
Phrases related to: in-between hop Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 189 phrases and idioms matching in-between hop.

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être entre l'enclume et le marteauTo be in a dilemma; To be between the devil and the deep sea.Rate it:

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eye sexA lustful or sexually-charged glance exchanged between two people.Rate it:

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faire la navetteTo go to and fro between two places several times.Rate it:

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fall between the cracksTo wind up in an unexpected situation which is, inadvertently, invisible to or not handled by whatever process one had hoped to be subject to; to be overlooked.Rate it:

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fall between two stoolsTo attempt two tasks and fail at both, when either one could have been accomplished singly.Rate it:

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go betweenan intermediaryRate it:

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go halvesTo divide equally between two parties.Rate it:

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golden parachuteAn agreement between a company and an employee, usually an executive, specifying that the employee will receive certain significant benefits if employment is terminated.Rate it:

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good dayA somewhat formal greeting generally used between sunrise and sunset.Rate it:

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grey areaAn area intermediate between two mutually exclusive states or categories where the border between the two is fuzzy.Rate it:

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happy mediumA balanced position between two opposite extremes.Rate it:

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heads or tailsThe practice of flipping a coin in the air, to choose between two alternatives based on which side lands face up.Rate it:

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Hercules in trivio, in bivio, in compitisHercules at the cross-roads, between virtue and vice.Rate it:

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high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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hot deskingThe working practice of sharing desks or workstations between workers, as a means of saving space and resources.Rate it:

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how do i get to carnegie hallA set phrase, spoken as a rhetorical question, which is answered "Practice, practice, practice!" or sometimes with the humorous literal directions to Seventh Avenue between 56th and 57th.Rate it:

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il se retira l'oreille basseHe went away crestfallen.\nHe went away with his tail between his legs.Rate it:

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in simultate cum aliquo sumrelations are strained between us.Rate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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inter spem metumque suspensum animi esseto hover between hope and fear.Rate it:

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iron curtainA barrier made of iron in the theatre, lowered between the stage and the auditorium for safety or to prevent communication.Rate it:

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joustA tilting match: a mock combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances in the lists or enclosed field.Rate it:

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leadVertical space in advance of a row or between rows of text. Also known as leading.Rate it:

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lead timeThe amount of time between the initiation of some process and its completion, e.g. the time required to manufacture or procure a product; the time required before something can be provided or delivered.Rate it:

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life's molecular danceThe phrase "life's molecular dance" refers to the dynamic and coordinated interactions between molecules within living organisms. It signifies the intricate and harmonious movements of various biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites, as they carry out essential functions in cellular processes. This metaphor highlights the complexity and beauty of these molecular interactions, which are crucial for sustaining life and maintaining the delicate balance within biological systems.Rate it:

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lire entre les lignesto read between the linesRate it:

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long goodbyeNickname for Alzheimer's disease, especially for the final phase of the disease, during which the patient suffers a progressive decline of cognitive and motor skills and gradually loses the ability to recognize and to communicate with family and friends; nickname for the relationship between a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease and that person's family or friends.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA stalemate, or a confrontation between two or more sides that no side can win.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA near-collision between two trains, an averted cornfield meet.Rate it:

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mind the gapBe careful of the gap between the vehicle and the platform it is near, in boarding or alighting.Rate it:

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no hard feelings(I, etc.) hold no lingering anger or resentment toward (you, etc.); There's no bad blood between (us, etc.).Rate it:

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nous convînmes de cela entre quatre yeuxWe agreed to that between ourselves.Rate it:

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nous sommes sortis entre chien et loupWe went out at dusk, between the lights.Rate it:

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old boy networkA presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism and usually at the exclusion of certain other people; often specifically at the exclusion of womenRate it:

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on tenterhookstense in anticipation of something. The phrase originated in the wool industry where fleeces were stretched on a frame between hooks to dry after washing the fleeces.Rate it:

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on the horns of a dilemmaFacing a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives.Rate it:

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one-night standA single sexual encounter between two individuals, where at least one of the parties has no immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship. As the phrase implies, the relationship lasts for only one night.Rate it:

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ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny(biology, social sciences, art, philosophy) The physical, cultural, moral, or intellectual development of each individual passes through stages similar to the developmental stages of that individual's species, society, or civilization.1905, J. A. Harris, "The Importance of Investigations of Seedling Stages," Science, New Series, vol. 22, no. 554, p. 186:With reference to seedling stages the statement that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny must be made with great reserve.1961, M. E. Wolfgang, "Pioneers in Criminology: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)," The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 367:Haeckel maintained that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, and this idea was incorporated by Lombroso into his parallelism between the criminal and the child.2002, B. S. Jackson, "Models in Legal History: The Case of Biblical Law," Journal of Law and Religion, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 11:For even if we accept that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," those responsible for the drafting of ancient legal documents were not children, and are hardly to be endowed with some form of infantile mentality.Rate it:

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Oreo cookieA threeway involving two black participants and one white participant between themRate it:

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os brancos que se entendamSaid by someone who wishes to stay away from a fight or discussion between other people.Rate it:

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outer coreThe hot liquid material found near the centre of some planets, distinct from the solid inner core.(geology) The part of the Earth between the mantle and inner core, responsible for generating the planet's magnetic field.Rate it:

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outer coreThe part of the Earth between the mantle and inner core, responsible for generating the planet's magnetic field.Rate it:

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partial outTo remove one variable in order to identify any correlation between othersRate it:

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PEBCACProblem Exists Between Chair And Computer. Used by technical support helpdesk staff to indicate that the problem with a user’s computer or experience is due to user error.Rate it:

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pitched battleA hostile engagement involving sustained, full-scale fighting between opposing forces in close combat.Rate it:

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political footballOngoing unproductive wrangling or posturing between political factions, resulting in failure to deal with an issue or problem in a decisive or appropriate way.Rate it:

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pour gasoline on the fireTo worsen a conflict between people; to inflame an already tense situation.Rate it:

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pull my fingerA phrase used when playing a prank regarding flatulence, in which a mark is asked to pull the finger of the person playing the prank, who simultaneously flatulates so as to suggest a causal relationship between the pulling of the finger and the resulting expulsion of gas.Rate it:

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qui deux choses chasse, ni l'une ni l'autre ne prendBetween two stools one falls to the ground.Rate it:

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