
Phrases related to: ab (cum) aliquo stare (Brut. 79. 273) Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 197 phrases and idioms matching ab (cum) aliquo stare (Brut. 79. 273).

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verbis concertare or altercari cum aliquo (B. C. 3. 19. 6)to hold an altercation with a man.Rate it:

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vivere cum aliquoto be on friendly terms with a person.Rate it:

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stare insiemeOf two persons without specification of time: to be a couple, to date regularly, etc.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
in ancoris esse, stare, consistereto ride at anchor.Rate it:

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promisso stareto abide by one's undertaking.Rate it:

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stare at the wallUsed other than as an idiom: see stare, wall.Rate it:

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stare at the wallTo be idle.Rate it:

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stare downTo overcome or make uncomfortable by staring intently.Rate it:

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stare insiemeTo be together, to spend time together during a specific timeframe.Rate it:

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stare someone in the faceTo be extremely visible and obvious.Rate it:

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tenere aliquid; stare in aliqua reto insist on a point.Rate it:

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sibi exemplum sumere ex aliquo or exemplum capere de aliquoto take a lesson from some one's example.Rate it:

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inconditum dicendi genus (Brut. 69. 242)a rough, unpolished style.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
(animo) angi (Brut. 27)to be very uneasy; to fret.Rate it:

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actio (Brut. 38)delivery.Rate it:

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causa publica (Brut. 48. 178)a criminal case.Rate it:

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causam dicere, orare (Brut. 12. 47)to address the court (of the advocate).Rate it:

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causam inferiorem dicendo reddere superiorem (λόγον κρείττω ποιειν) (Brut. 8. 30)to gain a weak case by clever pleading.Rate it:

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competītor (Brut. 30. 113)a rival candidate.Rate it:

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facilem et expeditum esse ad dicendum (Brut. 48. 180)to be a ready, fluent speaker.Rate it:

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in existimantium arbitrium venire (Brut. 24. 92)to come before the tribunal of the critics.Rate it:

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incorrupta latini sermonis integritas (Brut. 35. 132)pure, correct Latin.Rate it:

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intra parietes (Brut. 8. 32)within four walls.Rate it:

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latine loqui (Brut. 45. 166)(1) to speak Latin, (2) to speak good Latin (also bene latine), (3) to express oneself clearly.Rate it:

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locutio (Brut. 74. 258)a phrase.Rate it:

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memoriae causa, ad (not in) memoriam (Brut. 16. 62)in memory of...Rate it:

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mos (moris) est, ut (Brut. 21. 84)it is customary to...Rate it:

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omni vita atque victu excultum atque expolitum esse (Brut. 25. 95)to have attained to a high degree of culture.Rate it:

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orationes Catonis antiquitatem redolent (Brut. 21. 82)Cato's speeches sound archaic.Rate it:

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quaestiones perpetuae (Brut. 27. 106)the standing commissions of inquiry.Rate it:

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rhetorice, tragice ornare aliquid (Brut. 11. 43)to add rhetorical, dramatic embellishments to a subject.Rate it:

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sectam alicuius sequi (Brut. 31. 120)to be a follower, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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sententiae reconditae ex exquisitae (Brut. 97. 274)profound sentiments.Rate it:

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transitio ad plebem (Brut. 16. 62)to transfer oneself from the patrician to the plebeian order.Rate it:

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vox canōra (Brut. 63. 234)a melodious, ringing voice.Rate it:

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continentem esse terrae or cum terra (Fam. 15. 2. 2)to have the same boundaries; to be coterminous.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
cum grano salisWith a grain of salt; with a bit of common sense and skepticism.Rate it:

(1.00 / 2 votes)
agere cum populo (Leg. 3. 4. 10)to submit a formal proposition to the people.Rate it:

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aliquem a ceteris separare et in arcam conicere ne quis cum eo colloqui possit (Mil. 22. 60)to isolate a witness.Rate it:

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bona (cum) venia tua dixerimallow me to say.Rate it:

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centesimis cum anatocismo contentum esse (Att. 5. 21. 12)to be content with 12 per cent at compound interest.Rate it:

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cohaerere, coniunctum esse cum aliqua reto be closely connected with a thing.Rate it:

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conflictari (cum) adversa fortunato struggle with adversity.Rate it:

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considerare in, cum animo, secum aliquidto think over, consider a thing.Rate it:

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cum discessi, -eris, -eritis abputting aside, except.Rate it:

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cum imperio esseto hold a high command.Rate it:

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cum imperio esse (cf. XVI. 3)to have unlimited power; to be invested with imperium.Rate it:

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cum magno meo doloreto my sorrow.Rate it:

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cum telo esseto be armed.Rate it:

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cum uxoribus et liberiswith wife and child.Rate it:

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_______ is a man's best friend.
A a dog
B a cat
C a log
D a spouse