
Phrases related to: jacqueline (given name) Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 243 phrases and idioms matching jacqueline (given name).

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boiling pointThe temperature at which a liquid boils, with the vapor pressure equal to the given external pressure.Rate it:

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bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture doréeA good name is better than riches; He who has lost his reputation is a dead man among the living.Rate it:

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BroadwayA street name, typically for a wide road; a broad way.Rate it:

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BroadwayA place name for a settlement which grew up around such a road. For example, Broadway, Worcestershire, Broadway, Somerset.Rate it:

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brown bagA short presentation or seminar on a given subject, especially one given at lunchtime.Rate it:

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buy backto purchase something already sold, misplaced, destroyed or given awayRate it:

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call outYell, Scream, Bellow, or utilize P.A. system or any viable means to summon HELP or summon individuals by name, number I.D. rating, rank, or any viable identifier.Rate it:

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cash outTo reconcile at the end of a shift; to compare receipts of items sold to records of credit card, check and cash placed into the drawer, verifying that correct change was given out by the clerk.Rate it:

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chamo-memy name is…Rate it:

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come si chiamawhat's your name?Rate it:

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come ti chiamiWhat is your name?Rate it:

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comedy equals tragedy plus timeA tragic subject can be made into a comedy, given the passage of enough time.Rate it:

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como te chamaswhat is your name?Rate it:

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cómo te llamaswhat is your name?Rate it:

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cracher dans la soupeto treat what's given to you or what's available to you with neglect and disdain, to bite the hand that feeds youRate it:

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dictatorem dicere (creare)to name a person dictator.Rate it:

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diem dicere alicuito summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person.Rate it:

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dirty wordThe name of a topic that a person does not like to hear or discuss.Rate it:

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don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursueFull name of the U.S. Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning the service of homosexuals in the military as defined in 10 USC § 654.Rate it:

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double rainbow babya term given to a child born after two miscarriages, stillbirths, or deaths.Rate it:

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dynamite chargeInstructions given by the judge to a jury that has failed to reach a verdict, in the hope that they can do so after further deliberation.Rate it:

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e proscriptorum numero eximere aliquemto erase a person's name from the list of the proscribed.Rate it:

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excuses are a dime a dozenThe excuse given is not unique; everyone has an excuse for something.Rate it:

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eximere de reis aliquemto strike a person's name off the list of the accused.Rate it:

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famae servire, consulereto have regard for one's good name.Rate it:

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fetch awayTo move off, come loose; to go off suddenly away a given position.Rate it:

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first and lastA person's combined given name and surname.Rate it:

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footnote in historySomething of great significance that is given little attention, i.e. is relegated to a footnote in a record of history.Rate it:

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fox guarding the henhouse meaningA for should not be trusted to guard a hen house because they are hen hunters and will eat them when given the chance.Rate it:

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game planAny strategy devised to reach a given objective.Rate it:

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German virginThe name of a poker hand in the game of Texas hold 'em, when a player is dealt two nine cards.Rate it:

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get itTo possess a preferred outlook on a given issue or issues.Rate it:

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get the runaroundNot given the answer to a request, but given misleading information.Rate it:

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give someone an inch and someone will take a mileIf concessions are made for someone, that will embolden them to take further advantage of the person who helped them, instead of being content with what they have been given.Rate it:

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he who smelt it dealt it(colloquial, originally) A person who calls attention to or complains about a fart is likely trying to pretend it wasn't his or her own.(colloquial, by extension) Used to suggest that a person calling attention to or complaining about a given problem may in fact be the source of the problem.Rate it:

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here liesWritten on gravestones followed by the buried person's name.Rate it:

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historical figureA fictional or fabricated person who was was given historical importance in legends and myth.Rate it:

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honorable mentionAn award or recognition given to something that does not make it to a higher standing but is worth mentioning in an honorable way.Rate it:

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hungry hungry hippoAn expression used to say you are very hungry; also hungry hippo, for short; also the name of a children's board game (Hungry Hungry Hippo) produced by Hasbro under its subsidiary, Milton BradleyRate it:

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hush moneyMoney given to buy silence, get someone to 'take the fifth'.Rate it:

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i'd rather shit in my hands, then clap!When you really don't want to do something, you'd rather shit in your hands, then clap the poo, than performing a given task!Rate it:

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ich heißemy name is...Rate it:

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illae sententiae iam pridem explosae et eiectae sunt (Fin. 5. 8. 23)those ideas have long ago been given up.Rate it:

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in proscriptorum numerum referre aliquem (Rosc. Am. 11. 32)to place a person's name on the list of the proscribed.Rate it:

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in the mixActively engaged in a pursuit, process or activity; being considered or given favor over the competitionRate it:

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j'y ai mis du mien, mettez-y du vôtreI have given way a bit, meet me half-way; I have done my share at it, now it’s your turn.Rate it:

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je m'appellemy name is..., I am..., I'm...Rate it:

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jiminy cricketa phrase used in place of taking Christ's name in vain when someone wants to swearRate it:

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John DoeA fictitious name used in the legal documents for an unknown or anonymous male person.Rate it:

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just what the doctor orderedExactly what is necessary or useful in a given situation.Rate it:

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