
Phrases related to: service door Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 163 phrases and idioms matching service door.

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do not disturbUsed to indicate that somebody does not wish to be disturbed, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door, or a "busy" mode of an instant messenger.Rate it:

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do not enterUsed to ask not to enter, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door.Rate it:

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don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursueFull name of the U.S. Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning the service of homosexuals in the military as defined in 10 USC § 654.Rate it:

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donner un œuf pour avoir un bœufRendre un petit service en vue d’en obtenir un plus grand.Rate it:

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emeritis stipendiis (Sall. Iug. 84. 2)after having completed one's service.Rate it:

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être à l'article de la mort (or, à l'agonie)To be at death’s door.Rate it:

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fermer l'écurie quand les chevaux sont dehorsTo lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.Rate it:

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fores obserareto bolt the door.Rate it:

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give a sneck possetTo fasten the door latch.Rate it:

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give a sneck possetTo give someone a cold reception; to close the door on someone; to reject them.Rate it:

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Gone FishinHumorous 'Door-Sign' on Front Door of Temporarily 'Closed' Store, Business Place, Service StationRate it:

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hot messA warm meal, usually cooked in a large pot, often similar to a stew or porridge; or, service of such a heated meal to soldiers.Rate it:

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huis closclosed doorRate it:

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I want my money backSaid to demand a refund for a product or service.Rate it:

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ianuam effringere, revellereto burst open the door.Rate it:

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il est à l'article de la mortHe is at the point of death, at death’s door.Rate it:

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il me ferma la porte au nezHe shut the door in my face.Rate it:

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ils s'échappèrent qui par la porte, qui par les fenêtresSome escaped through the door, others through the windows.Rate it:

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in kindIn the form of goods and service rather than money.Rate it:

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je m'en prends à vousI lay the blame at your door.Rate it:

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latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent(s).Rate it:

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latch-key childA child who returns home from school to an empty house and therefore must unlock/unlatch the exterior door with a key, especially a child of working or absent parent.Rate it:

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lay upTo go out of active service.Rate it:

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les pots fêlés sont ceux qui durent le plusThe door with the creaking hinge hangs longest; The cracked pitcher goes oftenest to the well.Rate it:

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mettre à la porteTo put at the doorRate it:

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militia functum, perfunctum esseto retire from service.Rate it:

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militiam (only in the sing.) capessereto take service in the army.Rate it:

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militiam detrectare, subterfugereto try to avoid military service.Rate it:

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money's worthA good or service which is considered to be of a value equal to or greater than the amount of money expended for it.Rate it:

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no strings attachedWhen something is given free and clear without any conditions of payment or personal service in return.Rate it:

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non merciExprime un refus poli à une question posée, un service proposé.Rate it:

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on a condamné la porteThe door is nailed up, blocked up.Rate it:

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on a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soiA mouse may be of service to a lion.Rate it:

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on fait queue au théâtreThere is a crowd at the door of the theatre (waiting for admittance).Rate it:

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order outTo call a place of service and order food, or other goods, delivered to one's own location.Rate it:

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ostium, fores aperire, claudereto open, shut the door.Rate it:

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ostium, fores pulsareto knock at the door.Rate it:

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out of sightThe notice was out of sight behind the door.Rate it:

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pay one's duesTo acquire status or to earn the right to enjoy certain benefits, especially through lengthy experience, hardship, or service to an organization.Rate it:

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pleased as punchan expression of gratitude, joy, appreciation for some gift, service, reward, special treatment.Rate it:

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post offTo send through the postal service; to mail.Rate it:

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pour vous servirFormule de politesse dont on se sert pour dire à quelqu’un qu’on est à sa disposition pour lui rendre service.Rate it:

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price out of the marketTo charge an exorbitant price for a service or product so that no one will purchase it.Rate it:

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quand il n'y a pas de foin au râtelier, les chevaux se battentWhen poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.Rate it:

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qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutilesmen exempt from service owing to age.Rate it:

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rain checkTo provide a service at a later date.Rate it:

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rebus divinis interesse (B. G. 6. 13)to take part in divine service (of the priest).Rate it:

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rude donatum esse (Phil. 2. 29)to retire from service.Rate it:

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sacris adesseto be present at divine service (of the people).Rate it:

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sign upTo agree to purchase some good or service.Rate it:

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Wear your ______ upon your sleeve.
A Heart
B Skin
C Blood
D Love