
Phrases related to: Get Into the Swing of Things Page #26

Yee yee! We've found 1,805 phrases and idioms matching Get Into the Swing of Things.

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Hit the JackpotTo get something great, to achieve something remarkableRate it:

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hit the pavementTo get moving in an automobile or other road vehicle.Rate it:

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Hit the RoofTo instantly loose temper, to get extremely furiousRate it:

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hoc in sapientem non caditit is incompatible with the nature of a wise man; the wise are superior to such things.Rate it:

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honey trapThe use of a seductive woman to entice a man into revealing secret information.Rate it:

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hoover upInto a vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand.Rate it:

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hoover upQuickly, especially by taking it into the mouth directly from the plate rather than using cutlery.Rate it:

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hop to itTo hurry up, to get moving.Rate it:

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hop to it!Get going, Get started!, Let's Roll!Rate it:

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hospital passA throw that stays in the air long enough that it allows too many people to get underneath it, increasing the risk of injury and a trip to the hospital. Thus, a hospital pass.Rate it:

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hot to trotEager to begin; anxious to get going.Rate it:

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house warmingPresented as a way of welcoming someone to a home into which he or she recently moved.Rate it:

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housewarmingA party to celebrate moving into a new home.Rate it:

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hush moneyMoney given to buy silence, get someone to 'take the fifth'.Rate it:

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i've been robbedI should have gotten something that I didn't getRate it:

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Ignorance is BlissWhen you are glad, it is better to be unaware of bad thingsRate it:

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il a donné tête baissée dans le piège (panneau)He ran headlong into the trap.Rate it:

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il a fait une sortieHe flew into a passion.Rate it:

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il a l'esprit de traversHe has an awkward temper; He does not see things as they are; He is cross-grained.Rate it:

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il a reculé pour mieux sauter1. He waited for something better. 2. (ironic.) He avoided a small evil to fall into a greater.Rate it:

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il a une chambre grande comme la mainHe has a room not big enough to swing a cat in.Rate it:

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il en dansera en l'airHe will swing for it.Rate it:

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il est avec le ciel des accommodementsOne can arrange things with heaven.Rate it:

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il faut se faire une raisonWe must be guided by reason; We must look at things from a reasonable point of view.Rate it:

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il n'a pas gagné cela en disant son chapeletHe did not get that for nothing.Rate it:

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il n'a qu'à se baisser pour en prendreHe has only to stoop and pick it up; He has merely to ask for it to get it.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas confondre autour avec alentourOne must not mix up two things entirely different.Rate it:

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il ne se foule pas la rate (pop.)He does not overwork himself; He takes things easily.Rate it:

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il ne se mouche pas du coude (fam.)1. He is no fool. 2. He does things in grand style. Rate it:

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il prend le temps comme il vientHe takes things easily.Rate it:

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il prend sur son sommeil pour étudierHe works far into the night.Rate it:

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il s'est jeté à corps perdu dans cette affaireHe threw himself headlong (or, with might and main) into the matter.Rate it:

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il tirerait de l'huile d'un murHe would skin a flint, get blood from a stone. Rate it:

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il vient d'être bombardé membre de ce clubHe has just been pitchforked into that club (over the heads of more deserving people).Rate it:

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ils se sont mis dans la gueule du loupThey rushed into the lion’s mouth.Rate it:

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in alicuius manus incidereto fall unexpectedly into some one's hands.Rate it:

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in alicuius manus venire, pervenireto come into some one's hands.Rate it:

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in carcerem conicere aliquemto throw some one into prison.Rate it:

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in duas partes discedere (Sall. Iug. 13. 1)to divide into two factions.Rate it:

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in exsilium eicere or expellere aliquemto banish a person, send him into exile.Rate it:

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in exsilium ire, pergere, proficiscito go into exile.Rate it:

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in ipsam or intimam Graeciam penetrareto penetrate into the heart of Greece.Rate it:

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in lucem dormireto sleep on into the morning.Rate it:

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in lucem edito see the light, come into the world.Rate it:

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in luxuriam effundito plunge into excesses, a career of excess.Rate it:

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in manus(m) sumere aliquidto take something into one's hands.Rate it:

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in medios hostes se inicereto rush into the midst of the foe.Rate it:

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in medium proferre aliquidto bring a subject forward into discussion.Rate it:

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in meliorem spem, cogitationem aliquem inducere (Off. 2. 15. 53)to induce some one to take a brighter view of things.Rate it:

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in nostros mores inducere aliquid (De Or. 2. 28)to introduce a thing into our customs; to familiarise us with a thing.Rate it:

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