
Phrases related to: bauma (trade fair) Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 93 phrases and idioms matching bauma (trade fair).

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blanket termA word or phrase that is used to describe multiple groups of related things. The degree of relation may vary. Blanket terms often trade specificity for ease-of-use; in other words, a blanket term by itself gives little detail about the things that it describes or the relationships between them, but is easy to say and remember. Blanket terms often originate as slang, and eventually become integrated into the general vocabulary.Rate it:

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blue bookA book of statistics or almanac, usually published by an agency or as a trade publication.Rate it:

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c'est de la moutarde après dînerIt comes too late to be of any use; It is a day after the fair.Rate it:

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ça, c'est de bonne guerreHe has only used fair means to defend himself (or, attack you); He has acted within his rights, you cannot complain.Rate it:

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cake walkFrom the mid 1900s, a game at a fair or party in which people walk around a numbered circle along to music. When the music is stopped, the caller draws a number from a jar and whoever is standing on or closest to that number that number wins a cake.Rate it:

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cela n'est pas du jeu1. That is not fair, not cricket; You are not playing the game. 2. That was not agreed upon.Rate it:

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chacun le sien n'est pas tropLet each have his own, then all is fair.Rate it:

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clap onto temporarily add something to an existing part, especially to add an additional sail to take advantage of a fair windRate it:

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de son étatBy profession, by trade.Rate it:

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deal inTo trade a named commodityRate it:

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deux moineaux sur même épi ne sont pas longtemps amisTwo of a trade seldom agree.Rate it:

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donnant donnantfair's fair, give and takeRate it:

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doucement va bien loinFair and softly goes far; Slow and sure wins the race.Rate it:

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even-stevenEqual; fair.Rate it:

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forewarned is forearmedAdvance awareness of a situation, especially a risky one, prepares one to deal with it.1863, Charles Reade, Hard Cash, ch. 4:[W]hatever a young gentleman of that age says to you, he says to many other ladies; but your experience is not equal to your sense; so profit by mine . . . forewarned is forearmed.1885, G. A. Henty, Saint George for England, ch. 4:Sometimes, they say, it is wiser to remain in ignorance; at other times forewarned is forearmed.circa 1903, Lucy Maud Montgomery, "Why Mr. Cropper Changed His Mind":"Well, Miss Maxwell, I think it only fair to tell you that you may have trouble with those boys when they do come. Forewarned is forearmed, you know."Rate it:

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give away the storeTo transact, trade, or negotiate badly, by paying, providing, or conceding too much to the other party.Rate it:

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hit one out of the ballparkTo hit a fair ball so well that the ball flies over all of the spectators' seats and lands outside the stadium.Rate it:

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il a fait ses affaires dans les vinsHe made his money in the wine trade.Rate it:

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il est en passe de devenir ministreHe is in a fair way (he stands a good chance) to become a Cabinet Minister.Rate it:

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il sait le fort et le fin de son artHe knows every trick of his trade.Rate it:

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jamais beau parler n'écorcha la langueFair words never did harm; Civility costs nothing.Rate it:

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jamais honteux n'eut belle amieFaint heart never won fair lady.Rate it:

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je suis en voie de le finirI am in a fair way to finish it.Rate it:

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je vis de bonne soupe et non de beau langage“Fair words butter no parsnips.”Rate it:

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jump the gunTo trade securities based on information that is not yet public; to trade on inside information.Rate it:

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les affaires ne vont pas (ne marchent pas)Trade is dull, slack.Rate it:

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marque de fabriqueTrade-mark.Rate it:

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no hay derechono fair; it's not fairRate it:

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on balanceExpression Offered By Many In The Judiciary', Viewing Something in A Fair And Balanced Manner:Rate it:

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open-door policyA governmental policy of encouraging immigration or of permitting increased access by foreigners for purposes of tourism, trade, investment, etc.Rate it:

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phone tagA situation in which two individuals attempting to contact each other by telephone repeatedly do not get a live person and instead trade messages, such as by voice mail.Rate it:

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porter atteinte (à l'honneur de)To sully (the fair name of).Rate it:

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pulcherBeautiful, fair.Rate it:

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square shooterA person who is fair, trustworthy, or forthright; a person who bargains or transacts business in a fair, honest manner.Rate it:

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sucker punchA disabling punch targeting a place which is not normally acceptable in a "fair fight", such as on the back of the head.Rate it:

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switch offTo alternate between; to trade.Rate it:

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to be named laterUsed other than as an idiom. In an exchange, a unspecified example of a thing (in sports, usually a player), either not yet chosen or named publicly, at the time of a trade.Rate it:

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try one's handTo attempt a skill, craft, or trade.Rate it:

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ventum (tempestatem) nancti idoneum ex portu exeuntthe ships sail out on a fair wind.Rate it:

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vitae splendori(em) maculas(is) aspergereto sully one's fair fame.Rate it:

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whale the tar outa him!Act of Beating Someone! 'Slap 'im-UP To A Fair Thee Well!"Rate it:

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what a crock!An exclamation of disbelief; calling someone a liar; saying that someone didn't have the right to say or do something; indicating that something isn't fair or right; short version of "What a crock of bull shit!" or "What a crock of bull!" or "What a crock of shit!" or "That's bull! or "That's bullshit"Rate it:

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WTTInitialism of want/willing to trade.Rate it:

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