
Phrases related to: clap your hands Page #15

Yee yee! We've found 781 phrases and idioms matching clap your hands.

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the grass is always greener on the other sideWhen one views other people's lives or situations as better than your own.Rate it:

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the world is not in need of opinions but prayers.The world is not in need of opinions but prayers. No opinion has changed the world so far, but a prayer can change everything, what is more powerful than praying to God? Don't argue with your enemies, don't argue with your friends, your children, your husband, your thoughts, your dreams, just pray.Rate it:

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there's no crying in baseballQuit complaining about it, go back and do your job.Rate it:

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think againReconsider your thoughts.Rate it:

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thinking out loudTo come up with an idea or solution in your head but not verbally talking about itRate it:

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thread the needleA game in which children stand in a row, joining hands, and in which the outer one, still holding his neighbour, runs between the others.Rate it:

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Throw in the TowelAdmitting your defeat; quit from something or giving upRate it:

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tibi plurimam salutemmy best wishes for your welfare.Rate it:

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tittle along sonnyI haven’t got time to listen to your nonsenseRate it:

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to know and not to do is not to knowWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "Your actions speak so loudly that your words I cannot hear"Rate it:

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tooth and nailTaking everything bodily you possibly could offer/ use to get the job or task done, usually referring to an tough battle ahead. Battle usually a physical fight, or harsh obstacles were to be meet with this plight, but you or many were going to give it your all.Rate it:

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totum se committere, tradere alicuito put oneself entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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tout par amour, rien par forceSweet words will succeed where mere strength will fail; You may row your heart out if wind and tide are against you.Rate it:

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travel awayto travel somewhere far way to a place beyond your imagination.Rate it:

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un peu d'aide fait grand bienMany hands make light work.Rate it:

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up topWhen someone says "up top" to you they are asking you to give them a high five--to tapthe palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "high five" or "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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up yoursA variant or synonym of shove it up your ass, an exclamation of extreme anger, disgust, dismissal; often accompanied by an obscene gesture.Rate it:

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va te faire foutrego get fucked!; go fuck yourself!; get your butt out of here!; fuck you!; fuck off!Rate it:

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victoriam exploratam dimittereto let a sure victory slip through one's hands.Rate it:

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voici votre argent, voyez si vous avez votre compteHere is your money, see if it is right.Rate it:

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votre enfant est gentil à croquerYour child is a charming little fellow.Rate it:

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votre montre avance de dix minutesYour watch is ten minutes fast.Rate it:

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votre rival vous coupera l'herbe sous le piedYour rival will cut you out, will take the wind out of your sails, will cut the ground from under your feet.Rate it:

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votre vin est trop catholiqueYour wine is too weak, (i.e. baptised with water).Rate it:

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vous avez la mainIt’s your turn to play (at cards).Rate it:

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vous avez la paroleIt is your turn to speak.Rate it:

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vous avez le déIt’s your turn to play (at dice).Rate it:

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vous êtes loin du compteYou are out in your reckoning.Rate it:

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vous êtes porté sur le contrôleYour name is placed on the roll.Rate it:

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vous l'avez voulu!It is your own fault; You would have it.Rate it:

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vous me cassez la tête avec votre bruitYou split my head with your noise.Rate it:

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vous ne voyez point votre chapeau? mais il vous crève les yeux!You do not see your hat? Why, it stares you in the face! (it’s just under your nose).Rate it:

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vous vous adressez mal; vous vous adressez bien (ironic.)You have come to the wrong person; You have mistaken your man.Rate it:

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vous vous y casserez le nez1. You will fall on your face. 2. You will knock up against something. 3. You will fail in that.Rate it:

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wash upTo wash one's hands and/or face, often around mealtimes.Rate it:

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what say you?What is your opinion?; How do you vote? (yea or nay)Rate it:

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what's it to youMind your own business; it's none of your business.Rate it:

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what's yer poisonEye dialect spelling of what's your poison.Rate it:

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Whos Youre Old Man?Common Question Addressed to Children Instead of; "Whom is Your Father, Daddy, or DAD"Rate it:

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wie heißen Siewhat is your nameRate it:

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wie heißt duwhat is your nameRate it:

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withused as a connective, to indicate that your with another person, or can be used to connect two wordsRate it:

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wring outTo squeeze a wet material, either by twisting with one's hands, or by passing it through a wringer, to remove the water.Rate it:

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YBYSAIAInitialism of you bet your sweet ass I am : a strong affirmative response.Rate it:

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YKINMKInitialism of your kink is not my kink : an acknowledgement that people have different sexual preferencesRate it:

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YMMVInitialism of your mileage may vary.Rate it:

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you and whose army%3fYou can't do all that on your own.Rate it:

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you can't walk on iceOne cannot except to go onto the battlefield, without all of your equipmentRate it:

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you don't know shit from shinola1. Like calling someone ignorant 2. Often said in reference to something specific, the person saying this phrase is expressing that they don't think the subject of their complaint knows what they are talking about, or doesn't know what they are doing or that they don't know anything at all 3. Same as the phrase: "You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground"Rate it:

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you got a bus to catch?What's your hurry? Why are you rushing me out of here?Usually said when someone feels they are being rushed out of a placeRate it:

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He fought tooth and __________ to get that job.
A nail
B hair
C gum
D fist