
Phrases related to: take money unlawfully Page #15

Yee yee! We've found 1,074 phrases and idioms matching take money unlawfully.

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how much does it costWhat is its price?, How much money do you want for it?Rate it:

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hum and hawProcrastinate and take a long time before doing something or taking a decision.Rate it:

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ignem concipere, comprehendereto take fire.Rate it:

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il a du pain sur la plancheHe has saved money; He has enough to live upon; He has put something by for a rainy day; There is plenty of work for him to do.Rate it:

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il a fait ses affaires dans les vinsHe made his money in the wine trade.Rate it:

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il a le caractère mal faitHe cannot take a joke.Rate it:

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il a placé son argent à fonds perduHe sank his money in an annuity.Rate it:

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il dépensa toute sa semaineHe spent all his week’s wages (or, pocket-money).Rate it:

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il doit au tiers et au quart (à jean et à paul)He owes money to everybody.Rate it:

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il doit plus d'argent qu'il n'est grosHe owes more money than he can pay.Rate it:

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il entend à demi motHe can take a hint.Rate it:

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il entend à demi-motHe can take a hint.Rate it:

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il faut prendre le bénéfice avec les chargesOne must take the rough with the smooth.Rate it:

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il jette son argent par les fenêtresHe plays ducks and drakes with his money.Rate it:

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il m'a mis le marché à la mainHe told me I could take it or leave it; He made me decide one way or the other.Rate it:

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il mange à plus d'un râtelierHe has more than one string to his bow; He gains money from different sources.Rate it:

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il n'a garde de venirHe will take care to keep away; There is no chance of his coming.Rate it:

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il n'est rien de tel que d'en avoirThere is nothing like money to make one respected.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de petites économiesA penny saved is a penny earned; Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.Rate it:

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il ne se laisse pas manger la laine sur le dosHe is not the man to let himself be made a fool of; He will not allow people to take the food out of his mouth; He will not tamely submit to any imposition.Rate it:

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il prête de l'argent à la petite semaineHe lends money for a short time at a high rate of interest.Rate it:

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il se trouve à court (d'argent)He is short of money.Rate it:

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imperium, regnum, tyrannidem occupareto take upon oneself absolute power.Rate it:

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in acesRight on the money. Exactly. Two thumbs up.Rate it:

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in bonam (malam) partem accipere aliquidto take a thing in good (bad) part.Rate it:

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in fidem recipere aliquem (B. G. 2. 15. 1)to take a person under one's protection.Rate it:

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in kindIn the form of goods and service rather than money.Rate it:

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in manus(m) sumere aliquidto take something into one's hands.Rate it:

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in meliorem spem, cogitationem aliquem inducere (Off. 2. 15. 53)to induce some one to take a brighter view of things.Rate it:

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in portum philosophiae confugereto take refuge in philosophy.Rate it:

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in possessionem alicuius rei invadereto take forcible possession of a thing.Rate it:

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in re publica or in rebus publicis versarito take part in politics.Rate it:

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in someone's pocketReceiving money from, and under the influence of, a person or group of people, with the expectation that a favour or advantage will be proffered in return.Rate it:

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in the canHaving been shot and stored in a film can, or at the equivalent stage for a digital take.Rate it:

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In the Lap of LuxuryTo enjoy lavishness of wealth and comfort, getting all which money can buyRate it:

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integros defatigatis summittereto send fresh troops to take the place of those wearied with fighting.Rate it:

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iter facere(1) to take a journey, (2) to make, lay down a road (rare).Rate it:

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iureiurando aliquem adigereto make some one take an oath.Rate it:

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j'ai de quoi payerI have enough money to pay.Rate it:

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j'en fais mon affaireI will take the responsibility of the matter; I will see to it; I will take it in hand.Rate it:

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j'en lèverais la mainI would swear to it; I would take my oath to it.Rate it:

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j'en mettrais la main au feuI would swear to it; I would stake my life on it; I would take my dying oath about it.Rate it:

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je la prendrai telle quelleI will take it just as it is.Rate it:

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je mets cela en ligne de compteI take that into account.Rate it:

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je n'ai pas d'argentI have no moneyRate it:

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je ne sais si je suis dedans ou dehorsI do not know which side to take; I do not know whether I have made a profit or not.Rate it:

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je suis à court d'argent (fam. à sec)I am short of money (fam. hard up, broke).Rate it:

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je vous en réponds!I will be bound it is; I should think so, indeed! You take my word for it.Rate it:

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join inTo participate, take part or get involved in something.Rate it:

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jump the gun!Take Premature Action:, Begin to run before the report of the starter's gun! Illegal actions:Rate it:

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What's good for the goose is good for the _____.
A duck
B gander
C gravy
D gaggle