
Phrases related to: clap your hands Page #13

Yee yee! We've found 781 phrases and idioms matching clap your hands.

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kiss meI informally request that you kiss me—that you touch my lips with your lips or press the lips against, as an expression of love or affection.Rate it:

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know thyselfbe aware of your own strengths and limitations.Rate it:

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l'oisiveté est la mère de tous les vices“For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.”—Watts , Divine Songs, xx. Rate it:

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la nuit porte conseilTime will show a plan; Sleep upon it; Seek advice of your pillow.Rate it:

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lay a finger onIf you lay a finger on my little brother, I'll have your guts for garters.Rate it:

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le navire a péri corps et biensThe ship went down with all hands on board.Rate it:

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left fieldThe part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and to your left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher.Rate it:

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les oreilles ont dû vous corner (tinter)Your ears must have burned.Rate it:

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les voleurs firent main basse sur tous mes effetsThe thieves laid hands on all my things.Rate it:

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let the puppies breathetake your shoes off and let your feet (puppies) breatheRate it:

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librum in manus sumereto take up a book in one's hands.Rate it:

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life's a bitch and then you dieyour life had been a living hell from the start to your grave.Rate it:

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locked in loveSomeone is obsessed with you that they ruin your life.Rate it:

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magna est exspectatio ingenii tuiwe expect a great deal from a man of your calibre.Rate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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manus inicere, inferre, afferre alicuito lay violent hands on a person.Rate it:

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manus prensare (De Or. 1. 24. 112)to shake hands with voters in canvassing.Rate it:

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manus tollereto raise one's hands in astonishment.Rate it:

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manus, vim sibi afferreto lay hands on oneself.Rate it:

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mãos ao altohands up !Rate it:

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mãos ao arhands up !Rate it:

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mêlez-vous de vos affairesMind your own business.Rate it:

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ménagez un peu vos termesModerate your expressions a little; Be a little careful in what you say.Rate it:

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merci pour ton aidethanks for your helpRate it:

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merci pour votre aidethanks for your helpRate it:

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meritum alicuius in or erga aliquemwhat a man merits at another's hands.Rate it:

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mettez la main à l'œuvrePut your shoulder to the wheel.Rate it:

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mettez les points sur les iBe precise, clear (in speaking or writing); Cross your t’s and dot your i’s.Rate it:

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mind one's ps and qsTo be very careful to behave correctly; an alternate spelling of mind one's p's and q's; same as mind your mannersRate it:

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Miss the BoatTo blow your chance, slow to act, to miss out on the chanceRate it:

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monkey businessDo your homework and forget about all this monkey business.Rate it:

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mr. charlieYour boss man.Rate it:

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MYOBInitialism of mind your own business.Rate it:

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necesito su ayudaI need your helpRate it:

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necesito tu ayudaI need your helpRate it:

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nose bleed seatsVery high seats in a sports arena or stadium (known for making your nose bleed because of their elevation)Rate it:

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nuntia fratri tuo salutem verbis meis (Fam. 7. 14)remember me to your brother.Rate it:

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off the railsWhen you've lost it all, When your world and life is upside down!Rate it:

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omnium rerum arbitrium alicui permittereto put the matter entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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on all foursOn one's hands and knees.Rate it:

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or elseClean up your room, or else!.Rate it:

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où voulez-vous en venir?What are you driving at? What is your drift?Rate it:

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penny for themAlternative form of penny for your thoughtsRate it:

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pif that troon!Troon: A irritating, aggravating, rude entity, who's sole purpose is to irritate & harass, unsuspecting, innocent people. A purposeful frustrating annoyer. "Pif"{3-step}: A special forces teckneik. A sheath knive issued to silently eliminate a enemy sentinel. 1:Approaching the enemy silently from the rear, stricking the back of the knees, as to buckle them, while cupping the mouth & cutting the throat & jugular vien simotancely. 2:Next immediately using the hand holding your knife, you in a upward thrust pierce the base of the skull fully sinking the length of blade & twist or jiggle. 3: Imeadiatly removing and reversing the blade to a downward position raming it down the spinelcoard & repeat the twist or jiggle. Done correctly it should take 3 seconds or less, with no scream, twitching or jerking of the enemy guard, or solder. Plop, drop, done, done, on to the next one! " Troon Pifing". The prefured "Pif" Knife is a Double edged Military Commando style sheath knife. "Pif that Troon!"Rate it:

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pin cushionA small stitched cushion which your nan might store her pins in.Rate it:

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plaudere (not applaudere)to applaud, clap a person.Rate it:

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plausum dare (alicui)to applaud, clap a person.Rate it:

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pony up!Fulfill your promise, pay your dues, PITCH-IN, help-out, toss-in a few sheckels;Rate it:

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pop the questionAsk your fiance to marry; Present any query which may clarify or act as a hinge in critical development or arriving at final decisions!Rate it:

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prenez votre courage à deux mainsSummon up all your courage.Rate it:

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Nah don't pay any attention to them, they're only ________ tears.
A crocodile
B alligator
C fish
D fake