
Phrases related to: two less lonely people in the world Page #21

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Wet BlanketA depressing person who spoils the fun of other people, a person who spoils enjoyment of others by being boringRate it:

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what happens in vegasThe phrase "What happens in Vegas" is a well-known tagline associated with Las Vegas, a popular city in Nevada, United States, renowned for its vibrant entertainment, casinos, nightlife, and various forms of adult-oriented entertainment. The phrase implies that Las Vegas is a place where people can engage in activities and experiences that may be considered unconventional, exciting, or indulgent, without judgment or consequences following them outside of the city. It conveys a sense of freedom, privacy, and discretion regarding one's actions and experiences while visiting Las Vegas. However, it's important to remember that responsible behavior and adherence to legal and ethical standards should always be maintained, even in a city known for its entertainment and lively atmosphere.Rate it:

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what me worryAs an interrogatory, indicative of a nonchalant attitude towards potential criticism, not caring about what other people think, confident and self-possessed.Rate it:

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what, me worryAs an interrogatory, indicative of a nonchalant attitude towards potential criticism, not caring about what other people think, confident and self-possessed.Rate it:

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whatever the case may beAs is appropriate to the circumstances; particularly where a choice must be made between two options.Rate it:

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when the cat's awayPeople are likely to take advantage of the absence of authority or enforcement of compliance.Rate it:

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where there's smoke, there's firewhen two things are usually together and you find one, you will find the otherRate it:

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which way the wind is blowingThe prevailing opinion or current view of most people, especially people with influence.Rate it:

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while away your dayOne whom is lackadaisical, regressive, cares less:Rate it:

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white manWhite people collectively; White culture.Rate it:

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whitewashIt's another way blacks people talk a bout white ladies.Rate it:

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who's whoA publication containing biographies of well-known or important people.Rate it:

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who's whoA list of notable, famous, or upper-class people.Rate it:

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who's whoThe identities of specific people, understood in terms of such distinguishing characteristics as their backgrounds, prominence, achievements, jobs, etc., as a basis for comparing them and especially as a basis for ranking them within a social group.Rate it:

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whore aroundTo regularly copulate with people that one is not in a relationship with.Rate it:

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win the dayto be totally accepted by other people (such as an idea or a proposal)Rate it:

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wind downTo slow; to become calmer or less busy.Rate it:

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withused as a connective, to indicate that your with another person, or can be used to connect two wordsRate it:

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wolfpackDuring World War II, any of various marauding groups of submarines, especially German submarines that patrolled the North Atlantic and preyed upon merchant ships.Rate it:

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woman of the hourA woman who has recently caught the attention of, or is being admired or honoured by, a large number of people.Rate it:

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word has itpeople who gossip are saying that..., there is a rumor going around that...Rate it:

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worst of both worldsA solution or scenario which combines the disadvantages of two opposed prior solutions, often having been intended to combine their benefits instead.Rate it:

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wouldn't want to walk from here to thereUsed to denote a massive difference/distance when comparing (usually 2) ideas, items, people, or anything else.Rate it:

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wrong crowdA group of people thought to have a negative influence on a person's behaviour.Rate it:

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YKINMKInitialism of your kink is not my kink : an acknowledgement that people have different sexual preferencesRate it:

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you can't be half pregnantSaid of an either-or situation; there are only two available choices.Rate it:

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you can't judge a book by its coverIt is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone.Rate it:

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you can't put an old head on young shouldersYoung people inevitably lack the experience and wisdom which come with age.Rate it:

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you can't teach an old dog new tricksIt is impossible, or almost impossible, to change people's habits or traits or mindset.Rate it:

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YWMVInitialism of your wallet may vary : you may have more or less money to spend, or different financial priorities.Rate it:

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нашла коса на камень (a scythe hit a rock)Means that two strong characters confronted and do not want to give in; similar to "he met his match" or "diamond cut diamond" Ни один ни другой ни в чём не хотят уступить друг другу. Имеется в виду одинаковое упрямство в отношении чего-либо, непримиримая оппозиция двух лиц, равных по силе характеров, по настойчивости в отношении � елаемого; столкновение взглядов, интересов, характеров.Rate it:

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пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесьworkers of the world, unite!Rate it:

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ואהבת לרעך כמוךlove your neighbor as yourself, love thy neighbor as thyself; The Golden Rule: the principle that one should treat other people in the manner in which one would want to be treated by them.Rate it:

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ז״לOf blessed memory, may he/she/they rest in peace; used after a reference to one or more deceased people.Rate it:

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פועלי כל העולם התאחדוworkers of the world, unite!Rate it:

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一國兩制"One Country, Two Systems"Rate it:

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不知有漢,何論魏晉to be blissfully unaware of the surrounding worldRate it:

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幾位how many people?Rate it:

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有邊讀邊A method people use to pronounce a Chinese character when they do not know its exact pronunciation: one of the components of the character is taken as a phonetic and that pronunciation is used, sometimes erroneously.Rate it:

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笑貧不笑娼the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer povertyRate it:

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聞名世界known the world over; world-famous; renownedRate it:

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腳踏兩條船to have two dates at the same timeRate it:

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談何容易people should not criticize or comment rashlyRate it:

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貴人多忘事important people tend to have short memories; someone having a forgetful mindRate it:

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貴圈真亂The lifestyle of people in your social circle is something I cannot easily comprehend.Rate it:

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Quit ________around, we have loads to do.
A messing
B snoring
C snaking
D horsing