
Phrases related to: two less lonely people in the world Page #18

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pudgy elves may demand a snackA common mnemonic that is used to help people remember the order of operations when calculating mathematical equations (² x / + -), in the PEMDAS order: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, SubtractionRate it:

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pull in one's hornsTo become less impassioned, aggressive, or argumentative; to exercise restraint; to yield or capitulate.Rate it:

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pulling powerAbility to attract people.Rate it:

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push someone's buttonsTo do specific things to anger someone (less commonly, sexually arouse or otherwise elicit a strong reaction), especially intentionally or maliciously.Rate it:

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put a damper onTo stop people from enjoying an activity.Rate it:

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quality over quantityHaving the best or perceived best of something rather than a lot of cheap or less valuable versions.Rate it:

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queen elizabeth iiOnly two affectionate eyes of one woman, were able to make the entire planet go to tears - – Queen Elizabeth IIRate it:

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qui deux choses chasse, ni l'une ni l'autre ne prendBetween two stools one falls to the ground.Rate it:

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qui trop se hâte reste en cheminThe more haste, the less speed; Slow and sure wins the race. Rate it:

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Quiet as a MouseExtremely silent; non-talkative; silent or making very less soundRate it:

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quot homines tot sententiæThere are as many opinions as there are people who hold them.Rate it:

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RAInitialism of Restricted Area, an area that only authorized people can enter. See also Exclusion zone.Rate it:

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Rats Abandoning a Sinking ShipPeople who aren’t loyal to something, especially an enterprise and leave it before things get worseRate it:

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raucous caucus"Raucous caucus" is a playful and alliterative phrase often used to describe a noisy, energetic, or tumultuous gathering, especially in the context of political discussions or meetings. The term combines "raucous," meaning loud, disorderly, or boisterous, with "caucus," which refers to a group of people with shared political goals or opinions.Rate it:

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recent memoryWhat is commonly remembered by most people, especially in terms of recent historical developments.Rate it:

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reconciliare alicuius animum or simply aliquem alicuito reconcile two people; to be a mediator.Rate it:

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religione obstrictos habere multitudinis animos (Liv. 6. 1. 10)to have power over the people by trading on their religious scruples.Rate it:

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res externaethe world of sense, the visible world.Rate it:

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res quas oculis cernimusthe world of sense, the visible world.Rate it:

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res sensibus or oculis subiectae (De Fin. 5. 12. 36)the world of sense, the visible world.Rate it:

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ride herd onTo supervise a group of people, such as workers, and/or their actions, i.e. their work.Rate it:

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ride on a railTo be subjected to a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. The victim was then paraded around town or taken to the city limits and dumped by the roadside.Rate it:

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ring aroundTo call a number of people by phone, usually a circle of friends, to organise something.Rate it:

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robber baronIn Europe, an aristocrat who charged exorbitant fees or otherwise exacted money from people who journeyed across land or waterways which he controlled.Rate it:

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rouge le soir et blanc le matin, c'est la journée du pèlerinRed at night is the shepherd’s delight, Red in the morning, the shepherd’s warning. Evening red and morning gray Are two sure signs of a fine day.Rate it:

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roving eyeThe personal characteristic of taking amorous interest in people other than one's own spouse or regular romantic partner.Rate it:

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royal bumpsA ritual of two or more persons holding another person by the arms and legs, face up, while bumping them repeatedly on the floor. In modern times it is a lighthearted affair, generally performed only on a young person's birthday with the number of bumps corresponding to the person's age in years. Historically it was a hazing.Rate it:

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rumor, fama, sermo est or manatreport says; people say.Rate it:

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rumour has itpeople who gossip are saying that..., there is a rumor going around that...Rate it:

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run down the clockTo waste time at the end of a match such that it is terminated by running out of time, or during a match so a time penalty is made less severe.Rate it:

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run rings aroundTo demonstrate superiority, or greater skill than another person, team or group of people.Rate it:

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sacris adesseto be present at divine service (of the people).Rate it:

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satellite townA new town planned and built to serve a particular local industry, or as a dormitory or overspill for people who work in a nearby metropolis. Such satellite towns include Port Sunlight near Birkenhead (Cheshire, England), built to house workers at Lever Brothers soap factories.Rate it:

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scandal sheetA tabloid newspaper containing gossip and sensational news stories pertaining especially to well-known people.Rate it:

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screw youA less offensive version of fuck you.Rate it:

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scum of the earthAn unwanted individual, the worst type of person or people.Rate it:

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sell downTo become less by being sold.Rate it:

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senatus decrevit (populusque iussit) utthe senate decreed (and the people ratified the decree) that...Rate it:

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set a spellTo sit down for a period of time, especially in the company of other people and in order to relax or to engage in casual conversation.Rate it:

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set apartTo distinguish, make obvious the distinction between (two things) or of (something).Rate it:

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set upTo matchmake; to arrange a date between two people.Rate it:

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sexual minorityLGBT people; those outside of the mainstream of accepted sexual expression or orientation in a given cultureRate it:

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sexual tensionPhysically induced libidinal unrest arising between two individuals when aware of each other's presence.Rate it:

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ships that pass in the nightTwo or more people who encounter one another in a transitory, incidental manner and whose relationship is without lasting significance; two or more people who almost encounter one another, but do not do so.Rate it:

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shoot oneself in the footTo deliberately sabotage an activity in order to avoid obligation, though it causes personal suffering. Origins in first world war trench warfare.Rate it:

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short ofLess than.Rate it:

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shroudOne of the two annular plates at the periphery of a water wheel, which form the sides of the buckets; a shroud plate.Rate it:

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shy away from somethingTo avoid certain locations, events, people, foods, etc.Rate it:

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sic vita hominum estthat is the way of the world; such is life.Rate it:

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sick listA list of people who are illRate it:

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A hare
B horse
C cat
D rabbit