
Phrases related to: night-rail Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 106 phrases and idioms matching night-rail.

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or elseGo now, or else you'll have to stay all night.Rate it:

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rakeA set of coupled rail vehicles, normally coaches or wagons.Rate it:

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ad multam noctemtill late at night.Rate it:

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bar starA female who frequents bars or lounges, usually late at night.Rate it:

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bed downTo put an animal to rest for the night.Rate it:

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bene darkmansGood night; a farewell said in the evening or nighttime.Rate it:

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bona nochyGood night.Rate it:

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Burn the Midnight OilTo work overnight, work or study till late nightRate it:

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de nocte, de diewhile it is still night, day.Rate it:

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DiamondIn Railroad Parlance, the especially designed, critically installed rail-section in place at 'Cross-Over' point. Special Switch-Tower With Special Switch-Point Equipment operated 24/7 by Experts:Rate it:

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don't let the bedbugs biteUsed to wish a person a good night's sleep.Rate it:

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faire noirTo be dark, especially when it's night.Rate it:

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fresh meatA person or group of people who arouse one's interest, either as a new target for deception, humiliation or ridicule, or as a potential love interest or one night stand.Rate it:

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go out on the townTo party all night long.Rate it:

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gong showAn event that was a disaster, often in a way that is fun or memorable. (e.g. "Last night, we all went drinking, and the whole thing turned into a total gong show.") Or, an initially serious event that went completely out of control (e.g. "That biology class was a gong show")Rate it:

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gute Nachtgood nightRate it:

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il prend sur son sommeil pour étudierHe works far into the night.Rate it:

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ils sont arrivés bien avant dans la nuitThey arrived very late at night.Rate it:

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intempesta, concubia noctein the dead of night; at midnight.Rate it:

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itinera diurna nocturnaquetravelling day and night.Rate it:

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j'ai passé une nuit blancheI have not slept a wink all night.Rate it:

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je n'ai fait qu'un sommeI never woke all night.Rate it:

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la nuit tous les chats sont grisAt night one may easily be mistaken; At night beauty is of no account; When candles are away, all cats are grey.Rate it:

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like a deer caught in the headlightsReferring to someone who looks or acts startled like a deer in the road as a car approaches at night.Rate it:

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lucubrare (Liv. 1. 57)to work by night, burn the midnight oil.Rate it:

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meat marketOr night club.Rate it:

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multa de noctelate at night.Rate it:

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nightcapA warm cloth cap worn while sleeping, often with pajamas. Nightcaps were common in northern Europe before central heating was available, when homes were cold at night.Rate it:

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nighthawkA person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours.Rate it:

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noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemquenight and day.Rate it:

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north starBrightest star in the sky. Used for night-time direction. Also an analogy for a guiding force.Rate it:

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nox senatum dirimitnight breaks up the sitting.Rate it:

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nox sideribus illustrisa star-light night.Rate it:

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nuit blanchesleepless nightRate it:

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pad downTo spend the night somewhere.Rate it:

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party guideGet that party up, get that party up we gonna Dance all Night, get that balloons up, get that balloons up, we gonna stay all nightRate it:

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piece of assAn act of intercourse, especially a one night stand.Rate it:

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pull an all-nighterWork diligently throughout the night.Rate it:

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put the bottom rail on topTo reverse a hierarchy.Rate it:

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qui commence mal finit malA bad day never has a good night.Rate it:

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ride on a railTo be subjected to a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. The victim was then paraded around town or taken to the city limits and dumped by the roadside.Rate it:

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rouge le soir et blanc le matin, c'est la journée du pèlerinRed at night is the shepherd’s delight, Red in the morning, the shepherd’s warning. Evening red and morning gray Are two sure signs of a fine day.Rate it:

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sermonem producere in multam noctem (Rep. 6. 10. 10)to prolong a conversation far into the night.Rate it:

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shavua tovUsed Saturday night through Sunday to express good wishes for the coming week following the Jewish sabbath.Rate it:

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silentio noctisin the silence of the night.Rate it:

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skinny as a railEspecially of a person, very skinny.Rate it:

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sleep overTo spend the night as a guest in someone's home.Rate it:

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sonhe com os anjosgood night; sleep tightRate it:

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standard fareThe usual price for travel by air, rail, or another means of transport.Rate it:

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SwitchStandA Normally Padlocked Manually-operated, Switch-point Arrangement At the Point Of a Sidetrack, Entry to A Yard, Commercial Warehouse, Shipping Terminal et al to enable shunting Entire Trains, Railcars, Rail Equipment from Mainline, or SpecLine, to Location/ Other:Rate it:

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