
Phrases related to: not late Page #15

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biduo seriustwo days late.Rate it:

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bitch outTo not do something out of fear; chicken out.Rate it:

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bite the big oneo break down; to be impossible to repair or not worth repairing.Rate it:

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Bite Your TongueTo hold ones words or to have control over what one is willing to say, to being ashamed of something that has been said or trying not to say itRate it:

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blast from the pastSomething or someone that a person has not seen for a long time and that which evokes nostalgic feelings.Rate it:

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Bleeding HeartA person who is extremely softhearted and feels sympathetic for other people, such a person might offer sympathy to those people, who do not even deserve itRate it:

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Blind as a BatNot able to see at all or get completely blindRate it:

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bloom is off the roseBusiness is not going well for a particular identified firm or industry, or the overall economy has taken a downturn.Rate it:

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blue-sky thinkingThinking that is not grounded or in touch in the realities of the present.Rate it:

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BNIInitialism of batteries not included.Rate it:

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boiling frogWhen referring to a situation gradually becoming worse, without those involved realizing the peril affecting them until it's too late.Rate it:

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bon berger tond mais n'écorche pasWe may use but not abuse our subordinates.Rate it:

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bon gré, mal gréWhether you wish or not; Nolens volens; Willy-nilly.Rate it:

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bona indole (always in sing.) praeditum esseto be gifted, talented (not praeditum esse by itself).Rate it:

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boo booshort for Boo Boo Bear, cartoon character Yogi Bear's sidekick from the show Huckleberry Hound, 1958; this phrase is capitalized. It means something different when not capitalized; See also: boo booRate it:

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boots on the groundThe ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict, rather than troops not engaged or other military action such as air strikes.Rate it:

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Born YesterdayOne who is immature and not experienced, one who does not know a lot of tricks or statements that people use to fool othersRate it:

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borrowed timeA period of time whose precise duration is not known but which can be expected to be quite limited, and at the end of which one's situation, benefits, or opportunities will be entirely terminated.Rate it:

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bouche close (cousue)!Not a word, mind! “Mum’s the word.”Rate it:

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break the SabbathTo violate the holiness or sanctity of the Sabbath by not keeping it holy.Rate it:

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breviter, paucis explicare aliquidto explain a matter briefly, in a few words (not paucis verbis).Rate it:

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bridgeAn edge which, if removed, changes a connected graph to one that is not connected.Rate it:

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buck nakedCompletely naked; not wearing clothes; same as "butt naked"Rate it:

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bulk billTo invoice the government or insurer, and not the patient, for medical expenses incurred at a general practitioner or other medical service provider.Rate it:

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Bull in a China ShopAn awkward person who actually does not care about the delicate situation, a rough person who comes near the brittle things, an insensitive person who makes people angry with his/her deeds and words to create disturbance in their work or plansRate it:

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bun fightAn altercation, especially one which is chaotic, not terribly serious, or outright ridiculous.Rate it:

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bunged uppronounced with a hard "G" sound, not a "j" sound; injured, mangled; usually used to mean a bodily injury; often said by small children and often with the word "all" in front of the phraseRate it:

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burn offTo fill with programming not suitable for its original purpose.Rate it:

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Burn the Midnight OilTo work overnight, work or study till late nightRate it:

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bury one's head in the sandTo deliberately ignore the reality of a situation; to pretend a problem does not exist.Rate it:

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busted flushA potential flush which ultimately was not filled.Rate it:

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busy workWork or activity performed with the intention or result of occupying time, and not necessarily to accomplish something productive; routine work of low priority undertaken for the sake of avoiding idleness.Rate it:

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but for the grace of GodWere it not for God's help, someone could have suffered that outcome.Rate it:

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butter cupA term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.Rate it:

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by no meansCertainly not; definitely not.Rate it:

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by no stretch of the imaginationNot by any means; in no sense.Rate it:

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by the wayIncidentally; a parenthetical statement not timely, central, or crucial to the topic at hand; foregone, passed by, something that has already happened.Rate it:

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c'est à n'y pas croireIt is not to be believed; It is so extraordinary (incredible, preposterous) that we can hardly believe it.Rate it:

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c'est de la moutarde après dînerIt comes too late to be of any use; It is a day after the fair.Rate it:

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c'est elle qui porte la culotteShe is mistress in this house (not her husband); The grey mare is the better horse.Rate it:

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c'est l'air qui fait la chansonWords depend much on the tone in which they are spoken; It is not so much what you say as the way in which you say it.Rate it:

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c'est là son moindre défautThat is not a great weakness of hers (or, his); That is the last thing you can reproach her (or, him) with.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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c'est un enfonceur de portes ouvertes1. He is a braggart. 2. He takes a deal of trouble to solve a difficulty which does not exist.Rate it:

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c'est un homme comme il n'y en a pointHe is a man who has not his match; There is no equal to him.Rate it:

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c'est un homme qui ne se laisse pas passer la plume par le becHe is a man not easily taken in.Rate it:

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c'est une bonne bête (or, la bête du bon dieu)He is a good-natured fellow (not over-clever).Rate it:

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c'est venu après coupIt came too late, after the event.Rate it:

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ça, ce n'est pas fortThat is very tame; There is not much in that.Rate it:

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cakewalkSomething that is easy or simple, or that does not present a great challenge.Rate it:

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