
Phrases related to: each and every one Page #125

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sow the wind, reap the whirlwindEvery decision has consequences; a person's actions will come back to him.Rate it:

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Sow your wild oatsTo do absurd and inappropriate things in one’s youth, to do silly things and activities when youngRate it:

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spaghetti westernNickname for a motion picture produced by an Italian-based company and filmed in Europe, depicting a tale of cowboys and desperadoes set in the American Old West.Rate it:

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spannerA hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts.Rate it:

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spannerA stupid or unintelligent person; one prone to making mistakes, especially in language.Rate it:

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spare no effortTo do everything within one's powers to achieve something.Rate it:

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spare tyreAn extra tyre carried in case one of the vehicle's tyres is damaged or deflated.Rate it:

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spare tyreA large stomach and rolls of fat around the waist.Rate it:

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spaz outTo lose one's physical or emotional control.Rate it:

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spazz outTo lose one's physical or emotional controlRate it:

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speak for oneselfTo provide an opinion only on one's own behalf.Rate it:

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speak someone's languageTo talk about concerns, feelings, ideas, etc. which someone understands well and can relate to intimately.Rate it:

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speak toAddress the Topic, List Salient Features, Point-Up the Pros And Cons, Designate The Budgetary Requirements,, Focus On This Aspect, Delineate Definite DangersRate it:

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speak volumesTo express more than one actually said.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who serves in a subordinate or menial role.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who plays a leading or substantial role as a supporter, proponent, etc. representing a group, cause, or point of view.Rate it:

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special deliveryA particular posted letter or package which is delivered in this manner; a particular act of conveying such letters or packages to one or more recipients.Rate it:

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special deliverySomething-whether desirable or undesirable-which is intentionally given to a specific individual or which an individual receives rapidly and unexpectedly; the personalized, direct quality of the transmission of such an item.Rate it:

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spell offIn a spelling bee, of two or more participants, to spell words one after the other until a champion is determined. Usually refers to a series of rounds of spelling in which no spellers are eliminated.Rate it:

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spem alicui facere, afferre, inicereto inspire any one with hope.Rate it:

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spem falsam alicui ostendereto rouse a vain, groundless hope in some one's mind.Rate it:

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spem habere in aliquoto set one's hope on some one.Rate it:

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spem proponere alicuito lead some one to expect...Rate it:

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spem suam ponere, collocare in aliquoto set one's hope on some one.Rate it:

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spin downTo reduce its spinning speed from that required for reading and writing.Rate it:

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spin upTo reach a sufficient spinning speed for reads and writes to take place.Rate it:

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spinae partiendi et definiendi (Tusc. 5. 8. 22)minute, captious subdivisions and definitions.Rate it:

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split the differenceIn a financial transaction, to settle on an amount midway between the offer and the asking price.Rate it:

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spoil somebody rottenTo overindulge someone, especially when it results in making them selfish and demanding.Rate it:

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spoilt for choiceHaving such a selection of good choices, that deciding which one to pick is difficult.Rate it:

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sponsionem facere, sponsorem esse pro aliquoto be security for some one.Rate it:

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spring feverA feeling of invigoration and restlessness associated with the arrival of the warm weather and renewal of nature in the spring season.Rate it:

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spring forward, fall backA mnemonic to advise how clocks are altered for Daylight Saving Time: time goes forward in the Spring, and back in FallRate it:

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sprung rhythmIn poetry, a sprung rhythm is a heavily accented verse rhythm with an irregular number of unstressed syllables in each unit of metre.Rate it:

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squaring the circleThe historical problem of how to construct, using compass and ruler, a square having the same area as a given circle.Rate it:

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squeeze outTo force a competitor out of one of a limited number of winning positions by taking over that position or a higher oneRate it:

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squig outTo weird out or disgust; to make feel uneasy and squeamish.Rate it:

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stack offTo play an all in pot; to commit all of one's chips to a pot.Rate it:

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stage-door JohnnyA man who is infatuated with one or more theatrical actresses and who routinely lingers in and around theatres in an effort to meet and form relationships with the female object(s) of his affection.Rate it:

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stage-door JohnnyA man who is infatuated with one or more theatrical actresses and who routinely lingers in and around theatres in an effort to meet and form relationships with the female object of his affection.Rate it:

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stake outTo watch a location and/or people, generally covertly.Rate it:

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stakes are highEstimated costs, investment, time, reputation, competition, government interest, patent rights of others, existing regulations and licensing factors.Rate it:

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stanStan must be one of the most famous Kpop slang. it is an acronym of stalker + fan and is self-explanatory. when kpoppers call themselves Stan, they mean to distinguish themselves from being just an ordinary fan.Rate it:

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stand behindTo support; express one's supportRate it:

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stand correctedSaid to acknowledge someone who corrects something that one says or writes that was not correct.Rate it:

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stand down!Stand-Down!', Stands4; Cease And Desist. Take No Further Action; Maintain Your Stance; Stand By, Await Orders;Rate it:

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stand outTo be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one's surroundings.Rate it:

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stand patTo play one's hand without drawing any more cards.Rate it:

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stand-up comicPerson who tells jokes and/or stories to an audienceRate it:

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star struckOne who adopts the dress, hairstyle, manner of speaking to the persona of a model or celebrity.Rate it:

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_________ is where the heart is.
A your child
B love
C home
D a soccer stadium