
Phrases related to: seventy-one Page #17

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unus de or e multisone of the crowd; a mere individual.Rate it:

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whore outTo prostitute, take advantage of, exploit, show off; to hire out or provide to others like a whore; to pimp, swap one's sex partner.Rate it:

(1.00 / 2 votes)
willing horseOne who readily performs hard work or who voluntarily tolerates an adverse situation.Rate it:

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yammer onTo talk continuously, especially with no-one paying attention.Rate it:

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you don't dip your pen in company inkOne should avoid romantic relationships in the workplace.Rate it:

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your plate is going to be in the mail boxDad to son....if you f*ck up one more time...then, Your plate is in the mail just got tossed out of your parents home !Rate it:

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#pitstoptoyourpurposeHashtag, phrase, ministry, movement by Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe how the storms of life are just a temporary stop en route to one's divine destiny; As creator of the phrase and hashtag, De Bouse is the first to use #pitstoptoyourpurpose on social media and online anywhere.Rate it:

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"no one leads you astray if you don't accept."LeadsRate it:

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'er indoorsone's wifeRate it:

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'tis an ill wind that blows no goodSimilar to "every cloud has a silver lining" or "one man's gain is another's loss". This expression appeared in John Heywood's 1546 proverb collection and remains so well known that it is often shortened. (}Rate it:

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(ad colloquium) admitti (B. C. 3. 57)to obtain an audience of some one.Rate it:

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(de or ex) provincia decedere or simply decedere (vid. sect. II. 4, note Cf. especially...)to leave a province (at the termination of one's term of office).Rate it:

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(de via) decedere alicuimake way for any one.Rate it:

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(de) sententia desistereto give up one's opinion.Rate it:

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(e) somno excitare, dormientem excitareto rouse, wake some one.Rate it:

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à beau jeu beau retourOne good turn deserves another.Rate it:

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a buon renderethank you very much; I owe you oneRate it:

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à chacun son compteTo give every one his due.Rate it:

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à cheval donné on ne regarde pas à la brideOne does not look a gift-horse in the mouth.Rate it:

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à cheval donné on ne regarde pas à la bride (or, à la dent)One does not look a gift-horse in the mouth.Rate it:

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a consilio deterreri aliqua reto be deterred from one's intention by something.Rate it:

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à cœur joieTo one’s heart’s content.Rate it:

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à dur âne dur aiguillonIn dealing with obstinate natures one must use severe measures.Rate it:

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a fila andaExpresses the notion that it is normal to move on from one relationship to the next. See also: serial monogamy.Rate it:

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a hundred and ten percentA level of effort exceeding one's sustained capacity, possibly risking injury.Rate it:

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à la mainin one's handRate it:

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a metu respirare (Cluent. 70. 200)to recover from one's fright.Rate it:

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a parentibus degenerareto degenerate (from one's ancestors).Rate it:

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à porte basse, passant courbéOne must bow to circumstances.Rate it:

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à quelque chose malheur est bonIt is an ill wind that blows no one any good.Rate it:

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a quick drop and a sudden stopA fall to one's death, especially by hanging.Rate it:

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a sententia sua discedereto give up one's opinion.Rate it:

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a tear jerkerA movie, book or story that is sad and causes one to cry.Rate it:

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a teneris unguiculis (ἐξ ἁπαλων ὀνύχων) (Fam. 1. 6. 2)from one's cradle, from one's earliest childhood.Rate it:

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ab aliquo servitutem or servitutis iugum depellereto deliver some one from slavery.Rate it:

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ab ineunte (prima) aetate (De Or. 1. 21. 97)from one's entry into civil life.Rate it:

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ab iniuria aliquem defendereto protect any one from wrong.Rate it:

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ab officio abduci, avocarito let oneself be perverted from one's duty.Rate it:

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ab officio discedereto neglect one's duty.Rate it:

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abdicare se magistratu (Div. 2. 35)to resign one's post (before the expiry of the term of office).Rate it:

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abicere, omittere timoremto banish one's fears.Rate it:

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abire magistratuto give up, lay down office (usually at the end of one's term of office).Rate it:

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abondance de biens ne nuit pasStore is no sore; One cannot have too much of a good thing.Rate it:

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above one's bendOut of one's control or power.Rate it:

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accordez-vous si votre affaire est bonne, si votre cause est mauvaise, plaidez. [j. b. rousseau , épigrammes, ii. 19]If you’ve a good case, try and compromise; If you’ve a bad one, take it into court.Rate it:

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accusare aliquem ambitus, de ambituto accuse some one of illegal canvassing.Rate it:

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accusare aliquem peculatus, pecuniae publicaeto accuse some one of malversation, embezzlement of public money.Rate it:

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accusare aliquem rei capitalis (rerum capitalium)to charge some one with a capital offence.Rate it:

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ace of spadesThe playing card belonging to the spades suit and featuring one pip.Rate it:

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acerbum dolorem alicui inurereto cause any one very acute pain.Rate it:

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A man is a _____ of the field.
A plough
B pillar
C stronghold
D tree