
Phrases related to: sleeping car Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 89 phrases and idioms matching sleeping car.

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dickyThe luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car.Rate it:

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dire et faire font deuxDire une chose et la faire sont deux choses différentes, car le passage à l’acte constitue une grande étape qui n’est pas toujours évidente à franchir.Autre chose est dire, et autre chose faire.Rate it:

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dos d'ânespeed bump; sleeping policemanRate it:

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double-upRequirement to sleep with another individual because of lack of sleeping accomodations.Rate it:

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fast asleepSleeping, in a deep sleep.Rate it:

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get outTo leave a vehicle such as a car.Rate it:

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get some zzzzzz'sComic Strip person was pictured as 'sleeping' with a number of letter 'Z,Z,Z,Z,Z's' in overhead cloud:Rate it:

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hit the deckAnnouncement to ship's personnel via P.A. system to arise and leave sleeping quarters.Rate it:

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idiot lightAny warning light or indicator on the dashboard of a car, designed to alert the driver of problems, such as the parking brake being on or the oil being low.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas remettre au lendemain ce qu'on peut faire le jour mêmeIl faut agir pendant qu'il est temps et éviter la procrastination c'est-à-dire le fait de toujours remettre les choses au lendemain. Car on ne sait jamais ce qui nous attend demain.Rate it:

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jam sandwich(from the common UK colour scheme of white with a red reflective horizontal band) A police car.Rate it:

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les absents ont toujours tortIl est facile d’accuser une personne absente d’avoir tort ou d’avoir fait une chose condamnable, car elle n’est pas là pour se défendre.Rate it:

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les arbres ne montent jamais jusqu'au cielSe dit aussi de la bourse et des actions cotées en bourse. Les actionnaires et les boursicoteurs doivent savoir qu'il faut tôt au tard vendre leurs actions car elles ne montent jamais indéfiniment.Rate it:

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les conseilleurs ne sont pas les payeursIl faut prendre avec mesure le conseil des autres car la décision finale n’engage, en terme de responsabilité, que le décideur.Rate it:

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like a deer caught in the headlightsReferring to someone who looks or acts startled like a deer in the road as a car approaches at night.Rate it:

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lot lizardA customer or salesperson at a used car lot.Rate it:

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low riderKeeping a low profile (originating from a type of car of the same name).Rate it:

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mais où est donc ornicarA mnemonic phrase to help remember the seven coordinating conjunctions in French - mais, ou, et, donc, or, ni, car.Rate it:

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ne réveillons pas le chat qui dortLet sleeping dogs lie.Rate it:

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nightcapA warm cloth cap worn while sleeping, often with pajamas. Nightcaps were common in northern Europe before central heating was available, when homes were cold at night.Rate it:

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on the down-lowSecretly sleeping with someone other than one's partner.Rate it:

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Out like a LightQuickly asleep, unconscious, sleeping soundlyRate it:

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petrol pumpcar fuel dispenserRate it:

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put one's foot downTo make a car go faster, accelerate.Rate it:

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qui dort dîneSleeping is as good as eating.Rate it:

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roll down the windowsTo flail one's arms in a circular motion when off-balance, as to mimic the act of rolling down a car window.Rate it:

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running out of timeBroke, friendless, no car, can't meet mortgage payments.Rate it:

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set of wheelscarRate it:

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sleep inTo sleep late; to go on sleeping past one's customary or planned hour.Rate it:

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sleep offTo get rid of by sleeping.Rate it:

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somnabulista person who walks while sleepingRate it:

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sound asleepSleeping still and silently.Rate it:

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souvent femme varie, bien fol est qui s'y fieIl ne faut pas faire confiance aux femmes, car elles changent souvent d’avis.Rate it:

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spark plugcar engine partRate it:

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tach upTo rev a car's engine; to accelerate.Rate it:

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till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:

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tyre kickerA person who pretends to be interested in purchasing an item (especially a car), but who has no intention of buying it.Rate it:

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wanna 'take a spin?Take a ride in car, Take a SPIN in MY J-3 Taylor Cub Airplane?Rate it:

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write offunrepairable carRate it:

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