
Phrases related to: death in absentia Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 138 phrases and idioms matching death in absentia.

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la mort l'a pris au pied levéDeath took him without a moment’s notice.Rate it:

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last wordThe final statement uttered by a person before death.Rate it:

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leave for deadTo abandon a person or other living creature that is injured or otherwise incapacitated, assuming that the death of the one abandoned will soon follow.Rate it:

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même à travers l'agonie la passion dominante se fait voirThe ruling passion is strong in death.Rate it:

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minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellumto threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war.Rate it:

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morbo perire, absūmi, consūmito die a natural death.Rate it:

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mors alicuius luctum mihi attulitsome one's death has plunged me in grief.Rate it:

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mors immatura or praematuraan untimely death.Rate it:

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morte multare aliquem (Catil. 1. 11. 28)to punish any one with death.Rate it:

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mortem oppetereto meet death (by violence).Rate it:

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mourir à la peine1. To die in harness. 2. To work oneself to death.Rate it:

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necessaria (opp. voluntaria) morte morito die a natural death.Rate it:

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on one's deathbedClose to death.Rate it:

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pale rider"The Pale Rider"; another name for Death, "The Grim Reaper", "the angel of death"; and one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.Rate it:

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plagam extremam or mortiferam infligereto inflict a death-blow.Rate it:

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play possumTo feign death; to remain quiet and still to escape attention or remain undetected; to lay low.Rate it:

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potestas vitae necisquepower over life and death.Rate it:

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potestatem habet in aliquem vitae necisque (B. G. 1. 16. 5)he has power over life and death.Rate it:

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qu'avez vous? j'ai que je m'ennuieWhat is the matter with you? The matter is that I am bored to death.Rate it:

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quand on compte sur les souliers d'un mort on risque de marcher pieds nusIt’s an ill thing to wait for dead men’s shoes; He pulls with a long rope that waits for another’s death.Rate it:

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rainbow babyA baby born following a miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of an infant. Also known as a 'sunshine' baby or an 'angel' baby. They bring joy to a grieving family following stillbirth or infant loss.Rate it:

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scare the living daylights out ofTo scare something or someone to death.Rate it:

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se faire un sang d'encreto be worried sick, to be worried to deathRate it:

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subita morteThe sudden death of all or a portion of a contract or other agreement without regard to any other clause continuing or extending the agreement,Rate it:

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subita morte exstinguito be cut off by sudden death.Rate it:

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supplicium alicui decernere, in aliquem constituereto decree the penalty of death.Rate it:

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supplicium sumere de aliquoto execute the death-sentence on a person.Rate it:

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take someone to the graveTo kill someone; to cause someone's death.Rate it:

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take something to the graveTo never reveal a secret to one's death.Rate it:

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take the biscuitTo be of no further use; to be near death.Rate it:

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talem vitae exitum (not finem) habuit (Nep. Eum. 13)such was the end of... (used of a violent death).Rate it:

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un billet de faire partA letter by which a birth, marriage, or death is made known to friends.Rate it:

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vous me faites mourir à petit feuYou are killing me by inches; You are torturing me to death.Rate it:

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watery graveDeath via drowning in a body of water.Rate it:

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Смерть шпионам"Death to spies!", rallying cry of SMERSH, the counterintelligence department of the GRU and NKVD.Rate it:

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הי״דUsed after the name of someone killed because he was Jewish, as a prayer to God that He avenge his death.Rate it:

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不作死就不會死you won't die if you do not seek death; you will not get into trouble if you do not seek troubleRate it:

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生死有命,富貴在天Life and death are fated, riches and honour depend on the appointment of heaven. / Life and death, poor or rich, it's all destined.Rate it:

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