
Phrases related to: time-fall Page #18

Yee yee! We've found 954 phrases and idioms matching time-fall.

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suck faceTo kiss, especially deeply and for a prolonged time.Rate it:

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surf's upIt's time.Rate it:

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take a spillTo trip or fall.Rate it:

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take a tumbleTo fall in price or value.Rate it:

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take a tumbleTo fall off something, or down something.Rate it:

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take the fallTo assume blame for oneself.Rate it:

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tempore progredientein process of time.Rate it:

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tempus (spatium) deliberandi or ad deliberandum postulare, dare, sibi sumereto require, give, take time for deliberation.Rate it:

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tempus conferre ad aliquidto employ one's time in...Rate it:

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tempus consumere in aliqua reto pass one's time in doing something.Rate it:

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tempus ducereto spend time.Rate it:

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tempus habere alicui reito have time for a thing.Rate it:

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tempus maximum est, utit is high time that...Rate it:

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tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendumI have no time to do something.Rate it:

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tempus non amittere, perdereto lose no time.Rate it:

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tempus praeterit, transittime passes.Rate it:

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tempus terere, conterere (in) aliqua reto waste time on something.Rate it:

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tempus tribuere alicui reito devote time to anything.Rate it:

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tenir la dragée haute à quelqu'unTo make a person pay well (or, wait a long time) for what he desires.Rate it:

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the apple does not fall far from the treeA child grows up to be similar to its parents, both in behavior and in physical characteristics.Rate it:

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the apple doesn't fall far from the treeA child grows up to be very similar to its parents in the way they act and in their physical abilities.Rate it:

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the bigger they are, the harder they fallThe larger something is, the more disastrous and spectacular its downfallRate it:

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the enemy of my enemy is my friendAlthough I dislike and/or disagree with you, for the time being we should work together against a common threat.Rate it:

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the heart wants what the heart wantsthere is no explanation for what you fall in love withRate it:

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the night is youngIt's not very late and there's plenty of time.Rate it:

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the nut does not fall far from the tree!The human demeanor, conduct, mannerisms, appearances, tendencies, genes, in many instances often closely resemble those of the immediate forbears.Rate it:

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the party is overAn irresponsible or carefree period has ended; it is time to be serious or take responsibility.Rate it:

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the pinnacle of love, is seen in the mother's actions which are rarely self-realized.When one looks across humanity and the animal kingdom alike. One can see that the mother who gives birth, time and time again, will risk life and limb to secure their offspring.Rate it:

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the stroke of noon/midnightRarely hear it anymore. It is the moment of arrival at a time of the clockRate it:

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the wheel turnsTime moves forward; circumstances change; life continues.Rate it:

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then and thereRight at that moment in time.Rate it:

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they ranged from fuzz-cheeked boys to gray-haired, balding gansers...from "A Crown of Swords," book 7 in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series of novels (Tor books 1996). This quote is found on page 64.Rate it:

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think backTo think about a time or experience; to recall.Rate it:

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tick downTo count the time down to zero.Rate it:

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tick pastTo continue over time.Rate it:

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tickle the ivoriesI don't have as much time as I'd like, but I still enjoy tickling the ivories from time to time.Rate it:

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till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:

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timeserverA device, node or program that distributes the correct time to clients in a network.Rate it:

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tittle along sonnyI haven’t got time to listen to your nonsenseRate it:

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to be named laterUsed other than as an idiom. In an exchange, a unspecified example of a thing (in sports, usually a player), either not yet chosen or named publicly, at the time of a trade.Rate it:

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to dateUntil now; until the present time.Rate it:

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tomber dans l'oreille d'un sourdto fall on deaf earsRate it:

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tomber de fièvre en chaud malTo fall out of the frying-pan into the fire.Rate it:

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tomber de fièvre en chaud mal (or, de la poêle dans la braise, de charybde en scylla)To fall out of the frying-pan into the fire.Rate it:

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tomber de la poêle dans la braiseTo fall out of the frying-pan into the fire.Rate it:

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tomber sur le nezto fall flat on one's faceRate it:

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tool aroundTo spend one's time idly.Rate it:

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topple overTo fall over.Rate it:

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touch onTo come or go to for a short time.Rate it:

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toujours des perdrixThe best things pall in time.Rate it:

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A watched _____ never boils.
A kettle
B pan
C turkey
D pot