
Phrases related to: facé Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 173 phrases and idioms matching facé.

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back officeThe IT and infrastructure support services for a company, separate from the public face of the business.Rate it:

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brazen outTo face up to or confront without shameRate it:

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bulgerA driver or a brassy with a convex face.Rate it:

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casser le nez à quelqu'un à coups d'encensoirTo flatter some one fulsomely to his face. Rate it:

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charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-mêmeIl faut penser à soi avant de s’occuper des autres. Ce proverbe est aussi utilisé face à une critique de son interlocuteur. Il signifie alors qu’il faut s’occuper de ses propres défauts avant de critiquer ceux des autres.Rate it:

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cheat outTo face or turn toward the audience more than would be natural, for instance in a staged conversation.Rate it:

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close ranksto regroup forces, especially when this involves overlooking differences in order to face a challenge or adverse situation. Often implies making a show of unity, especially to the public.Rate it:

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courage of one's convictionsSteadfast adherence to one's beliefs or principles, especially in the face of criticism or other opposition.Rate it:

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dig in one's heelsTo act in a determined manner by firmly maintaining one's beliefs, demands, situation, etc. in the face of opposition.Rate it:

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è l'uovo di Colomboit's as plain as the nose on your face; it's extremely clear and obvious.Rate it:

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eat itTo fall forward, hitting one's face on the ground.Rate it:

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faceplantThe act of landing face first, often associated with bailing during extreme sports.Rate it:

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faire bonne mine à mauvais jeuTo put a good face on misfortune; To make the best of a bad job.Rate it:

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Get RealTo confront reality, to realize something seriously, stop daydreaming and face the truthRate it:

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have one's work cut out for oneTo face a large task or project.Rate it:

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head to headTo confront face to face; fight one on one.Rate it:

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heads or tailsA game to bet upon a which side of a coin lays face up after it is thrown.Rate it:

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heads or tailsThe practice of flipping a coin in the air, to choose between two alternatives based on which side lands face up.Rate it:

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high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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homme de peu de foiExprime la réassurance face à un esprit sceptique.Rate it:

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il a un pied de nez (fam.)He pulls a long face, looks foolish.Rate it:

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il était à plat ventreHe was flat on his face.Rate it:

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il fait bonne mine à mauvais jeuHe puts a good face on the matter; He makes the best of a bad job.Rate it:

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il m'a ri au nezHe laughed in my face.Rate it:

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il me ferma la porte au nezHe shut the door in my face.Rate it:

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il me regarda sous le nezHe stared me in the face.Rate it:

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il ne manquait plus que çaPhrase exclamative utilisée pour exprimer son exaspération face à une mauvaise nouvelle qui vient s’ajouter à d'autres soucis préexistants.Rate it:

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in fronte alicuius inscriptum estone can see it in his face.Rate it:

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In Hot WaterTo be in a troubling situation with someone, being embarrassed to face someone especially in chargeRate it:

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je l'ai regardé entre les deux yeuxI looked him straight in the face; I stared at him.Rate it:

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je le lui dirai à sa barbeI will say it to his face.Rate it:

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je ne voyais pas mon livre, cependant il me crevait les yeuxI did not see my book, yet it was staring me in the face (right under my nose).Rate it:

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knuckle sandwichA punch to the face, especially to the mouth.Rate it:

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left fieldThe part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and to your left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher.Rate it:

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like a sphinxAn expressionless face which conceals a secret.Rate it:

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mais ouiExclamation de dénégation face à une assertion que l’on ne croit pas du tout. Elle est généralement dite deux fois.Rate it:

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make facesAlternative form of make a face.Rate it:

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man upTo "be a man about it"; to do the things a good man is traditionally expected to do, such as: taking responsibility for the consequences of one's actions; displaying bravery or toughness in the face of adversity; providing for one's family, etc.Rate it:

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MFWmy face whenRate it:

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my facmy faceRate it:

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nez à nezface to faceRate it:

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oculi in vultu alicuius habitanthis eyes are always fixed on some one's face.Rate it:

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où est l'estMoyen mnémotechnique pour se souvenir que l’ouest est à gauche et l’est à droite quand on regarde une carte classique ou que l’on fait face au nord.Rate it:

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parle à mon cul, ma tête est maladeSarcasme exprimant le déplaisir d’être face à un interlocuteur qui n’écoute pas.Rate it:

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passe-moi la casse (rhubarbe), je te passerai le sénéClaw me and I’ll claw thee; One hand washes the other, and both wash the face.Rate it:

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pay the fiddlerTo face the consequences of one’s actions..Rate it:

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payer d'audaceTo put on a bold face; To brazen a thing out.Rate it:

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payer les pots cassésTo stand the racket; To pay the damage; To face the music.Rate it:

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pigeon-toedTo stand, walk, or carry the feet in such a way that the toes of each foot face toward each other and the knees also turn inward toward each other--like a pigeon's toes.Rate it:

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qui coupe son nez dégarnit son visageIt is an ill bird that fouls its own nest; He who cuts off his nose spites his own face.Rate it:

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