
Phrases related to: note-taking Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 192 phrases and idioms matching note-taking.

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Batten Down the HatchesTo prepare for any sort of emergency before time by taking proper measuresRate it:

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bon matinFormule de politesse amicale ou formelle utilisée pour saluer une personne le matin. Note : Cet usage est critiqué par l’Office québécois de la langue française.Rate it:

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bonne chanceJe vous souhaite bonne chance et du succès dans votre travail. Note : Se dit pour porter bonheur.Rate it:

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branle-basThe taking down of hammocks in a shipRate it:

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c'est moiC’est moi qui vous remercie. Note : Formule de politesse pour répondre à merci si la relation est mutuellement bénéfique, en particulier par un vendeur à un client.Rate it:

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c'est quoi déjàÀ propos, qu’est-ce que c’est ? — Note : à propos est pris là dans son sens de locution conjonctive.Rate it:

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c'est selonÇa dépend. Note d’usage : Marque le choix, l’aléa ou le doute.Rate it:

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catch someone with one's hand in the cookie jarTo catch someone taking something that he or she is not entitled to.Rate it:

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ce qui est bon à prendre est bon à garderWhat is worth taking is worth keeping; “Findings, keepings.”Rate it:

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ceci étantLes choses étant ainsi. Note : Généralement en début de phrase, et suivi d’une virgule.Rate it:

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ch't'aimeJe t’aime. Note : Formule courante pour dire à quelqu’un qu’on l’aime chez les adolescents.Rate it:

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chou pour chouTaking one thing with another.Rate it:

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Cold FeetHaving a second thought while making a decision, lack of confidence or having fear of taking some daring stepRate it:

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consuetudo inveterascit (B. G. 5. 41. 5)a custom is taking root, growing up.Rate it:

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coquelin fait le rôle principalCoquelin is taking the principal part.Rate it:

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de rienFormule de politesse employée en réponse à merci. Note : au dix-neuvième siècle, Littré  le considérait comme populaire, il est courant de nos jours .Rate it:

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doTo cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.Rate it:

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domus collapsura, corruitura (esse) videturthe house threatens to fall in (vid. sect. X. 5, note "Threaten"...).Rate it:

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domus ruina impendetthe house threatens to fall in (vid. sect. X. 5, note "Threaten"...).Rate it:

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dont acteTenez-vous-le pour dit. Prenez bonne note de la chose. — Note : Dans cet emploi, dont acte a une connotation impérative, sans réplique.Rate it:

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draw a bathTo fill a bathtub with water in preparation for taking a bath.Rate it:

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drop a lineA note or telegram.Rate it:

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drop someone a lineWrite and send (someone) a note or telegram.Rate it:

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eat inTo eat a purchased meal on the premises where one bought it, rather than taking it away.Rate it:

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et avec çaEt avec ça quoi d’autre ? Note : Question souvent posée par le commerçant dans le petit commerce pour savoir si le client désire autre chose.Rate it:

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et avec çaNote : Pour mettre en relief le dernier élément d’une énumération.Rate it:

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etc.And so on: used to note that the rest of a list or piece of information has been left out on the assumption that it is similar or already known.Rate it:

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face valueThe amount or value listed on a bill, note, stamp, etc.; the stated value or amount.Rate it:

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fear engulfed him like a blanketfear was taking over himRate it:

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feather one's nestTo achieve benefits, especially financial ones, by taking advantage of the opportunities with which one is presented; to amass a comfortable amount of personal wealth.Rate it:

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garner upTo store up; to build up a store of an emotion or passion; to recall or make a note of a certain trait or quality.Rate it:

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Go Along for the RideTo accompany someone in an activity without taking part in itRate it:

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goodbye cruel worldA call said before taking a stiff drink, especially a shot of vodka.Rate it:

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goodbye cruel worldAn exclamation made before commiting suicide, or in a suicide note.Rate it:

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goodbye, cruel worldA call said before taking a stiff drink, especially a shot of vodka.Rate it:

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han hanExclamation utilisée pour signifier une négation, un refus, une opposition. Note : Souvent écrit avec deux points d’exclamation : Han ! Han !Rate it:

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hang your hat on that oneA startling result, an accomplishment, a hard won contest, an acclaimed development, something very stable, dependable, worthy of note, salutary.Rate it:

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historical figureA person who lived long ago, usually of some historical note or importance.Rate it:

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hoover upQuickly, especially by taking it into the mouth directly from the plate rather than using cutlery.Rate it:

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hum and hawProcrastinate and take a long time before doing something or taking a decision.Rate it:

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jiminy cricketa phrase used in place of taking Christ's name in vain when someone wants to swearRate it:

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jot downto write down hurriedly; to make a note ofRate it:

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librum de manibus ponereto lay down a book (vid. sect. XII. 3, note vestem deponere...).Rate it:

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like taking candy from a babyEasy to achieve.Rate it:

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make bookTo gamble, either by placing or taking bets.Rate it:

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man upTo "be a man about it"; to do the things a good man is traditionally expected to do, such as: taking responsibility for the consequences of one's actions; displaying bravery or toughness in the face of adversity; providing for one's family, etc.Rate it:

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mets-enOui, énormément, absolument, assurément. Note : S’utilise rarement au pluriel.Rate it:

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mit sozialistischem GrußA politically correct way to close a note or letter.Rate it:

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N.d.A.Abréviation de "Note de l'Auteur".Rate it:

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odium alicuius inflammareto kindle hatred in a person's heart; to fill some one with hatred (not implere, vid. sect. IX. 2, note gaudio...).Rate it:

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C Heart
D Blood