
Phrases related to: start without you Page #21

Yee yee! We've found 2,276 phrases and idioms matching start without you.

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art schoolPlace where you learn artRate it:

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as-tu besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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asfInitialism of age-sex-from : what is your age, what sex are you, and where are you from?Rate it:

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ashes to ashes, dust to dustyou are made of dust and return to ashes and dust after passing away.Rate it:

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ass into gearGet going; get moving; start producing.Rate it:

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assume the positionTo turn away, with your hands in a visible and unmovable position so that you can be searchedRate it:

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at a canterWithout much effort; easily.Rate it:

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at a moment's noticeImmediately; instantaneously; without need of warning.Rate it:

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at a pinchBy the skin of one’s teeth; only just; Deo volente; perhaps; if you’re lucky..Rate it:

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at the drop of a hatWithout any hesitation; instantly.Rate it:

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At The Drop of a HatOn the spot, without getting late, always ready to doRate it:

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até maissee you laterRate it:

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até mais versee you laterRate it:

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attendez-moi sous l'ormeYou may wait for me till doomsday.Rate it:

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attendez-vous-yYou may depend upon it; (or, ironic.) Don’t you wish you may get it!Rate it:

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attrape!1. Catch! 2. Take that! 3. It serves you right.Rate it:

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au temps!As you were! (military command).Rate it:

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autant prendre la lune avec les dentsYou might just as well try and scale the moon.Rate it:

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avez-vous besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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avez-vous des frères et sœursdo you have any brothers or sisters?Rate it:

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awesome possumSomething you say in response to something.Rate it:

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AYTInitialism of are you there? : a telnet command sequence sent from client to server to verify that the connection is still active.Rate it:

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back at yaEye dialect spelling of back at you.Rate it:

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bandy aboutTo talk about something frequently, but without knowing the exact facts or truth of the matter.Rate it:

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bandy aroundTo talk about something with others, but without knowing the exact facts or truth of the matter.Rate it:

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bar noneWithout exception; excluding nothing else of the same kind.Rate it:

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bare headTo go out into cold weather without covering your head.Rate it:

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beg for mercyThis can be taken quite literally and simply means to plead for kindness - either to be spared or at least killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. Particularly when you are in a helpless position.Rate it:

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beg yourspardon; could you repeat that?Rate it:

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behind somebody's backWithout somebody's knowledge; secretly.Rate it:

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behind someone's backWithout somebody's knowledge; secretly.Rate it:

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behind the counterOf drugs, dispensed by a pharmacist without needing a doctor's prescription or other form of compliance.Rate it:

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bem feitoserves me/you/him/her/us/them rightRate it:

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bene ambula et redambulaa safe journey to you.Rate it:

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bene id tibi vertat!I wish you all success in the matter.Rate it:

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Beware of Greeks Bearing GiftsBe careful when suspected people given some gifts unexpectedly, be aware of people who might be looking for some favors from you, by showing their kind side or some generosityRate it:

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bist du gläubigare you religiousRate it:

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bitch, pleaseWhen you want a bitch to shut up, you hold up your hand, turn away, and say “bitch, please” Similar to the saying “talk to the hand”Rate it:

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bloody oathMost certainly; you bet; used to intensify an affirmative response.Rate it:

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bog into start eating with gutsoRate it:

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boiling frogWhen referring to a situation gradually becoming worse, without those involved realizing the peril affecting them until it's too late.Rate it:

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bon gré, mal gréWhether you wish or not; Nolens volens; Willy-nilly.Rate it:

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bone dryCompletely dry; without any trace of moisture.Rate it:

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boo boo(or Boo, for short) a term of endearment; something you call a loved one/someone you care about; See also other definitions of "boo boo" and "Boo Boo"Rate it:

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boo booa cut, scrape, "owie" or injury you get when you get hurt; usually a minor injury that only requires a BandAid; See also other definitions of "boo boo" and "Boo Boo"Rate it:

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bottomless pitA person who can keep eating without ever seeming to fill up, or a vessel which never fills however much is added.Rate it:

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brazen outTo face up to or confront without shameRate it:

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break a sweatTo start sweating.Rate it:

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break groundTo begin digging in the earth at the start of a new construction, or, originally, for cultivation.Rate it:

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break the iceTo start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness.Rate it:

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