
Phrases related to: be at one's beck and call Page #132

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ulcisci aliquem pro aliquo or pro aliqua reto revenge oneself on another for a thing or on some one's behalf.Rate it:

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ulcisci aliquem, poenas expetere ab aliquoto revenge oneself on some one.Rate it:

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ultro citroqueon this side and on that; to and fro.Rate it:

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um por todos, todos por umone for all, all for oneRate it:

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un ange passeused to indicate that one has noticed a long silence, especially a pause in a conversationRate it:

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un clou chasse l'autreOne idea drives away another.Rate it:

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un de perdu, deux de retrouvésWhen one door shuts, another opens.Rate it:

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un serrement de cœurA sinking at the heart; A feeling of oppression and sadness.Rate it:

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un tour de faveurPermission to go (or, do anything) before one’s turn.Rate it:

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un vieux de la vieilleA veteran of the old Imperial Guard; One of the old brigade.Rate it:

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unbuckle your belt(or loosen your belt)To lessen the strain on one's abdomen: in preparation for a large meal, or with the intention to continue eating even after having a "full" belly.Rate it:

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und was nicht allesand whatnotRate it:

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under constructionA building or road may be being built or repaired and labeled as “under construction”Rate it:

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under erasureOf a bit of text, written and strickenthrough; hence, figuratively in some sense both present and absent.Rate it:

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under someone's nosedirectly in front of one; clearly visibleRate it:

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under the carpetSuch as to be hidden from plain view (and thus easily ignored or overlooked).Rate it:

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underwater basket weavingAn easy and useless college or high school class.Rate it:

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une face de carêmeA sad, pale, woe-begone face (like that of one who has fasted all Lent).Rate it:

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une fois n'est pas coutumeIt is only this once; One swallow does not make a summer; Once does not count.Rate it:

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une fois pour toutesonce and for allRate it:

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une partie carréeA party composed of two ladies and two gentlemen.Rate it:

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une porte mal graissée chanteOne must pay well to keep persons quiet.Rate it:

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uno ab alto"One over all"Rate it:

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uno ab altofrom one heightRate it:

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unspoken wordA great and viable factor, a venerable background, solid financial condition. Long and successful business history.Rate it:

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until hell freezes overForever; One will never in their life get the results that they want, no matter what they're doing involving the situation.Rate it:

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unus et alter diesone or two days.Rate it:

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unus mihi restat scrupulus (Ter. Andr. 5. 4. 37) (cf. too religio, sect. XI. 2)one thing still makes me hesitate.Rate it:

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up a stormIn a remarkable and exciting manner.Rate it:

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up someone's streetperfectly suitable to someone; matching someone's interests and abilities.Rate it:

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up the ying yangFar more than one needs.Rate it:

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up with the chickensAwake and out of bed early in the morning.Rate it:

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up with the larkAwake and out of bed early in the morning.Rate it:

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urban fabricThe physical aspect of urbanism, emphasizing building types, thoroughfares, open space, frontages, and streetscapes; while excluding without prejudice to this useful term, environmental, functional, economic and sociocultural aspects.Rate it:

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use it or lose itProperty and privileges will be lost if they are not utilized.Rate it:

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use it or lose itHuman abilities require repetitive usage or practice lest one become, rusty. out of tune, uncoordinated:Rate it:

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use your noodleUse your brains and work it out yourselfRate it:

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uti aliquo (familiariter)to be on intimate terms with some one.Rate it:

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uti aliquo amicoto be friendly with any one.Rate it:

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valetudini consulere, operam dareto take care of one's health.Rate it:

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valley of the shadow of deathValleys on earth one must walk through, that is, part of the human experience.Rate it:

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vectigalia, tributa alicui imponereto impose tribute on some one.Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vela armamentaquesails and rigging.Rate it:

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velle aliquem (Plaut. Capt. 5. 2. 24)to wish to speak to some one.Rate it:

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vendre en gros et en détailTo sell wholesale and retail.Rate it:

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venire contra factum propriumNo one may set himself in contradiction to his own previous conduct.Rate it:

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ventis reflantibus (Tusc. 1. 49)with the wind against one.Rate it:

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ventre affamé prend tout en gré“They that have no other meat, Bread and butter are glad to eat.”Rate it:

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ventri deditum esseto be the slave of one's appetite.Rate it:

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She looked like a _________ in headlights.
A duck
B horse
C deer
D chicken