
Phrases related to: res Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 89 phrases and idioms matching res.

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res historiae fide comprobataan acknowledged historical fact.Rate it:

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res humanas infra se positas arbitrarito feel superior to the affairs of life.Rate it:

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res in summo discrimine versaturthe position is very critical.Rate it:

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res integra estthe matter is still undecided; it is an open question.Rate it:

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res ipsa (pro me apud te) loquiturthe matter speaks for itself.Rate it:

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res ipsa docetthe very facts of the case show this.Rate it:

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res ipsa loquiturThe import of a thing or situation is obvious.Rate it:

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res ipsa loquiturA maxim where the very improbable facts of an accident imply the negligence of the defendant. It effectively shifts the burden of proof to the defendant.Rate it:

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res ipsa, usus rerum (cotidie) doceteveryday experience tells us this.Rate it:

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res ita (aliter) se habetthe matter stands so (otherwise).Rate it:

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res ita est, ita (sic) se habetthe facts are these; the matter stands thus.Rate it:

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res iudicatas rescindere (Cic. Sull. 22. 63)to rescind a decision.Rate it:

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res meae meliore loco, in meliore causa suntmy position is considerably improved; my prospects are brighter.Rate it:

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res mihi integra estI have not yet committed myself.Rate it:

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res mihi probatura thing meets with my approval.Rate it:

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res mihi tecum estI have a point to discuss with you.Rate it:

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res nummaria or pecuniariafinance; money-matters.Rate it:

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res obsolescita thing is going out of use, becoming obsolete.Rate it:

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res populi Romani perscribereto write a history of Rome.Rate it:

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res propositaa theme, subject proposed for discussion.Rate it:

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res publica stat (opp. iacet)the state is secure.Rate it:

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res quas oculis cernimusthe world of sense, the visible world.Rate it:

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res reddere (alicui) (cf. sect. V. 11)to make restitution.Rate it:

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res repetereto demand restitution, satisfaction.Rate it:

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res repetere (ab aliquo) (Off. 1. 11. 36)to demand satisfaction, restitution.Rate it:

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res restituereto give restitution, satisfaction.Rate it:

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res RomanaeRoman history (i.e. the events in it).Rate it:

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res sensibus or oculis subiectae (De Fin. 5. 12. 36)the world of sense, the visible world.Rate it:

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res spectat ad vim (arma)there seems a prospect of armed violence; things look like violence.Rate it:

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res summas attingereto dwell only on the main points.Rate it:

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res temporum ordine servato narrareto narrate events in the order of their occurrence.Rate it:

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res, de qua nunc quaerimus, quaeriturthe question at issue.Rate it:

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res, quae importantur et exportanturimports and exports.Rate it:

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sacra, res divinae, religiones, caerimoniaeritual; ceremonial.Rate it:

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sic exponere aliquid, quasi agatur res (non quasi narretur)to represent a thing dramatically.Rate it:

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summa res publica (or summa rei publicae)the welfare of the state.Rate it:

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utcumque res cecideritwhatever happens; in any case.Rate it:

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videant or dent operam consules, ne quid res publica detrimenti capiat (Catil. 1. 2. 4)let the consuls take measures for the protection of the state.Rate it:

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pastel de carnePlato preparado al horno, consistente en una capa de carne picada de res o cordero sofrita con cebolla y especias, cubierta de una capa de puré de papas u otra hortaliza feculenta y luego horneada hasta dorarse su superficie.Rate it:

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