
Phrases related to: Law Wing-fai Page #2

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adds upTo enhance. " Law of attraction adds up to the success in life."Rate it:

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amber gamblerA driver of a road vehicle who accelerates when the traffic lights change from green to amber (instead of stopping, as required by law), gambling that no vehicle will cross his or her path; a driver who starts off when the traffic lights show red and amber together, but not yet green.Rate it:

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barrelThe quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A barrel of wine is 31 1/2 gallons; a barrel of flour is 196 pounds; of beer 31 gallons; of ale 32 gallons; of crude oil 42 gallons.Rate it:

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beat the rapAvoid fines or punishment, receive forgiveness from family, friends, the law and the Boss for misdemeanors, infractions and Stupid Stunts.Rate it:

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brass ceilingAn unwritten, uncodified barrier to promotion or progression for women in law enforcement or the military.Rate it:

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bring inTo return a verdict in a court of law.Rate it:

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caveat emptorA provision of Roman law which gave the seller of a house the legal right to keep quiet about any defects of the house.Rate it:

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contra ius fasqueagainst all law, human and divine.Rate it:

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culpable homicideCriminal negligence causing the unlawful death of a human being.(Can we verify this sense?) (Canada, law) Murder, manslaughter or infanticide.(Can we verify this sense?) (Scotland, law) Manslaughter.(Can we verify this sense?) (South Africa, law) The unlawful negligent killing of another human being.Rate it:

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culpable homicide(Canada, law) Murder, manslaughter or infanticide.Rate it:

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culpable homicide(Scotland, law) Manslaughter.Rate it:

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culpable homicide(South Africa, law) The unlawful negligent killing of another human being.Rate it:

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de minimis non curat lexThe law does not concern itself with trifles; expression of the rule that the law will not remedy an injury that is minimal.Rate it:

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drinking ageUsed other than as an idiom: The least age at which one is permitted by law to drink alcoholic beverages.Rate it:

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en fait de meubles possession vaut titrePossession is nine points of the law.Rate it:

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false lightA cause of action arising under the common law where a person is portrayed in a way which, while not technically false, is misleading and likely to cause embarrassment to that person.Rate it:

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fly-by-nightThis expression has broadened to mean any of these: A person or business that appears and disappears rapidly; Someone who departs or flees at night in order to avoid creditors, law enforcement etc. A dishonest or unreliable person selling something to make a quick profit A transient or traveling salesmen or businessmen, tradesmen; A business that appears to have little or no chance of successRate it:

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go straightTo discontinue engaging in criminal acts; to become a law-abiding person.Rate it:

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hold courtTo convene or preside over a trial or other legal proceeding in a court of law.Rate it:

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i approve this messagea phrase said by candidates for federal office to show their consent to comply with the elective law passed in 2002; now becoming used for other offices too, not just federal officesRate it:

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ignorantia juris non excusatIgnorance of the law is not a valid excuse.Rate it:

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in lege scriptum est, or simply estthe law says...Rate it:

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in legem iurare (Sest. 16. 37)to swear obedience to a law.Rate it:

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indicta causa (opp. cognita causa)without going to law.Rate it:

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intra legem- A court's power to interpret and apply the law to achieve the most equitable result.Rate it:

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ius ac fas omne delereto trample all law under foot.Rate it:

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ius ad artem redigereto reduce law to a system.Rate it:

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ius gentium violareto violate the law of nations.Rate it:

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la loi passa d'embléeThe law passed straight off, by acclamation.Rate it:

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lawyer upTo exercise one's right to legal representation, especially on the occasion of refusing to answer law-enforcement officials' questions without the presence of such legal representation.Rate it:

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legal dutyA duty prescribed by the law, to act or forbear from acting.Rate it:

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legally bindingenforceable by lawRate it:

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lege tenerito be bound by a law.Rate it:

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legem abrogare (Att. 3. 23. 2)to replace an old law by a new.Rate it:

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legem ferre or simply ferre ad populum, propose a law in the popular assembly.Rate it:

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legem in aes incīdereto engrave a law upon a brazen tablet.Rate it:

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legem iubereto ratify a law (used of the people).Rate it:

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legem perferre (Liv. 33. 46)to carry a law (said of the magistrate).Rate it:

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legem proponere in publicumto bring a law before the notice of the people.Rate it:

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legem ratam esse iubereto declare a law valid.Rate it:

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legem rogare or rogare populum (cf. sect. XVI. 4, note Aulus Gellius...)to formally propose a law to the people.Rate it:

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legem sancireto let a bill become law (of the people and senate).Rate it:

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legem sciscere (Planc. 14. 35)to vote for a law.Rate it:

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legem tollere (Leg. 2. 12. 31)to abolish a law.Rate it:

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legi intercedereto protest against a law (used of the veto, intercessio, of plebeian tribunes).Rate it:

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lex dubia non obligat(law) A doubtful law is not binding.Rate it:

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lex iubet, vetat (dilucide, planissime)the law orders, forbids (expressly, distinctly).Rate it:

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lex perfertura law is adopted.Rate it:

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lex rata est (opp. irrita)a law is valid.Rate it:

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litem alicui intendereto go to law with, sue a person.Rate it:

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You can run but you can't _____.
A race
B hide
C walk
D win