
Phrases related to: two less lonely people in the world Page #16

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make roomTo rearrange or organize existing people, objects, furniture, belongings, etc., to create space for new objects.Rate it:

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mal d'autrui n'est que songeOther people’s woes do not affect us much.Rate it:

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manners maketh manA person may be judged according to his behaviour towards other peopleRate it:

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many hands make light workA large number of people co-operating can perform tasks easily.Rate it:

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married sectorAny of two or more flight sectors in an itinerary that can not be rebooked or changed separately from the other sectors, due to fare rules or market restrictions.Rate it:

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marry in haste, repent at leisureTwo things together too soon will lead to problems.Rate it:

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Mary Celestea ship found empty of all people, in good condition, seemingly abandoned on the high seasRate it:

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masters of spinPeople who put a different perspective on obvious things.Rate it:

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match made in heavenA marriage that is likely to be happy and successful because the two people are very compatible with each other.Rate it:

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match made in heavenA very successful combination of two people or things.Rate it:

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match made in hellA marriage that is likely to be unhappy or abusive and unsuccessful because the two people are very incompatible with each other.Rate it:

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match made in hellA very unsuccessful or conflicting combination of two people or things.Rate it:

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meat rackA place where people can meet looking for sexual partners.Rate it:

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meet and greetAn event where people can meet (especially, with famous people)Rate it:

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mesurer les autres à son auneTo measure other people’s peck by one’s own bushel.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA stalemate, or a confrontation between two or more sides that no side can win.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA near-collision between two trains, an averted cornfield meet.Rate it:

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monkey runA place where people congregate or promenade to find a boyfriend or girlfriend.Rate it:

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moral low groundA position or point of view which is unethical or less reputable, in comparison to others which are under consideration.Rate it:

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moving along at a snail's paceThe slow start of an agenda, the maintenance of a slothful effort, spending half a day to complete a two hour job.Rate it:

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multam irrogare alicui (Cic. Dom. 17. 45)to impose a fine (used of the prosecutor or the tribunus plebis proposing a fine to be ratified by the people).Rate it:

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multitudinem in agris collocareto settle a large number of people in a country.Rate it:

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multum communi hominum opinioni tribuereto be always considering what people think.Rate it:

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mundanus, mundi civis et incola (Tusc. 5. 37)a citizen of the world; cosmopolitan.Rate it:

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murderers’ rowAny particularly successful and powerful group of people (also commonly used to reference sports teams)Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

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name namesTo identify specific people, especially people involved in confidential activity, misdeeds, or crimes.Rate it:

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navigate the data deltaThis phrase is used in a business context to emphasize the importance of effectively managing and leveraging vast amounts of data in today's data-driven world. It suggests the need for businesses to skillfully navigate through the challenges and opportunities presented by the data landscape.Rate it:

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never the twain shall meetUsed to emphasize that two subjects are so different that they cannot coexist or agree with each other.Rate it:

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new townA town built to address housing shortages post World War II.Rate it:

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nickel and dimea verb; the process of trying to extract small amounts of money (i.e. from someone, from people)Rate it:

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nighthawkA New World nightjar.Rate it:

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no man is an islandAll people are connected to other people and dependent on other people.1623, John Donne, Rate it:

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no rest for the wicked(humorous) People who are wicked must work harder than normal people.Rate it:

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noblesse obligeThe honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank; in American English this often includes the expectation of benevolent actions such as helping those less fortunate.Rate it:

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not the brightest bulb in the chandelierThere are more intelligent (i.e. brighter) people in the room or in existence generally.Rate it:

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nothing succeeds like successPeople who are already successful tend to have additional successes.Rate it:

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nous sommes à deux de jeuWe are even; We are a match for each other; Two can play at that game.Rate it:

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of all the gin jointsan expression of astonishment (and possibly of good or bad luck) at a coincidence, especially of seeing someone somewhere unexpectedly; A shortened version of, "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."Rate it:

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of anIndicates a more or less habitual activity during the given part of the day.Rate it:

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off the gridNot connected to a publicly available communication system, such as the world-wide web or a mobile telephone network.Rate it:

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off the railsWhen you've lost it all, When your world and life is upside down!Rate it:

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oh, ye of little faithPointing out one's lack of faith; people sometimes leave the "O" or "Oh" out of the saying when they say itRate it:

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oil and waterTwo things which are incapable of mixing or coexisting harmoniously with each other.Rate it:

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old boy networkA presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism and usually at the exclusion of certain other people; often specifically at the exclusion of womenRate it:

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on ne peut contenter tout le monde et son pèreOne cannot satisfy everybody, all the world and his wife.Rate it:

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on ne peut être au four et au moulinOne cannot be in two places at the same time.Rate it:

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on the back burnerNot immediate; inactive; receiving less than full or regular attention.Rate it:

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on the horns of a dilemmaFacing a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives.Rate it:

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