
Phrases related to: have seen better days Page #29

Yee yee! We've found 1,481 phrases and idioms matching have seen better days.

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vaut bien que malAt all events; For better, for worse.Rate it:

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venir deto have just doneRate it:

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ventis secundis, adversis utito have favourable, contrary, winds.Rate it:

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ventre affamé prend tout en gré“They that have no other meat, Bread and butter are glad to eat.”Rate it:

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verum ut ad id, unde digressa est oratio, revertamurbut to return from the digression we have been making.Rate it:

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vetus usus inter nos interceditwe have known each other well for several years.Rate it:

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vier Augen sehen mehr als zweitwo heads are better than oneRate it:

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voir tout en noirTo look on the black side of things; To have the blues.Rate it:

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voti damnari, compotem fierito have to pay a vow; to obtain one's wish.Rate it:

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vous arrivez on ne peut mieuxYou could not have come at a more opportune moment.Rate it:

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vous aurez bon marché de luiYou will easily get the better of him.Rate it:

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vous avez beau jeu1. (lit.) You have good cards. 2. (fig.) You have the advantage.Rate it:

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vous avez fait des vôtresYou have committed follies yourself; You have played pranks too.Rate it:

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vous avez fait là une belle affaire (ironic.)You have made a pretty mess of it.Rate it:

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vous avez mis le doigt dessusYou have hit the right nail on the head; You have touched the spot.Rate it:

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vous avez touché la grosse cordeYou have come to the main point.Rate it:

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vous faites des pattes de moucheYou have a small, ill-formed handwriting.Rate it:

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vous l'avez blessé au cœurYou have wounded his feelings.Rate it:

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vous l'avez échappé belleYou have had a narrow escape (or, shave).Rate it:

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vous l'avez voulu!It is your own fault; You would have it.Rate it:

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vous m'avez tiré une épine du pied(fig.) You have got me out of a difficulty. Rate it:

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vous voilà bien avancé! (ironic.)Here you are in a pretty mess! What good have you gained by that?Rate it:

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vous vous adressez mal; vous vous adressez bien (ironic.)You have come to the wrong person; You have mistaken your man.Rate it:

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voy a caballo y vengo a pieI have less than what I started withRate it:

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walk all overTo dominate a person or a group; to have a person take a submissive or inferior role.Rate it:

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wash withhave an effect on, persuadeRate it:

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wasp curvedOf Woman. To have a beautiful figureRate it:

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wear downTo have one's long hair styled in a free, low-hanging, unencumbered style; i.e., not in an up-do or ponytail.Rate it:

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wet one's whistleTo have a drink; to quench one's thirst.Rate it:

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what a crock!An exclamation of disbelief; calling someone a liar; saying that someone didn't have the right to say or do something; indicating that something isn't fair or right; short version of "What a crock of bull shit!" or "What a crock of bull!" or "What a crock of shit!" or "That's bull! or "That's bullshit"Rate it:

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what do you want, a cookieA phrase sometimes given as a retort to someone who has done something unsurprising or unimpressive and has seen fit to inform one of having done so.Rate it:

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what goes around comes aroundThe status eventually returns to its original value after completing some sort of cycle.A person's actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.Rate it:

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what someone saidUsed to indicate agreement, as if one would have wanted to say what a previous speaker has said, without change or qualificationRate it:

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what would you likeUsed to ask the interlocutor what they would like to order, to buy or have a look at.Rate it:

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white elephantSomething you have but uselessRate it:

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who are youShort for: Who are you and what have you done with {the person I know--ie. my friend, my wife, etc, whatever relationship you have with the listener) Besides the normal meaning to ask who someone is, this phrase is something usually said in jest ( jokingly) to someone when they are acting very differently than normal; to insinuate or assert that they aren't acting like themselves or that they have become a different personRate it:

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who died and left you in chargeSarcastic response to somebody assuming a position of authority that they have not earned.Rate it:

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whoops there it isIt is what you have or what the situation isRate it:

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wipe upTo dry utensils, dishes etc. that have been washed.Rate it:

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without fearI just have to go forward in my life without fear.Rate it:

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work smarter, not harderIt's better to be wise than vigorous.Rate it:

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workers of the world, uniteLaborers are encouraged to unionize or otherwise engage in collective action on a global scale in order to use the strength of their numbers to obtain better conditions.Rate it:

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wouldn't touch with yoursTo not find (someone) sexually attractive; to not have sex with someone.Rate it:

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wrong crowdA group of people thought to have a negative influence on a person's behaviour.Rate it:

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YHBTInitialism of you have been trolled : a response to someone who is "feeding a troll".Rate it:

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YHBWInitialism of you have been warned.Rate it:

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YHJBTSynonym of YHBT : you have just been trolled.Rate it:

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YKINMKInitialism of your kink is not my kink : an acknowledgement that people have different sexual preferencesRate it:

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you can't run with the hare and hunt with the houndsYou can't have it both ways.Rate it:

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you don't know beans aboutYou Don't Have Any Idea About? Doing a task, performing a certain choreRate it:

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