
Phrases related to: car door handle Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 188 phrases and idioms matching car door handle.

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stretch limolong carRate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
born in a barnEngaging in the annoying behavior of inappropriately, and usually neglectfully, leaving open a door or window.Rate it:

(2.00 / 2 votes)
bar upto fit with bars (e.g. across a window or door)Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
get the hang ofTo learn to handle something with some skill, through practice or diligence, which can lead to an almost unconscious performance thereof.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
the jetset wayThe JetSet Way is the only way. People who live this way are straight alpha/sigma males and have the ability at will to ethically attain any and every woman they shall desire, own any car they shall want, wear whatever brand clothes they want, get VIP access everywhere and will spend more time on planes traveling to foreign countries than they do at their home. The Jet Set Way was coined by JetSetFly (also known as Josh King Madrid) himself.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
all-a-mortSad; at death's door.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
aux portes de la mortat death's doorRate it:

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backseat driverA passenger in a car who insists on giving the driver directions.Rate it:

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bell it outAn electricians methodology to assure continuity in an electrical circuit. Utilizing and applying a low voltage power source to a circuit and applying a pretested door bell to the opposite end of the circuit to prove continuity.Rate it:

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better let your glasses up. it's fixing to come up a cloud.Roll the car windows up, a thunderstorm is happening soon.Rate it:

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bien lui en prit d'avoir fermé sa porteIt was lucky for him that he shut his door.Rate it:

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brake pedalcar partRate it:

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buzz inTo open a remote-controlled door to allow to enter after he/she has sounded the door buzzer.Rate it:

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cat's pyjamasThat new car was really the cat's pyjamas.Rate it:

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cats have nine livesIt looked as though the car ran over the cat, yet the cat walked away as if nothing happened. Cats have nine lives.Rate it:

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chacun a dans sa vie un souris de la fortuneFortune knocks once at every man’s door.Rate it:

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Chew Someone OutTo handle someone roughly and scold them severelyRate it:

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chrome hornThe front bumper of a car when used to bump another vehicle, usually to inform the driver of the other vehicle, that the first car would like to pass.Rate it:

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ci penso ioI'll deal with it, I'll handle it.Rate it:

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cordon, s'il vous plaîtOpen the door, please (to porters in Paris).Rate it:

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dickyThe luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car.Rate it:

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dire et faire font deuxDire une chose et la faire sont deux choses différentes, car le passage à l’acte constitue une grande étape qui n’est pas toujours évidente à franchir.Autre chose est dire, et autre chose faire.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do not disturbUsed to indicate that somebody does not wish to be disturbed, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door, or a "busy" mode of an instant messenger.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do not enterUsed to ask not to enter, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
être à l'article de la mort (or, à l'agonie)To be at death’s door.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
fermer l'écurie quand les chevaux sont dehorsTo lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.Rate it:

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fores obserareto bolt the door.Rate it:

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get outTo leave a vehicle such as a car.Rate it:

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give a sneck possetTo fasten the door latch.Rate it:

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give a sneck possetTo give someone a cold reception; to close the door on someone; to reject them.Rate it:

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Gone FishinHumorous 'Door-Sign' on Front Door of Temporarily 'Closed' Store, Business Place, Service StationRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
heap onTo give someone a lot of, especially moreso than is appropriate or that the recipient can handle.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
huis closclosed doorRate it:

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ianuam effringere, revellereto burst open the door.Rate it:

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idiot lightAny warning light or indicator on the dashboard of a car, designed to alert the driver of problems, such as the parking brake being on or the oil being low.Rate it:

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il est à l'article de la mortHe is at the point of death, at death’s door.Rate it:

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il me ferma la porte au nezHe shut the door in my face.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas remettre au lendemain ce qu'on peut faire le jour mêmeIl faut agir pendant qu'il est temps et éviter la procrastination c'est-à-dire le fait de toujours remettre les choses au lendemain. Car on ne sait jamais ce qui nous attend demain.Rate it:

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ils s'échappèrent qui par la porte, qui par les fenêtresSome escaped through the door, others through the windows.Rate it:

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jam sandwich(from the common UK colour scheme of white with a red reflective horizontal band) A police car.Rate it:

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je leur ai donné prise sur moiI gave them a handle on me.Rate it:

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je m'en prends à vousI lay the blame at your door.Rate it:

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latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent(s).Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent.Rate it:

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les absents ont toujours tortIl est facile d’accuser une personne absente d’avoir tort ou d’avoir fait une chose condamnable, car elle n’est pas là pour se défendre.Rate it:

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les arbres ne montent jamais jusqu'au cielSe dit aussi de la bourse et des actions cotées en bourse. Les actionnaires et les boursicoteurs doivent savoir qu'il faut tôt au tard vendre leurs actions car elles ne montent jamais indéfiniment.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
les conseilleurs ne sont pas les payeursIl faut prendre avec mesure le conseil des autres car la décision finale n’engage, en terme de responsabilité, que le décideur.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
les pots fêlés sont ceux qui durent le plusThe door with the creaking hinge hangs longest; The cracked pitcher goes oftenest to the well.Rate it:

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like a deer caught in the headlightsReferring to someone who looks or acts startled like a deer in the road as a car approaches at night.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
lot lizardA customer or salesperson at a used car lot.Rate it:

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Don't throw stones if you live in a _______.
A glasshouse
B stone quarry
C tree
D castle