
Phrases related to: give someone a hand Page #23

Yee yee! We've found 2,197 phrases and idioms matching give someone a hand.

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apprenti n'est pas maîtreOne must not expect from a beginner the talent of an old hand; You must spoil before you spin.Rate it:

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are you doing anything tomorrowAsks if someone is busy tomorrow, possibly to invite them to do something if they are available.Rate it:

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argentariam dissolvere (Caecin. 4. 11)to close one's bank, give up banking.Rate it:

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ark at eeUsed to draw attention to something or someone.Rate it:

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armchair quarterbacksomeone who sits back and tries to second-guess or give advice about the quarterback, coach or other players, but who is not involved in the gameRate it:

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army volunteerTo make someone perform a task or duty, especially one they are not prepared or willing to do.Rate it:

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artificio et via tradere aliquidto give a scientific explanation of a thing.Rate it:

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as close as an oysterSecretive; reluctant to give information.Rate it:

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ask afterTo enquire about the health or progress (of someone).Rate it:

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ask roundTo invite someone to your house.Rate it:

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auctorem esse alicui, utto give a person advice.Rate it:

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auf einem Bein kann man nicht stehenused to encourage someone to have another drink after their firstRate it:

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avoir quinte et quatorzeTo have the game in one’s own hand.Rate it:

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avoir toujours la bourse à la mainTo have always one’s hand in one’s pocket.Rate it:

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avoir un poil dans la mainTo be very lazy (so that hair grows on the palm of the hand).Rate it:

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aye aye, sirThe correct and seamanlike reply, onboard a Royal Navy (or U.S. Navy) ship, on receipt of an order from someone of senior rank or authority. It means "I understand the command and hasten to comply with the order."Rate it:

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back in harnessTo be restored to one's employment or office. Often said of someone returning to work after recovering from illness.Rate it:

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back to our muttonsTo get back to the business at hand.Rate it:

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Backseat DriverA person, who is bossy and likes to give unwanted advices and order to othersRate it:

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bag outto criticise someoneRate it:

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bait and switchto misrepresent; a strategy that misdirects the pursuant; to bait, dupe or lure someone with something of value then switch it out for something of less value; an illegal practice in the United StatesRate it:

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Bark Up the Wrong TreeTo have a wrong guess or idea about someone or some situation, efforts and attentions being diverted in a wrong directionRate it:

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bash inTo injure someone by hitting violently.Rate it:

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bash upTo assault someone with the intention of causing physical injury.Rate it:

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battre en brècheto reduce to rubble, to give a poundingRate it:

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be at one's beck and callTo be in the position of serving someone in any way they desire, usually unwillingly.Rate it:

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be thereTo be available to provide comfort and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty.Rate it:

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be there or be squareUsed to encourage someone to go somewhere.Rate it:

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be withTo agree with someone.Rate it:

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be withTo understand someone's point or intention.Rate it:

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bear witnessgive evidenceRate it:

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beat the daylights out ofTo beat (someone) severelyRate it:

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beat the daylights out ofTo defeat (someone) thoroughly and decisively, especially in a physical fight.Rate it:

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beat the livin' daylights outta yaTo beat someone severely.Rate it:

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beat the pants offTo thoroughly and decisively defeat someone, either in a physical fight or, figuratively, in a competition.Rate it:

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because reasonsUsed to avoid specifying the reasons for something, perhaps because specifying them would be tangential to the point at hand, or perhaps because they are not sound or are not known to the speaker.Rate it:

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bed into settle, to make [someone] feel at homeRate it:

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bee in one's bonnetSomething that makes someone act crazy or excites them or is of particular interest or concern to them; something that bothers or irritates someone; a lesser known version of this expression is “bug in one’s bonnet”Rate it:

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bend over backwardsTo go all out for someone who fails to show appreciation.Rate it:

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best of luckUsed to express hopes that someone does well in a new endeavor.Rate it:

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bestow ongive as a gift toRate it:

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big daddySomething or someone of importance.Rate it:

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big gunSomeone who is powerful or influential most often in plural form.Rate it:

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big mouthThe mouth of someone who talks too much, especially by making exaggerated claims or by inappropriately revealing information.Rate it:

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bind overTo compel someone to do, or abstain from, a particular act.Rate it:

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bitch goddessSomeone, specifically a woman, who has such success; a rich and/or famous woman.Rate it:

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bitch, pleaseWhen you want a bitch to shut up, you hold up your hand, turn away, and say “bitch, please” Similar to the saying “talk to the hand”Rate it:

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black marksomething that negatively affects someone's reputationRate it:

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blast from the pastSomething or someone that a person has not seen for a long time and that which evokes nostalgic feelings.Rate it:

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bless youSaid to someone who has just sneezed, as a polite remark.Rate it:

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She looked like a _________ in headlights.
A deer
B horse
C duck
D chicken