
Phrases related to: For the Cool in You Page #21

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i can't wait!Used when you are impatient.Rate it:

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i could have been a contenderSomething said when would you or someone could have been good at something--good enough to be a professional and compete with others.Rate it:

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I like pieYou are stupid; said as if lowering oneself to an equally moronic state of mind.Rate it:

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i'd rather shit in my hands, then clap!When you really don't want to do something, you'd rather shit in your hands, then clap the poo, than performing a given task!Rate it:

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I'm fineConventional response to "how are you?", indicating that one is well.Rate it:

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I'm your huckleberryI am your partner; I will join you; I will work with you; I will fight you; I will dance with you.Rate it:

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ich hasse dichI hate youRate it:

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ich liebe dichI love youRate it:

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ich mag dichI like youRate it:

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ICYWWInitialism of In case you were wondering.Rate it:

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if looks could killA phrase said upon catching sight of someone's giving you a particularly nasty look of discontent or disapproval.Rate it:

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IFYPFYInitialism of I fixed your post for you.Rate it:

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Ignorance is BlissWhen you are glad, it is better to be unaware of bad thingsRate it:

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il a dit pis que pendre de vousHe said everything that was bad of you; According to him, hanging is too good for you.Rate it:

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il a l'abord rude, mais il s'adoucit bientôtHe receives you roughly at first, but that soon passes off.Rate it:

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il en sera ce qu'il vous plairaIt shall be just as you please.Rate it:

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il est à même de vous comprendreHe is able to understand you.Rate it:

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il fallait voir comme il était contentYou should have seen how happy he was.Rate it:

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il faudra le prendre en douceurYou must tackle him gently.Rate it:

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il faut battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaudYou must strike while the iron is hot.Rate it:

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il faut hurler avec les loupsWhen we are at Rome we must do as Rome does; You must do as others do; He who kennels with wolves must howl.Rate it:

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il faut qu'une porte soit ouverte ou ferméeYou must decide one way or the other.Rate it:

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il m'est avis qu'il cherche à vous tromperSomehow I think he wants to deceive you.Rate it:

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il n'a pas demandé son reste!He soon took himself off, I can tell you! He soon shut up, I can tell you!Rate it:

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il n'entend pas raillerie là-dessus1. You must not speak lightly of that before him. 2. He will not be trifled with on that point.Rate it:

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il n'est pas dans le cas de vous nuireHe is not in a position to harm you.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de dangerNo fear of that; Don’t you fret!Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de quoidon't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcomeRate it:

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il ne fallait pasyou shouldn't haveRate it:

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il ne faut pas courir deux lièvres à la foisYou must not have too many irons in the fire.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas dire vos affaires au tiers et au quartYou must not tell your business to all the world, to everybody.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas me la faire (pop.)You must not try that on with me.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas se moquer des chiens (or, du loup) avant qu'on ne soit hors du boisDo not holloa before you are out of the wood.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas y aller par quatre cheminsYou must not beat about the bush; You must go straight to the point; You must not mince matters; It’s no good shilly-shallying.Rate it:

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il ne fera cela qu'autant que vous l'aurez pour agréableHe will never think of doing it if you object to it.Rate it:

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il ne le fera pas pour vos beaux yeuxHe will not do it for you for nothing.Rate it:

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il ne se gêne guèreDoesn’t he make himself at home! Well, he is a cool customer!Rate it:

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il vous doit une belle chandelleHe ought to be very grateful to you.Rate it:

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il vous en conte de bellesHe is deceiving you finely; He is telling you fine tales.Rate it:

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il vous en garde une bonne (pop.)He is keeping a rod in pickle for you.Rate it:

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il vous fera un mauvais partiHe will try and pick a quarrel with you so as to ill-use you, to do you harm.Rate it:

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il vous rendra des pointsHe will give you odds (at a game).Rate it:

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il vous rendrait des pointsHe is more than a match for you; He could give you points.Rate it:

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il y a beau temps que je ne vous ai (pas) vuI have not seen you for many a day.Rate it:

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ILYSMInitialism of I love you so much.Rate it:

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in a while crocodilethe correct response to "See you later, Alligator," a fun, rhyming way for two people to say goodbye; see also "see you later alligator"Rate it:

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in all my born daysAn expression of astonishment usually at something you've never heard, seen or experienced.Rate it:

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in te omnia sunteverything depends on you.Rate it:

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in troubleTo be in a situation where you have said or done something which is illegal, prohibited, forbidden or proscribed that makes you subject to punishment, reprimand, consequences, punishment, retribution and/or legal action (usually an undesirable situation, unless said sarcastically or humorously)Rate it:

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in utraque rein both cases; whichever way you look at it.Rate it:

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