
Phrases related to: dare you to move Page #23

Yee yee! We've found 1,849 phrases and idioms matching dare you to move.

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gather wayTo begin to move; to move with increasing speed.Rate it:

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gee upmove on!, go faster!Rate it:

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gern geschehenYou're welcome: a response to an expression of thanks.Rate it:

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get (one’s) comeuppance(1) Punishment or reward for one's actions; (2) getting what you have coming to you; (3) getting what you deserve; (4) karma.Rate it:

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get acrossTo cross; to move from one side to the other, literally or figuratively.Rate it:

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get afterTo move into action in pursuit of something.Rate it:

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get afterTo move into action in attempt to catch or defeat another.Rate it:

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get afterTo attempt to convince another to move into action.Rate it:

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get aroundTo move to the other side of an obstruction.Rate it:

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get intoTo move into an object, such that one ends up inside it.Rate it:

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get offTo move to not being on top of it.Rate it:

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get ontoTo move onto an object, especially one on which it is possible to stand.Rate it:

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get overTo forget, and move on.Rate it:

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get ready to roll!Prepare to Move Out!, Get it in Gear and Fast!Rate it:

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Get Something off Your ChestTo tell someone what has been bothering you, to relieve yourself of some burden, to confess something you feel guilty for.Rate it:

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get up the yardNonsense! I don't believe you.Rate it:

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get up toTo do something, especially something that you should not doRate it:

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get your butt in gearPrepare To Move-Out, 'Shake A LegRate it:

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git alongmove; keep goingRate it:

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give a man a fishShortened form of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetimeRate it:

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give hostage to fortuneTo take an action or make a statement that is risky because it could cause you trouble later.Rate it:

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give it a twistIf you have trouble getting it to work right, try giving it a twist.Rate it:

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give snackTo ask for something. Created to ask for something that you want, mostly in a sport when asking for the ball, hacky sack, or anything that you want that someone else is holding.Rate it:

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Give Up the GhostStop trying or give up when you know it is useless and you will not succeedRate it:

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glauben Sie an Gottdo you believe in GodRate it:

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glaubst du an Gottdo you believe in God?Rate it:

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go aroundTo move or spread from person to person.Rate it:

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go for the gustoTo give your best; get everything out of life you can get; reach for the goal; have the best experienceRate it:

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go great gunsTo move or proceed very quickly.Rate it:

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go onleave; the speaker is telling you to leaveRate it:

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go take a jump in the lake!a rude way of telling someone to go away and stop annoying you.Rate it:

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go wildGo ahead; do as you please used to grant permission for or to give endorsement of a suggestion or proposal, especially when the speaker is not interested in the outcome of the proposal.Rate it:

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god willing and the creeks don't riseA way of answering 'yes' when someone asks if you are going to do something; the same as saying, "Yes, I will, unless something happens to prevent me that I cannot control"; if it is God's will and no disasters happenRate it:

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god works in mysterious waysExpressing confidence that a conundrum has a solution despite it not being apparent.Expressing that a seemingly unfortunate or unfavourable situation or change may be beneficial later or in the long run.Person A: It seems that I'm about to be fired from my job.Person B: Well, God works in mysterious ways - maybe it'll be the kick you need to apply to university...Rate it:

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goûtez-moi ce vin; vous m'en direz des nouvelles (fam.)You just taste this wine, you don’t get wine like that every day; What do you think of that for wine, my boy?Rate it:

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grand bien vous fasseMuch good may it do you.Rate it:

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grand entranceTo enter a room or event with an as if you are a person of royalty or importance, either real or perceived (ie. by the person entering or by their peers at the event.Rate it:

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grazie millethank you very much, thanks a lotRate it:

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gupi or guppyIt’s when you suspect a person to be lying or faking it until they make it. Purely full of shit. They smellin’ kinda fishy!! So can use GUPI to mean Guilty Until Prove Innocent or to mean that you’re not buying the story.Rate it:

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haben Sie Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamenteare you allergic to any medications?Rate it:

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habla inglésdo you speak English?Rate it:

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hablas inglésdo you speak English?Rate it:

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Hands are TiedNot able to help or assist; stay away from doing what you are willing to do; helpless to do somethingRate it:

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hands upPut your hands up (if you wish to participate).Rate it:

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hang fiveTo perform a longboard move where the surfer goes to the front of the board and rides from there, one foot on the nose and the five toes of that foot extended out over the front of the nose, the other foot placed further back.Rate it:

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Hanging by a ThreadTo remain in insecure and risky situation, to take help of a very small to secure youRate it:

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happy trailsan expression wishing someone a good journey (typically on a road or path); short for 'happy trails to you'; a way of saying goodbyeRate it:

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hast du Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamenteare you allergic to any medications?Rate it:

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hasta luegogoodbye, see you later, bye, take careRate it:

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hasta mañanagoodbye, see you tomorrow, until tomorrow.Rate it:

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Out of sight, out of _____.
A light
B mind
C breath
D town