
Phrases related to: not to be sneezed at Page #15

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c'est l'air qui fait la chansonWords depend much on the tone in which they are spoken; It is not so much what you say as the way in which you say it.Rate it:

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c'est là son moindre défautThat is not a great weakness of hers (or, his); That is the last thing you can reproach her (or, him) with.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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c'est un enfonceur de portes ouvertes1. He is a braggart. 2. He takes a deal of trouble to solve a difficulty which does not exist.Rate it:

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c'est un homme comme il n'y en a pointHe is a man who has not his match; There is no equal to him.Rate it:

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c'est un homme qui ne se laisse pas passer la plume par le becHe is a man not easily taken in.Rate it:

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c'est une bonne bête (or, la bête du bon dieu)He is a good-natured fellow (not over-clever).Rate it:

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ça, ce n'est pas fortThat is very tame; There is not much in that.Rate it:

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cakewalkSomething that is easy or simple, or that does not present a great challenge.Rate it:

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can of wormsA troublesome situation; an issue whose resolution is difficult or contentious, but not necessarily complex.Rate it:

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case closedThe above is meant as final, not subject to amendation or variation.Rate it:

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cat got someone's tongueWhy are you not saying anything?.Rate it:

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Cat Got Your TongueTo not answer any query, to stop saying anything if one ask somethingRate it:

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catch a buzzTo become slightly inebriated, but not yet be drunk.Rate it:

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catch someone with one's hand in the cookie jarTo catch someone taking something that he or she is not entitled to.Rate it:

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caution - slippery when wetWarning, often in the form of a sign, that people should pay attention when walking on a wet and slippery ground not to fall down and get injured.Rate it:

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ce mot m'est échappéThat word escaped me inadvertently (i.e., I did not mean to say it).Rate it:

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ce n'est pas de mon ressortThat is not within my province, “not in my line.”Rate it:

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ce n'est pas mal, mais il y a encore quelque chose qui clocheIt is not bad, but there is still something wrong.Rate it:

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ce n'est pas pour vous que le four chauffeAll these preparations are not for you.Rate it:

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ce n'est pas tous les jours fête1. Christmas comes but once a year. 2. One cannot always have “a high old time,” but must work as well. 3. Life is not all beer and skittles.Rate it:

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ce qui est différé n'est pas perduAll is not lost that is delayed.Rate it:

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cease and desistTo stop and not resume an action.Rate it:

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cela laisse à désirerThere is room for improvement; It is not quite the thing.Rate it:

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cela n'est pas du jeu1. That is not fair, not cricket; You are not playing the game. 2. That was not agreed upon.Rate it:

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cela ne fait rienThat does not matter.Rate it:

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cela ne fera pas un pliThere will not be the slightest difficulty.Rate it:

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cela ne me regarde pasThat is not my business; That does not concern me.Rate it:

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cela ne se fait pasThat is not proper; That is not the correct thing.Rate it:

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cela ne vaut pas la peineIt is not worth the trouble; It is not worth while.Rate it:

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cela ne vaut pas les quatre fers d'un chienThat is not worth a rap, a fig (i.e., nothing, for a dog is not shod).Rate it:

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cela ne vaut pas un clou à souffletThat is not worth a straw (lit. a tin-tack).Rate it:

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cela rime comme hallebarde et miséricordeThat does not rhyme at all.Rate it:

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celui qui sème le vent récolte la tempêteHe who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind; Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.Rate it:

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cent ans de chagrin ne paient pas un sou de dettesWorrying will not pay your debts.Rate it:

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cet argument me ferma la boucheThat argument was a poser for me; I could not reply to that.Rate it:

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cet enfant a peu de moyensThat child is not clever.Rate it:

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cet homme casse les vitresThat man speaks out boldly, to bring matters to a crisis; That man does not pick and choose his words.Rate it:

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cet homme n'a pas son pendant (or, pareil)That man has not his match.Rate it:

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cet homme n'a pas un denier vaillantThat man is not worth a brass farthing.Rate it:

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cet homme n'est pas très honnête, tranchons le mot, c'est un coquinThat man is not very honourable, in plain English, he is a rascal. Rate it:

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cet individu n'a pas l'air catholiqueThat man does not look very trustworthy.Rate it:

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cet or n'est pas au titre légalThis gold is not up to the standard.Rate it:

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cette poutre porte à fauxThat beam does not rest properly on its support.Rate it:

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cette remarque a porté à fauxThat remark was not to the point, was not conclusive.Rate it:

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cheap as chipsVery cheap, not costing much.Rate it:

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cheaters never prosperOne does not gain from cheating.Rate it:

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Chicken FeedVery small amount of money that is not enough to manage a living or scarce piece of information or clueRate it:

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chopped liverA person or object which is not worthy of being noticed; someone or something insignificant.Rate it:

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ciel pommelé et femme fardée ne sont pas de longue duréeA mackerel sky, not long wet and not long dry.Rate it:

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