
Phrases related to: know which side ones bread is buttered Page #25

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waiting gameA strategy or course of action in which one or more parties refrain from direct action until circumstances change in their favor.Rate it:

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war of nervesA situation in which opposed parties refrain from direct conflict but maintain a tense, contentious relationship in which each uses annoyances or intimidating psychological tactics to attempt to dishearten and unnerve the other.Rate it:

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war of nervesWarfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents.Rate it:

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warts and allOf or pertaining to a description or other depiction which reveals the full range of characteristics of a person or thing, including the shortcomings and imperfections.Rate it:

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waste breathTo speak in a manner which is needless or futile; in discussion or argument to make points which are not appreciated or heeded.Rate it:

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watering holeA depression in which water collects and where animals come to drink.Rate it:

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wax poeticTo speak or write verbosely and in an increasingly enthusiastic manner; any discourse which is of an eloquent or poetic nature; similar to ‘wax lyrical’Rate it:

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weak sisterA person or thing which is the least robust or least dependable member of a group.Rate it:

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what foot the shoe is onAlternative form of which foot the shoe is onRate it:

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what languages do you speakWhat are the languages which you can understand and which you can speak or write in?Rate it:

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what's it to youWhy are you asking? Why do you want to know?.Rate it:

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what's wrong with youMocking sense, making light of ones ailmentRate it:

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where are you fromIn which country or region were you born or raised?Rate it:

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whip handThe hand in which a horse rider holds the whip.Rate it:

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white weddingA wedding in which the bride is still a virgin.Rate it:

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who are youShort for: Who are you and what have you done with {the person I know--ie. my friend, my wife, etc, whatever relationship you have with the listener) Besides the normal meaning to ask who someone is, this phrase is something usually said in jest ( jokingly) to someone when they are acting very differently than normal; to insinuate or assert that they aren't acting like themselves or that they have become a different personRate it:

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who shot johnA long and involved explanation; a thing of which an explanation would be long and involved.Rate it:

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whole clothA newly made textile which has not yet been cut.Rate it:

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whole clothThe fictitious material from which complete fabrications, lies with no basis in truth, are made.Rate it:

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whose foot the shoe is onAlternative form of which foot the shoe is onRate it:

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widow's miteA very small gift or donation which, however, represents a great sacrifice on the part of the giver.Rate it:

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window on the worldSomething which provides information about or interaction with a variety of people, places, events, or things outside of one's immediate sphere of experience.Rate it:

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witness boxA place in which a witnesses is seated during a trial.Rate it:

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word playA technique in which the nature of the words used become part of the subject of the work, such as puns, phonetic mix-ups such as spoonerisms, obscure words and meanings, clever rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences, and telling character names.Rate it:

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work 'im over!To give someone heavy criticism, 'dress him down', 'read him out', let him know 'who's the boss'!Rate it:

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worldA planet,especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable.Rate it:

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worst of both worldsA solution or scenario which combines the disadvantages of two opposed prior solutions, often having been intended to combine their benefits instead.Rate it:

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WWWWWAbbreviation of which was what we wanted.Rate it:

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WYCIWYGWhat you cache is what you get: A URI scheme specific to the Mozilla family of web browsers which indicates that a link should be preferentially fetched from cache instead of from the web server.Rate it:

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yellow journalismMaterial published in a broadcast or periodical, such as a tabloid newspaper or magazine, which is sensationalistic and of questionable accuracy and taste.Rate it:

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yellow pressNewspapers which publish sensationalist articles rather than well researched and sober journalism.Rate it:

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you can't make a silk purse of a sow's earIt is not possible to produce something refined, admirable, or valuable from something which is unrefined, unpleasant, or of little or no value.Rate it:

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you can't put an old head on young shouldersYoung people inevitably lack the experience and wisdom which come with age.Rate it:

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you've got to laughUsed when somebody sees the funny side to a tough situation, to remind not to take things so seriously.Rate it:

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your actions speak so loudly that your words i cannot hearWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "To know and not to do is not to know"Rate it:

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your ass is a starYou don't know what you're talking about.Rate it:

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your guess is as good as mineI don't knowRate it:

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как вы знаетеas you knowRate it:

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не знаюI don't knowRate it:

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я не знаюI don’t knowRate it:

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я хочу знатьI want to knowRate it:

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ואהבת לרעך כמוךlove your neighbor as yourself, love thy neighbor as thyself; The Golden Rule: the principle that one should treat other people in the manner in which one would want to be treated by them.Rate it:

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不明覺厲Although I don't know what you are saying or doing, I think you are amazing.Rate it:

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也是醉了I'm speechless. / It's so ridiculous that I don't know what to say any more. / Facepalm. / OMG.Rate it:

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你懂的if you know what I mean; you knowRate it:

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你老母Abbreviated from 屌你老母, which literally means "fuck your mother", but is usually translated as "fuck you".Rate it:

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唔知個死字點寫doesn't know the meaning of fearRate it:

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唔識個死字點寫doesn't know the meaning of fearRate it:

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小狗懶擦鞋a phrase that literally means "little dog lazy to wipe shoes" but is actually a phrase which contains words with similar sounds to the five profanities in Cantonese: 屌, 鳩, 撚, 柒, 閪.Rate it:

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恁老母Abbreviated from 姦恁老母 /奸恁老母, which literally means "fuck your mother", but is usually translated as "fuck you".Rate it:

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A man is a _____ of the field.
A plough
B tree
C stronghold
D pillar