
Phrases related to: organization of the oppressed on earth Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 118 phrases and idioms matching organization of the oppressed on earth.

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break groundTo begin digging in the earth at the start of a new construction, or, originally, for cultivation.Rate it:

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break ranksTo publicly disagree with one's own group or organization.Rate it:

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China syndromeA hypothetical kind of catastrophic failure in which a nuclear reactor melts through the floor of its containment system and penetrates the earth's surface, continuing downward as if (from a Western Hemispheric point of view) traveling through the planet toward China.Rate it:

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Chinese WallA barrier of silence and secrecy established within an organization in order to cope with confidentiality requirements.Rate it:

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clayAn earth material with ductile qualities.Rate it:

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company manA male employee who has a great-and often, in the view of others, an excessive-commitment to serving the interests of the organization which employs him.Rate it:

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corporate ladderThe hierarchy or ranking system of employment positions within a business organization.Rate it:

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coûter les yeux de la têteto cost arm and a leg, to cost the earth: to cost too much, to be very expensiveRate it:

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dead woodPersonnel no longer contributing to an organization.Rate it:

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der Amtsschimmel wiehertthere is an excessive amount of bureaucracy; someone or some organization is being excessively bureaucraticRate it:

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diable vauverta million miles away, to the ends of the earthRate it:

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diminishing returnsA condition in which additional inputs into an organization, project or process produce progressively fewer or lower-quality additional outputs, and may, in extreme cases, cause the total quantity or quality of outputs to decrease.Rate it:

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DNAThe fundamental values or vision of an organization.Rate it:

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down withExpressing disapproval of or encouraging actions against a person, organization, practice, belief, etc., typically in a public protest.Rate it:

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drum outTo remove, often unfairly, from an organization or position of responsibility.Rate it:

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ecotropism is a philosophyFrom "eco" the hearth and "tropism" to turn toward. Ergo--to turn toward the earthRate it:

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end of the worldEnd of habitability for life on Earth.Rate it:

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end of the worldEnd of the planet Earth.Rate it:

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flat-eartherA person who believes or advocates the theory that the earth is flat.Rate it:

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flat-eartherA person who believes or advocates the theory that the planet Earth is flat.Rate it:

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friend of Bill W.A recovering alcoholic, especially one who is a member of the organization Alcoholics Anonymous.Rate it:

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girl scouta girl scout is a girl who is a member of Girl Scouts of the USA (also known simply as "Girl Scouts"), an non-profit youth organization for girlsRate it:

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head honchoThe person in charge; the highest-ranking person in an organization.Rate it:

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heavy hitterA person of considerable importance who is a major decision maker or capable achiever; an especially significant organization or an especially functional object.Rate it:

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hold the reinsTo be in charge, to be in control, as of a business, political organization, or other group.Rate it:

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in terram cadere, decidereto fall to the earth.Rate it:

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in terram demergito sink into the earth.Rate it:

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inner coreThe solid material found in the centre of some planets at extremely high temperature and pressure, distinct from the liquid outer core.(geology) The innermost part of the Earth, believed to be made of a nickel-iron alloy.Rate it:

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inner coreThe innermost part of the Earth, believed to be made of a nickel-iron alloy.Rate it:

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Johnny-one-noteAn opinion or viewpoint on a single subject or a few particular subjects which is frequently expressed by a person or organization.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA gossip network; an informal communication system within a group or organization.Rate it:

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just folksUnpretentious, informal, down-to-earth.Rate it:

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know where the bodies are buriedTo possess confidential information about a person's or organization's misdeeds or other secrets.Rate it:

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l'enfant tombe par terre, mais le fruit tombe à terreA child falls on the ground, while fruit falls to the earth.Rate it:

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la vérité comme l'huile vient au-dessusTruth will out; It takes a good many shovelfuls of earth to bury the Truth.Rate it:

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last trumpThe moment of God's final judgement on Earth.Rate it:

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Low Man on the Totem PoleLowest ranked person, the person who is given least importance in a group, gang, or organizationRate it:

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make a monkey out ofTo cause a person, organization, or action to appear foolish or inferior; to subject someone or something to ridicule..Rate it:

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mind the storeTo take active responsibility for a group or process, especially within an organization.Rate it:

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my very educated mother just served us nine pumpkinsA mnemonic used to remember the order and names of the nine planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.Rate it:

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orbis terrae, terrarumthe earth; the globeRate it:

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outer coreThe hot liquid material found near the centre of some planets, distinct from the solid inner core.(geology) The part of the Earth between the mantle and inner core, responsible for generating the planet's magnetic field.Rate it:

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outer coreThe part of the Earth between the mantle and inner core, responsible for generating the planet's magnetic field.Rate it:

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outsiderA newcomer with little or no experience in an organization or community.Rate it:

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outsiderOne who is not part of a community or organization.Rate it:

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panier de crabesA rat race; any organization where people metaphorically claw at one another to come out on top.Rate it:

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paper trailThe records left by a person or organization in the course of activities.Rate it:

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pay one's duesTo acquire status or to earn the right to enjoy certain benefits, especially through lengthy experience, hardship, or service to an organization.Rate it:

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public enemy number oneA person, organization, or other object considered to be particularly menacing, harmful, or loathsome.Rate it:

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remuer ciel et terreTo move heaven and earth; To leave no stone unturned.Rate it:

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