it:

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shacked upSimple past tense and past participle of shack up.Rate it:

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shake outTo agitate a piece of cloth or other flexible material in order to remove dust, or to try to make it smooth and flat.Rate it:

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shaky timesThe expression reflects negative influences of many categories, including financing, government interference and changes in the firm's leadership.Rate it:

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shaky timesThe expression reflects negative influences of many categories, including financing, government interference and changes in a firm's leadership.Rate it:

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shanks' mareOne's own legs used for walking; to "travel by shanks' mare" or "ride on shanks' mare" is to walk to your destination.Rate it:

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shanks' nagTransportation by foot. To "take a shanks' nag" means using one's own legs to walk.Rate it:

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Shape Up or Ship OutTo improve and correct your behavior and performance or else get out or leaveRate it:

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shape up or ship outTo either improve one's behavior or else be required to leave; to either improve one's performance in an activity or else withdraw from that activity completely.Rate it:

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shark baitOne who has been or is likely to be attacked by a shark.Rate it:

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sharp cookieOne who is intelligent, bright, or sharp; especially, one who can identify attempts to deceive or mislead.Rate it:

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she came in from the cold with her bold, brazen, out-spoken, take on the world positive attitude.Speaking her mind, daring to take on/face challenges, speaking up and speaking out, not staying shut to anyone, ready/willing to face whatever life/anyone dishes out to her.Rate it:

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she could be his motherOne could be someone's parent, said of a woman older than a man.Rate it:

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shes a knockoutShe is pulchritudinous, and attractive, stunning, pretty, pleasant appearing, gorgeous, glamorous,Rate it:

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ship of foolsA ship full of dysfunctional fools all vying for the title of captain but none of them are suitable for the job and none can admit they are equally as bad/ill-suited for the job.Rate it:

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shipping them greenWhen a ship is heading into waves, its bow will sometimes plunge into the onrushing wave. At first, spray will break over the bow, but as the height of the waves increases, the bow will plunge deeper into the wave, and instead of spray, unbroken green water will pour onto the Fo'c'sle and decks. Hence the seafarer's expression "Shipping them green", implying worsening weather, or, by extension, a worsening and/or dangerous or unsatisfactory situation.Rate it:

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ships that pass in the nightTwo or more people who encounter one another in a transitory, incidental manner and whose relationship is without lasting significance; two or more people who almost encounter one another, but do not do so.Rate it:

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shipshapein good order, trim and neat, properly arranged, all correctRate it:

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A man is a _____ of the field.
A stronghold
B pillar
C plough
D tree