
Phrases related to: my car has broken down Page #19

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bitch goddessSomeone, specifically a woman, who has such success; a rich and/or famous woman.Rate it:

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bite the big oneo break down; to be impossible to repair or not worth repairing.Rate it:

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Bite Your TongueTo hold ones words or to have control over what one is willing to say, to being ashamed of something that has been said or trying not to say itRate it:

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blast from the pastSomething or someone that a person has not seen for a long time and that which evokes nostalgic feelings.Rate it:

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bless youSaid to someone who has just sneezed, as a polite remark.Rate it:

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bloom is off the roseThe person, object, or situation identified in the context has lost its novelty, freshness, appeal, or acceptability.Rate it:

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bloom is off the roseBusiness is not going well for a particular identified firm or industry, or the overall economy has taken a downturn.Rate it:

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blow meExpressing surprise; I'll be blowed; blow me down.Rate it:

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blow one's wadTo expend all of one's resources or efforts; to express all the arguments or ideas which one has.Rate it:

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blow someone's coverTo reveal that someone's behavior, situation, or identity has been fabricated or deliberately misrepresented for an ulterior motive.Rate it:

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blow someone's coverTo reveal that one has fabricated or deliberately misrepresented one's own behavior, situation, or identity for an ulterior motive.Rate it:

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bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture doréeA good name is better than riches; He who has lost his reputation is a dead man among the living.Rate it:

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boom goes the dynamiteIndicating that something spectacular has happened, particularly where a plan or an effort has successfully culminated.Rate it:

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bottom lineThe final balance; the amount of money or profit left after everything has been tallied.Rate it:

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bozo eruptionA remark-usually unscripted-by a politician or other public figure which is especially ill-considered and foolish, and which has negative repercussions for that individual and for his or her affiliated group.Rate it:

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brake pedalcar partRate it:

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branle-basThe taking down of hammocks in a shipRate it:

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bring one's arse to an anchorTo sit down.Rate it:

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busy little beaverSomeone who has completed or accomplished many tasks or works.Rate it:

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butter cupA term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.Rate it:

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buzz inTo open a remote-controlled door to allow to enter after he/she has sounded the door buzzer.Rate it:

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buzzkillperson or object that has a depressing or dispiriting effectRate it:

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by the wayIncidentally; a parenthetical statement not timely, central, or crucial to the topic at hand; foregone, passed by, something that has already happened.Rate it:

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c'est comme le couteau de jeannotThat is like the Irishman’s gun (said of anything that has been mended so often as to have nothing of the original left).Rate it:

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c'est un homme comme il n'y en a pointHe is a man who has not his match; There is no equal to him.Rate it:

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c'est un homme de têteHe has a head on his shoulders; He is a man of resource.Rate it:

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c'est un homme qui ne perd pas la carteHe is a man who keeps his wits about him, who has an eye to the main chance.Rate it:

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c'est un long jour qu'un jour sans pain’Tis a long lane that has no turning.Rate it:

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ça a sa petite volonté (fam.)It has a will of its own (in speaking of children, etc.).Rate it:

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ça, c'est de bonne guerreHe has only used fair means to defend himself (or, attack you); He has acted within his rights, you cannot complain.Rate it:

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call (someone) out (on something)to challenge or expose someone that has done or is doing the wrong thing or to say something they said or did isn't right or trueRate it:

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call it a nightTo cease what one has been doing for the night.Rate it:

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captain of industryA prominent business person who owns or is the highest-ranking executive of one or more major firms, especially one who has considerable wealth and influence.Rate it:

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casual expressiona word in the dictionary that has an alternate definition than the dictionary definition or a phrase that means something different than its words put together would literally mean when put togetherRate it:

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cat's pyjamasThat new car was really the cat's pyjamas.Rate it:

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catmeatSomeone who has been badly beaten.Rate it:

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cats have nine livesIt looked as though the car ran over the cat, yet the cat walked away as if nothing happened. Cats have nine lives.Rate it:

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caution - slippery when wetWarning, often in the form of a sign, that people should pay attention when walking on a wet and slippery ground not to fall down and get injured.Rate it:

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ce jeune homme ira loinThat young man will make his way in the world, has a future before him.Rate it:

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ce que vous dites n'a pas trait à la questionWhat you say has nothing to do with the question.Rate it:

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cela a fait son tempsThat has had its day.Rate it:

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cela fera parfaitement l'affaireThat will do capitally; That will suit down to the ground.Rate it:

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cela me va comme un gantThat fits me to a T; That suits me down to the ground.Rate it:

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cela ne me dit rienThat has no effect upon me; I have no desire for it.Rate it:

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certificate of heritagehas there been issued a certificate of heritageRate it:

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cet avocat a un bon cabinetThat barrister has a good practice.Rate it:

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cet homme a de la têteThat man has his head screwed on the right way.Rate it:

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cet homme n'a ni mine ni façonThat man has neither grace nor good looks; That man is as awkward as he is ugly.Rate it:

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cet homme n'a pas son pendant (or, pareil)That man has not his match.Rate it:

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cet homme-là est bien tombéThat man has fallen on his feet; That man has applied to the right person (or, ironic), to the wrong person.Rate it:

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When soldiers come home from war, we tie a _____ ribbon 'round the old oak tree.
A yellow
B red
C pink
D blue