
Phrases related to: monster you made Page #22

Yee yee! We've found 1,788 phrases and idioms matching monster you made.

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hecha la ley, hacha la tramparules are made to be brokenRate it:

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high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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high horseTo show in your actions and expressions that you are superior to others, arrogant and haughtyRate it:

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hippo birdie two ewehappy birthday to youRate it:

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hit the nail on the head!To do something perfectly, to give a textbook answer to a question that shows you grasp the concept at hand.Rate it:

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hoc in te reprehendo (not ob eam rem)I blame this in you; I censure you for this.Rate it:

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hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)I agree with you there.Rate it:

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hoc verbum alte descendit in pectus alicuiuswhat he said made a deep impression on...Rate it:

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hold on to your seatPrepare for: something exciting or unexpected, e.g. a bumpy ride, a shocking revelation, “you may want to avert your eyes”Rate it:

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hold up one's endI'm holding up my end and you had better hold up yours.Rate it:

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house of cardsA structure made by laying cards perpendicularly on top of each other.Rate it:

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how bistHow are you? A generic greeting.Rate it:

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how do ye doAlternative form of how do you doRate it:

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how do?Shortened form of "How do you do?" ; emphasis on the word "do" when you say "How do?"Rate it:

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how much does it costWhat is its price?, How much money do you want for it?Rate it:

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how's it goinghow are you?Rate it:

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how's it hanginghow are you?Rate it:

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how's lifeAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are youRate it:

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how's thingsAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are you?Rate it:

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howdedoEye dialect spelling of how do you do.Rate it:

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hoy por ti, mañana por miyou scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursRate it:

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HRUInitialism of how are you.Rate it:

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humble pieA pie made from the offal of deer or hog.Rate it:

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hungry hungry hippoAn expression used to say you are very hungry; also hungry hippo, for short; also the name of a children's board game (Hungry Hungry Hippo) produced by Hasbro under its subsidiary, Milton BradleyRate it:

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hygiene theatreExcessive and unnecessary cleaning and disinfection of physical locations, to create and maintain an appearance that the location has proactively been made safe, notwithstanding evidence that the actions taken are unnecessary.Rate it:

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i can't wait!Used when you are impatient.Rate it:

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i could have been a contenderSomething said when would you or someone could have been good at something--good enough to be a professional and compete with others.Rate it:

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I knowA response used to indicate that speaker was in agreement with the preceding statement before it was made.Rate it:

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I like pieYou are stupid; said as if lowering oneself to an equally moronic state of mind.Rate it:

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i'd rather shit in my hands, then clap!When you really don't want to do something, you'd rather shit in your hands, then clap the poo, than performing a given task!Rate it:

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I'm fineConventional response to "how are you?", indicating that one is well.Rate it:

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I'm your huckleberryI am your partner; I will join you; I will work with you; I will fight you; I will dance with you.Rate it:

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ich hasse dichI hate youRate it:

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ich liebe dichI love youRate it:

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ich mag dichI like youRate it:

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ICYWWInitialism of In case you were wondering.Rate it:

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if looks could killA phrase said upon catching sight of someone's giving you a particularly nasty look of discontent or disapproval.Rate it:

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IFYPFYInitialism of I fixed your post for you.Rate it:

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Ignorance is BlissWhen you are glad, it is better to be unaware of bad thingsRate it:

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il a changé son cheval borgne contre un aveugleHe has changed for the worse; He has made a bad bargain.Rate it:

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il a dit pis que pendre de vousHe said everything that was bad of you; According to him, hanging is too good for you.Rate it:

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il a épousé un bon partiHe made a good match.Rate it:

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il a fait ses affaires dans les vinsHe made his money in the wine trade.Rate it:

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il a fait un bon coupHe has made a good bargain.Rate it:

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il a l'abord rude, mais il s'adoucit bientôtHe receives you roughly at first, but that soon passes off.Rate it:

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il a pris son parti1. He has made up his mind. 2. He has resigned himself to it.Rate it:

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il a trouvé la fève au gâteauHe has hit the mark; He has made a lucky discovery.Rate it:

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il aime à ce qu'on fasse cas de luiHe likes to be made a fuss of.Rate it:

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il en sera ce qu'il vous plairaIt shall be just as you please.Rate it:

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il est à même de vous comprendreHe is able to understand you.Rate it:

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In for a penny, in for a _______.
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C cent
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