
Phrases related to: sous-type Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 100 phrases and idioms matching sous-type.

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brick houseUsed other than as an idiom: A house or type of construction made of bricks or blockss of masonry.Rate it:

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by way ofFor the purpose of; as a means, instance, type or form of.Rate it:

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c'est bonIndiquer à son interlocuteur que la situation est sous contrôle, qu’il exagèreRate it:

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cake walkA type of dance originating in the United States in the 19th century.Rate it:

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chicken scratchA type of cross-stitch embroidery done on gingham fabric.Rate it:

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den of iniquityA place of immoral behavior, usually of a sexual type.Rate it:

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dormitive virtueA type of tautology in which an item is being explained in terms of the item itself, only put in different (usually more abstract) words.Rate it:

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fade outA type of transition used in movies usually at the end of a scene, in which the transition fades to black from the cut.Rate it:

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fifth wheelA type of trailer hitch, which consists of a horseshoe-shaped plate on a multi-directional pivot, with a locking pin to couple with the kingpin of a truck trailer.Rate it:

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fine printThe details, restrictions, terms, or conditions, especially of a contract, often printed in very small type.Rate it:

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folk devilA person or type of person blamed by the public for various ills, as during a moral panic.Rate it:

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folle à la messe, molle à la fesseFaux proverbe se présentant sous forme de contrepèterie laissant entendre que la gent féminine qui fréquente les églises serait peu passionnée par les choses de la chair.Rate it:

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from central castingConforming to the stereotypical image of a particular type of person or group.Rate it:

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ground-breakinginnovative, different than other things of its type.Rate it:

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hardballIn baseball, a type of ball and baseball game, as opposed to softball.Rate it:

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highflierA person who or a type of aircraft that flies at high elevations.Rate it:

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il faut savoir viser suffisamment haut pour ne pas tomber trop basIl faut avoir de l’ambition sous peine de régresser.Rate it:

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il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du DanemarkIl y a un gros problème sous-jacent. Rate it:

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leadA thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing.Rate it:

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les plaisanteries les plus courtes sont les meilleuresNe pas chercher à prolonger l’attrait d’une plaisanterie sous peine de le perdre.Rate it:

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light middleweighttype of boxerRate it:

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locker room humorA type of humor involving jokes about crude and sexual topics.Rate it:

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low riderKeeping a low profile (originating from a type of car of the same name).Rate it:

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middle of the roadOf a type of melodic popular music that has wide appeal.Rate it:

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my blood type is ...Indicates the speaker's blood type.Rate it:

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nihil novi sub soleRien de nouveau sous le soleil.Rate it:

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of the same kidneyOf the same character, or of the same type. It usually has a bad meaning.Rate it:

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out of central castingConforming to the stereotypical image of a particular type of person or group.Rate it:

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qui craint de souffrir, souffre de la crainteType de paradoxe.Rate it:

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rhythm and bluesType of musicRate it:

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scum of the earthAn unwanted individual, the worst type of person or people.Rate it:

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seuls les poissons morts nagent avec le courantSignifie qu'afin de suivre la majorité, il ne faut produire aucun effort. Elle sous-entend, au contraire, que pour avoir une autonomie intellectuelle ; il faut travailler.Rate it:

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sideburnsA type of facial hair growth extending from the hairline alongside each earRate it:

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significance levelThe probability, usually expressed as a percentage, of making a decision to reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is actually true; the probability of making a type 1 error).Rate it:

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slip onshoe type; to try outRate it:

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smoke signalA type of flare or combustion device sometimes used as a distress signal.Rate it:

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snake oilA type of 19th century patent medicine sold in the United States that claimed to contain snake fat, supposedly a Native American remedy for various ailments.Rate it:

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still lifetype of paintingRate it:

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stovepipe hatA type of top hat worn mainly in the 19th century, made of silk or other materials and having a very tall, cylindrical, flat-topped crown.Rate it:

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straight shooterA type of pipe used for smoking cocaine.Rate it:

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straw boatertype of hatRate it:

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stuffUsed as placeholder, usually for material of unknown type or name.Rate it:

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surf and turfA type of cuisine that combines both meat and seafood (especially lobster and steak), or restaurants that serve such cuisine.Rate it:

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Turkish breadA broad, round and flat bread made from wheat, sometimes considered a type of pita; pide.Rate it:

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type outTo be rejected as an actor because of categorical factors like height, race and general appearance, rather than acting ability.Rate it:

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type outTo write out on a computer keyboard.Rate it:

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type upTo type in its final, presentable form.Rate it:

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une main de fer dans un gant de veloursAutorité inflexible sous une apparence douce.Rate it:

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web marketingType de marketing utilisant InternetRate it:

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whistle-stopA brief stop on a campaign tour to make a speech or perform some other type of public electioneeringRate it:

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_______ is a man's best friend.
A a log
B a dog
C a spouse
D a cat