
Phrases related to: critical control point Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 495 phrases and idioms matching critical control point.

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je tombe d'accord avec vous sur ce pointI am at one with you on that head.Rate it:

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l'argent n'a point de maîtreRien ne fait connaître à qui appartient une pièce de monnaie perdue.Rate it:

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la viande est cuite à pointThe meat is done to a turn.Rate it:

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lowest point in my lifeTo experience extrene depression as a result of certain circumstances, loss of a lov'd one, financial or personal reverses, physical or emotional deprivation.Rate it:

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make a pointTo argue or promote an idea.Rate it:

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make a pointTo take care in doing something of something; to pay attention or ensure that something is done.Rate it:

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miss the pointTo fail to grasp the meaning of an utterance.Rate it:

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not to put too fine a point on itUsed to apologise for a possibly impolite statement one is making.Rate it:

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on the pointVery nearly; imminent; close.Rate it:

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on the point ofVery nearly; imminent; close.Rate it:

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point à la lignePour signifier, généralement sur un ton impérieux, qu’il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, que le sujet est clos.Rate it:

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point à la lignePour souligner qu’il n’y a rien de plus, pas davantage, et restreindre ainsi ce qui a été énoncé.Rate it:

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point barreTout a été dit, il n’y a rien à rajouter.Rate it:

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point de rancuneVariante de sans rancune.Rate it:

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point finalLe point qui indique la fin d’une phrase, d’un mot.Rate it:

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point fingersTo accuse people of being responsible for something bad.Rate it:

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point manA most trusted assistant or associate; the person to upon whom one would most rely.Rate it:

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point manIn combat, the soldier who takes point; the soldier who assumes the first and most exposed position in a combat military formation; the lead soldier/unit advancing through hostile or unsecured territory.Rate it:

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point n'est besoin d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérerDéfinition manquante ou à compléter.Rate it:

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point of no returnThe point in an aircraft's flight when there is insufficient fuel to reverse direction and return to the place of origin.Rate it:

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Point of No ReturnCertain time or position after which it is impossible to retreat, change course or do somethingRate it:

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point the fingerTo accuse; to direct or imply blame.Rate it:

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point upTo emphasise or stressRate it:

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pour un moine l'abbaye ne faut pointQuand plusieurs personnes sont convenues de se réunir, et qu’une d’elles manque à la réunion, on ne laisse pas de faire ce qui avait été résolu.Rate it:

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power pointelectrical socketRate it:

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qui a bu n'a point de secretsWhen wine sinks, words swim; In vino veritas; Drink washes off the daub, and discovers the man; What the sober man has in his heart, the drunkard has on his lips.Rate it:

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rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à pointIl est nécessaire de garder de l’énergie ou des provisions afin d’atteindre des objectifs difficiles.Rate it:

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rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à pointIt is no good hurrying if you have not started in time.Rate it:

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see someone's pointTo comprehend the meaning that someone is trying to convey.Rate it:

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sore pointA state of affairs, action, or belief which is an enduring basis for disagreement or dissatisfaction.Rate it:

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sticking pointA disputed issue or state of affairs that causes an interruption or outright impasse in progress towards some goal or resolution, especially in negotiation or argumentation.Rate it:

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straight to the pointSay something directlyRate it:

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take someone's pointTo grasp the essential meaning of what a person is saying.Rate it:

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take someone's pointTo agree with what a person says; to understand a person's argument and be persuaded by it.Rate it:

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take the pointTo grasp the essential meaning of what a person is saying, to understand a person's argument and point of view.Rate it:

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take the pointTo agree with what a person says, to be persuaded by their arguments.Rate it:

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there is no point in forgiving anyone who does not feel guilty.ForgivingRate it:

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to the pointRelevant or pertinent; succinct; specific.Rate it:

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tout vient à point à qui sait attendreOn arrive à tout avec de la patience.Rate it:

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tout vient à point à qui sait attendreEverything comes to the man who waits.Rate it:

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un point à temps en épargne centA stitch in time saves nine.Rate it:

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un point c'est toutSans discuter, immédiatement.Rate it:

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un point c'est toutPour mettre un terme à une discussion, sur le ton impérieux.Rate it:

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ventre affamé n'a point d'oreillesOn n’écoute rien quand on a faim, quand on a besoin de quelque chose.Rate it:

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ventre affamé n'a point d'oreillesA hungry man will not listen to reason.Rate it:

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vous ne voyez point votre chapeau? mais il vous crève les yeux!You do not see your hat? Why, it stares you in the face! (it’s just under your nose).Rate it:

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vous venez à point nomméYou come in the nick of time, at the necessary moment, just when you are wanted.Rate it:

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Beat Around the BushTo avoid getting to some point or answering any question that is relevant, the approach of some people, which is quite far from the real objective or center of focus.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
call onTo correct; to point out an error or untruth.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
come full circleTo complete a cycle of transition, returning to the point of origin.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)

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