
Phrases related to: monster you made Page #17

Yee yee! We've found 1,788 phrases and idioms matching monster you made.

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ah! le bon billet qu'a la châtrePromises are like pie-crust, made to be broken.Rate it:

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ah! vous m'en direz tant!1. Well, that alters the case! 2. Ah! now I understand, why did you not say so at first? 3. There’s no going against such a reason as that.Rate it:

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aí estáthere you have itRate it:

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ain tu?do you think so? are you in earnest?Rate it:

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AITYDInitialism of and I think you do.Rate it:

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Albatross Around Your NeckA person or a thing you feel like a burden and you always want to avoid and get rid of, something bad you did and want to avoid discussing or someone else recall it againRate it:

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aliquid (τι) dicis (opp. nihil dicis)there is something in what you say; you are more or less right.Rate it:

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all-conqueringthis is used when you are describing someone or something as better than anyone else. They are at the top level they can beRate it:

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allons donc!You are joking.Rate it:

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aluminum showerAn event at which people give household items made of aluminum to the war effort.Rate it:

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amo-teI love youRate it:

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an army marches on its stomachYou must eat properly if you want to perform tasks well.Rate it:

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another one in the rowBeing normal/like anybody else/ nothing special, you are another person in the row youre not extraordinary one way or anotherRate it:

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apprenti n'est pas maîtreOne must not expect from a beginner the talent of an old hand; You must spoil before you spin.Rate it:

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après la lettreLettered. "Épreuve, gravure après la lettre": a print made after the caption is addedRate it:

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après vousafter youRate it:

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aquí te pillo aquí te matowham, bam, thank you ma'am;Rate it:

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arbitratu, arbitrio tuojust as you wish.Rate it:

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ark at eeListen to you; listen to yourself; listen to it.Rate it:

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arrows in your quiverTo have more arrows in your quiver means you have other ideas, options, resources, alternative ways and/or strategies to accomplish a goalRate it:

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art collegeA place where you learn artRate it:

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art schoolPlace where you learn artRate it:

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as the case may beAs is appropriate to the circumstances; particularly where a choice must be made between two options.Rate it:

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as-tu besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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asfInitialism of age-sex-from : what is your age, what sex are you, and where are you from?Rate it:

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ashes to ashes, dust to dustyou are made of dust and return to ashes and dust after passing away.Rate it:

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Asia populi Romani facta estAsia was made subject to Rome.Rate it:

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assume the positionTo turn away, with your hands in a visible and unmovable position so that you can be searchedRate it:

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at a pinchBy the skin of one’s teeth; only just; Deo volente; perhaps; if you’re lucky..Rate it:

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até maissee you laterRate it:

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até mais versee you laterRate it:

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attendez-moi sous l'ormeYou may wait for me till doomsday.Rate it:

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attendez-vous-yYou may depend upon it; (or, ironic.) Don’t you wish you may get it!Rate it:

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attrape!1. Catch! 2. Take that! 3. It serves you right.Rate it:

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au temps!As you were! (military command).Rate it:

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autant prendre la lune avec les dentsYou might just as well try and scale the moon.Rate it:

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aux pauvres la besaceThe back is made for the burden.Rate it:

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avez-vous besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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avez-vous des frères et sœursdo you have any brothers or sisters?Rate it:

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awesome possumSomething you say in response to something.Rate it:

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AYTInitialism of are you there? : a telnet command sequence sent from client to server to verify that the connection is still active.Rate it:

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back at yaEye dialect spelling of back at you.Rate it:

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back in the knife drawer, Miss SharpSaid as a retort to somebody who has made a cutting remark.Rate it:

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backroom dealDeals that are made in secret, in a dishonest way (sometimes and probably originally literally behind closed doors and/or in some back room in private. See also, shady, back-alley deals (a similar expression meaning the same thing)Rate it:

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barrelA round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads. Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical container made of metal, usually called a drum.Rate it:

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basket caseOne made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic or stress.Rate it:

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bathtub ginGin or a similar alcoholic beverage which is of very poor quality, as if made by a homebrewer in a bathtub.Rate it:

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beg for mercyThis can be taken quite literally and simply means to plead for kindness - either to be spared or at least killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. Particularly when you are in a helpless position.Rate it:

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beg yourspardon; could you repeat that?Rate it:

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believe it or notAn expression made famous by Ripley in his news column featuring difficult to believe facts, events, situations, people, truisms.Rate it:

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Inch by inch anything's ______.
A possible
B a cinch
C easier
D faster