
Phrases related to: have seen better days Page #15

Yee yee! We've found 1,481 phrases and idioms matching have seen better days.

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ce qui est fait n'est pas à faireBetter to finish it now than to leave it.Rate it:

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ce scandale sera l'affaire de huit joursThat scandal will be a nine days’ wonder.Rate it:

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cela est à ma chargeI have to pay for it; That falls on me.Rate it:

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cela me tient au cœurI have set my heart upon it.Rate it:

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cela ne me dit rienThat has no effect upon me; I have no desire for it.Rate it:

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ces plantes sont montées en graineThose plants have run to seed.Rate it:

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cette maladie peut avoir des suitesThat illness may have serious consequences.Rate it:

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cette marchandise est d'une bonne défaiteThese goods have a quick sale.Rate it:

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ceux qui n'ont point d'affaires s'en fontThose who have no troubles invent them; Idle people make business for themselves.Rate it:

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chacun à son goûtUsed to acknowledge that different people have different tastes or preferences.Rate it:

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chacun le sien n'est pas tropLet each have his own, then all is fair.Rate it:

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chance vaut mieux que bien jouerLuck is better than wit or brains.Rate it:

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check your attitude (at the door)The speaker is warning the listener that their attitude may have adverse effects and advising that the listener change their attitude. Adding "at the door" at the end of this phrases means to leave your attitude outside/don't bring that attitude in hereRate it:

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chestnut(Often "old chestnut") A worn-out meme; a phrase, etc. so often repeated as to have grown tiresome.Rate it:

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Chew Your CudTo have a detailed analysis about anything or to think about something in a very deep mannerRate it:

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chip upTo cause something to have cracks or dents.Rate it:

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circles aroundFar faster or better than.Rate it:

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clean plate clubWhen you have finished eating and there is nothing left on your plate, we say you belong to the clean plate club.Rate it:

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clean upTo become clean, handsome, smart in appearance, e.g. for a special occasion, especially when it is out of character to be seen as such.Rate it:

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cling toTo have an intense emotional attachment to.Rate it:

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clown aboutto have fun in an irresponsible mannerRate it:

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clown aroundTo have fun in an irresponsible manner.Rate it:

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coals to newcastleA pointless venture, in the sense of sending something to a place where it's made, or where they already have an abundance.Rate it:

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come aloftTo mount sexually; also, to have an erection.Rate it:

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come fromTo have as one's birthplace or nationality.Rate it:

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come to griefTo have a disastrous outcome.Rate it:

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come to nothingTo fail completely; to have no result.Rate it:

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come to noughtTo fail completely; to have no resultRate it:

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come unstuckTo get into trouble, to have an accident or mishap, to go off the rails.Rate it:

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comprehensam quandam animo speciem (alicuius rei) habereto have formed an ideal notion of a thing.Rate it:

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confront one's demonsTo work through past experiences that have left emotional scars.Rate it:

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consist inTo have the thing mentioned as the only or most important part.Rate it:

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contrahere rem or negotium cum aliquo (Cluent. 14. 41)to have business relations with some one.Rate it:

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contre qui en avez-vous?Against whom have you a grudge?Rate it:

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cooler heads will prevailPeople who are calm and focused are the most likely to succeed or to have the greatest influence on events.Rate it:

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copiam quam potui persecutus sumI have exhausted all my material.Rate it:

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corner the marketTo have exclusive possession; to possess something to a high or excessive degree.Rate it:

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country girl (cowgirl)a girl who lives and/or is from a rural area, small town, farm and/or ranch (not a city environment.) She is usually seen wearing a cowgirl hat, cowgirl boots and often wears jeans and/or a shirt tied into a knot in the frontRate it:

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crab mentalityA way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs in which one tries to escape over the side, but is relentlessly pulled down by the others in the pot.Rate it:

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crack a fatTo have an erection.Rate it:

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crawl withTo include or be covered with swarms or large numbers of (something, especially insects or people); to have in great numbers or multitudes.Rate it:

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cross swordsTo quarrel or argue with someone; to have a dispute with someone.Rate it:

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cum imperio esse (cf. XVI. 3)to have unlimited power; to be invested with imperium.Rate it:

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cupiditate alicuius rei ardere, flagrareto have an ardent longing for a thing.Rate it:

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cupiditates deferbuerunt (Cael. 18. 43)the passions have cooled down.Rate it:

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curae habere aliquidto have laid something to heart; to take an interest in a thing.Rate it:

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curb appealThe visual attractiveness which a house, commercial establishment, or other real estate property has when initially seen by a prospective buyer or other person standing in front of the property "at the curb".Rate it:

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curb appealThe visual attractiveness of an automobile, as seen from street level.Rate it:

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cut both waysTo have both benefits and drawbacks.Rate it:

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danser devant le buffetTo have nothing to eat.Rate it:

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Where the _________ have you been?
A devil
B baggins
C angel
D beast