
Phrases related to: all hands on deck Page #14

Yee yee! We've found 962 phrases and idioms matching all hands on deck.

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il dépensa toute sa semaineHe spent all his week’s wages (or, pocket-money).Rate it:

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il est perdu sans retourHe is past all hope.Rate it:

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il fait honneur à ses affaires (comm.)He meets all his engagements.Rate it:

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il faut placer le clocher au milieu du villageWhat is meant for the benefit of all should be within reach of all.Rate it:

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il gagna mille francs tout d'un coupHe won £40 at one shot, all at once, at one “go.”Rate it:

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il marche à quatre pattesHe walks on all-fours.Rate it:

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il n'a pas fait une panse d'a aujourd'huiHe has not done a stroke all day.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de quoidon't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcomeRate it:

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il n'y a rien à redire à celaThere is no fault to be found with that; That is quite all right.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas dire vos affaires au tiers et au quartYou must not tell your business to all the world, to everybody.Rate it:

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il ne manquait plus que cela!That crowns all! That is the last straw!Rate it:

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il prêche dans le désert(lit.) He preaches to empty benches; (fig.) All his talking will not convince any one.Rate it:

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il resto del carlinoAll that is implied but not spoken aboutRate it:

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il s'est battu les flancs pour rienHe gave himself all that trouble for nothing.Rate it:

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il sait le fin mot de tout celaHe understands the upshot of all this.Rate it:

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il sortirent tambour battant, mèche alluméeThey went out with all the honours of war.Rate it:

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il tomba les quatre fers en l'air(lit.) He fell on his back; (fig.) He was struck all of a heap.Rate it:

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il y a fagots et fagotsThere are men and men; All men are not alike.Rate it:

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ils laissèrent tout à la débandadeThey left all at sixes and sevens, in confusion.Rate it:

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in alicuius manus incidereto fall unexpectedly into some one's hands.Rate it:

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in alicuius manus venire, pervenireto come into some one's hands.Rate it:

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in any way, shape, or formIn any way at all; whatsoever.Rate it:

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in chorusin unison, all together (at the same time)Rate it:

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in ea re omnia vertunturall depends on this; this is the decisive point.Rate it:

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in manibus habere aliquid (also metaphorically)to have something in one's hands, on hand.Rate it:

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in manus(m) sumere aliquidto take something into one's hands.Rate it:

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in no way, shape, or formNot in any way at all; not at all, nohow.Rate it:

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in nothing flatA very short amount of time; no time at all.Rate it:

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in omnes partes aciem (oculorum) intendereto gaze intently all around.Rate it:

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in the final analysisAll things considered; when all is said and done; in conclusion, basically and fundamentally.Rate it:

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in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingAmong others with a disadvantage or disability, the one with the mildest disadvantage or disability is regarded as the greatest.Even someone without much talent or ability is considered special by those with no talent or ability at all.Rate it:

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In the Lap of LuxuryTo enjoy lavishness of wealth and comfort, getting all which money can buyRate it:

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in the leastat all, in any wayRate it:

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intercludere, prohibere hostes commeatuto cut off all supplies of the enemy.Rate it:

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iron stomachability to eat all kinds of things without ever feeling sickRate it:

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ius ac fas omne delereto trample all law under foot.Rate it:

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j'ai fait cela en pure perteWhat I have done is completely useless; All I have done is to no purpose.Rate it:

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j'ai passé une nuit blancheI have not slept a wink all night.Rate it:

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j'ai ses enfants sur les brasI have his children on my hands.Rate it:

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je l'ai battu à tour de bras (or, à bras raccourci)I beat him with all my might.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sa besogne toute mâchéeI gave him his work all ready cut out; I made his work as easy as possible for him.Rate it:

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je m'y connaisI understand all about it; I am an authority on it.Rate it:

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je n'ai fait qu'un sommeI never woke all night.Rate it:

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je n'y vois goutteI cannot see at all.Rate it:

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je ne laisse pas d'être inquietIn spite of all that, I am anxious.Rate it:

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je ne le connais ni de près ni de loinI do not know him at all.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas à la noceI am not enjoying myself at all.Rate it:

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je suis bien revenu sur le compte de votre frèreI have lost all the illusions I had of your brother.Rate it:

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je vous donne beau jeu(lit.) I give you good cards; (fig.) I give you a good opportunity; I play into your hands.Rate it:

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jeter son bonnet par dessus les moulins (of women)To throw off all restraint; Not to care a straw for what people may think of your bad conduct.Rate it:

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_________ is where the heart is.
A home
B a soccer stadium
C love
D your child