
Phrases related to: change his ways Page #14

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play the anglesTo seek ways to advance one's self-interest, especially by making choices in a calculating or crafty manner; to scheme.Rate it:

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plumber's crackAny male that has his pants sliding down his butt and the top of his "cheeks" are showing.Rate it:

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plumer la poule sans la faire crierTo fleece a person adroitly, without his perceiving it.Rate it:

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plus (literally) The more it changes, the more it's the same thing (sometimes loosely translated as the more things change, the more they stay the same).Although the outward appearance may change, fundamentals are constant.Rate it:

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Point of No ReturnCertain time or position after which it is impossible to retreat, change course or do somethingRate it:

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pour comble de malheur, il tomba maladeTo crown his misfortune, he fell ill.Rate it:

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pour surcroît (or, comble) de malheur il tomba maladeTo crown his misfortunes he fell ill.Rate it:

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pour un point (or, faute d'un point) martin perdit son âneFor want of a nail the shoe was lost (or, the miller lost his mare); Be careful of trifles.Rate it:

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PTALAcronym of please take another look; please review and comment at the proposed change to software source code.Rate it:

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put backTo change the time in a time zone to an earlier time.Rate it:

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put it thereafter a discussion of barter etc the 'seller' offers his hand to shake on the deal (particularly in the US)Rate it:

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put someone in their placeTo remind someone of his position.Rate it:

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put the cat among the pigeonsProfessor Stephen Hawking put the cat among the pigeons last week with his cheery remarks about comet Machholz-2, which some astronomers believe could be heading our way. — The Times, 19 September 1994.Rate it:

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put the clock forwardTo change the time in a time zone to a later time.Rate it:

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qu'il vienne, il trouvera à qui parlerLet him come, he will find his match.Rate it:

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quand on est bien, on ne s'y peut tenirThe love of change makes us give up even a comfortable position.Rate it:

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qui a bu n'a point de secretsWhen wine sinks, words swim; In vino veritas; Drink washes off the daub, and discovers the man; What the sober man has in his heart, the drunkard has on his lips.Rate it:

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qui compte sans son hôte compte deux foisHe who reckons without his host must reckon again; Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Rate it:

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qui coupe son nez dégarnit son visageIt is an ill bird that fouls its own nest; He who cuts off his nose spites his own face.Rate it:

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qui sert à l'autel doit vivre de l'autelEvery man must live by his profession.Rate it:

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qui veut voyager loin ménage sa montureWho wishes to go far spares his horse; He who wishes to live long avoids excess.Rate it:

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rabattre le caquet à quelqu'un (pop.)To take a person down a peg; To stop his jaw; To cut his cackle.Rate it:

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rationem belli gerendi mutare (Liv. 32. 31)to change one's tactics.Rate it:

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read like a bookTo be able to discern someone's thoughts from his or her body language or other behavior.Rate it:

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regem restituereto restore a king to his throne (not in solium).Rate it:

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religion is like a nail, the deeper you hammer it, the deeper it goes.Addresses the folly of religous intolerance. Criticizing a person's beliefs is more likely to deepen their convictions rather than convince them to change.Rate it:

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renovate your lifeA chiding, an expression relative to fostering change, institute a renaissance in one's life.Rate it:

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risk one's life and limbTo do something dangerous that will risk someone's existence together with his or her body facultiesRate it:

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road to damascusA road to Damascus moment, or change, is an important point in someone's life where a great change, or reversal, of ideas or beliefs occurs.Rate it:

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rob the cradleTo use a young person for a purpose inappropriate to his or her age.Rate it:

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Rolling Stone Gathers No MossSomeone who’s always trying to move on or someone who frequently changes his jobs wouldn’t be able to keep a lot for himRate it:

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round offTo change a number into an approximation having fewer significant digits.Rate it:

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row backTo slightly change a previous opinion about something, or what was said.Rate it:

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Russian rouletteA deadly game in which a person loads a single bullet in the cylinder of a revolver, spins the cylinder so that the location of the bullet is unknown, points the weapon at his/her head, and pulls the trigger. In its most lethal form, played by multiple participants each of whom takes a turn until the weapon discharges.Rate it:

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sa figure me revientI like his face.Rate it:

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sa montre est au mont de piétéHis watch is at the pawnbroker’s. Rate it:

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scale upTo change a process in order to allow for greater quantitiesRate it:

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screw-offSomeone who often fails to do his or her work; someone known to goof off.Rate it:

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scrupulum ex animo alicuius evellere (Rosc. Am. 2. 6)to relieve a man of his scruple.Rate it:

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se changer les idéesto start a new activity in order to change one's state of mind, to take a break from doing something boring or to escape from a displeasing situation.Rate it:

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securi percutere, ferire aliquemto execute a person, cut off his head.Rate it:

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sell a bargainA species of wit, much in vogue about the latter end of the reign of Queen Anne, and frequently alluded to by Dean Swift, who says the maids of honour often amused themselves with it. It consisted in the seller naming his or her hinder parts, in answer to the question, What? which the buyer was artfully led to ask. As a specimen, take the following instance: A lady would come into a room full of company, apparently frightened, crying out "It is white, and follows me!" As soon as someone responded "What?" she sold him the bargain, by saying "Mine arse".Rate it:

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send someone to the showersTo remove a player from a particular team competition before the conclusion of the event, especially because that player's contribution on this occasion has been below his or her expected level of performance.Rate it:

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sepulcro (Dat.) or in sepulcro hoc inscriptum estthis is the inscription on his tomb...Rate it:

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ses collègues opinent du bonnetHis colleagues agree with what he says (without speaking). Rate it:

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ses louanges ne laissent pas que de me faire plaisirI cannot help feeling pleased at his kind words.Rate it:

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ses ouvrages en font foiHis works prove it.Rate it:

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ses plaisanteries ne sont que des clichésHis jokes are stereotyped.Rate it:

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ses plaisanteries portent coupHis jokes hit the mark.Rate it:

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shift gearsTo change pace or mode of operation.Rate it:

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