
Phrases related to: signal phrase Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 314 phrases and idioms matching signal phrase.

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bat one's eyelashesTo signal or feign by fluttering one's eyelids, as romantic interest.Rate it:

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bat one's eyesTo signal or feign by fluttering one's eyelids, as romantic interest.Rate it:

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big in japana phrase to describe Western celebrities that have been successful in JapanRate it:

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blanket termA word or phrase that is used to describe multiple groups of related things. The degree of relation may vary. Blanket terms often trade specificity for ease-of-use; in other words, a blanket term by itself gives little detail about the things that it describes or the relationships between them, but is easy to say and remember. Blanket terms often originate as slang, and eventually become integrated into the general vocabulary.Rate it:

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boo booshort for Boo Boo Bear, cartoon character Yogi Bear's sidekick from the show Huckleberry Hound, 1958; this phrase is capitalized. It means something different when not capitalized; See also: boo booRate it:

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bring it on around jimmya phrase off of an old show on TV maybe a country western show? about bringing the wagon aroundRate it:

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bunged uppronounced with a hard "G" sound, not a "j" sound; injured, mangled; usually used to mean a bodily injury; often said by small children and often with the word "all" in front of the phraseRate it:

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c'est assez, dit la baleine, je me cache à l'eau car j'ai le dos finPhrase destinée à retenir facilement le nom des cétacés car elle évoque phonétiquement cétacé dit la baleine, je me cachalot car j’ai le dauphin.Rate it:

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c'est de l'hébreuit's all Greek to me, a phrase indicating that something's impossible to understand.Rate it:

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c'est du chinoisit's all Greek to me, a phrase indicating that something is impossible to understand.Rate it:

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c'est du russeit's all Greek to me, a phrase indicating that something is impossible to understand.Rate it:

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c'est pas fauxUtilisé pour se moquer d'une personne parlant de notions relativement complexes, en tournant en dérision ce qu'elle vient de dire. Cette phrase est régulièrement prononcée dans la série française Kaamelott, en particulier par le personnage de Perceval, pour donner le change lorsque son interlocuteur emploie des notions qui le dépassent ; son utilisation dans des situations les plus incongrues en a fait un gimmick représentant la série et l'a faite entrer dans le langage courant comme une plaisanterie récurrente.Rate it:

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ça va pas la têtePhrase utilisée pour reprendre quelqu’un dont on considère qu’il a des idées saugrenues ou dangereuses, ou qu’il a commis un acte répréhensible.Rate it:

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casual expressiona word in the dictionary that has an alternate definition than the dictionary definition or a phrase that means something different than its words put together would literally mean when put togetherRate it:

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catch someone's driftIf you catch someone's drift (or get someone's drift) it means you understand what they mean; this phrase is used especially when you want to get an idea across to someone but you don't want to exactly speak the words you mean or if you think the listener may be confused about what you meanRate it:

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ce qu'il fallait démontrerPhrase mise à la fin d'une démonstration.Rate it:

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ceci étantLes choses étant ainsi. Note : Généralement en début de phrase, et suivi d’une virgule.Rate it:

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chestnut(Often "old chestnut") A worn-out meme; a phrase, etc. so often repeated as to have grown tiresome.Rate it:

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coffin cornerThis is an aerodynamics term which refers to a narrow and critical altitude range where an aircraft’s stall speed approaches its maximum speed, which can lead to catastrophic instability. This phrase is also used in American football to refer to the section of playing field, near the endzone, between the goal line and the 5 yard line in which punters attempt to pin the opposing team within, by executing a ‘coffin corner’ kick. This manuever is highly difficult and requires immense precision.Rate it:

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come to papaA phrase used to encourage someone or something to approach.Rate it:

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comme quoiA phrase used to say that: this recent fact or result confirms what we always thought. : it goes to showRate it:

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computer says noA popular phrase for an attitude in customer service in which the default response is to check with information stored or generated electronically and then make decisions based on that, apparently without using common sense, and showing a level of unhelpfulness whereby more could be done to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome, but is not.Rate it:

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coug itTo suddenly lose a contest through reversal of fortune, mistakes, or bad judgment. The phrase is analogous to "blow it", or "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".Rate it:

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crab mentalityA way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs in which one tries to escape over the side, but is relentlessly pulled down by the others in the pot.Rate it:

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crepi il lupoResponse to the phrase in bocca al lupo!.Rate it:

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deadCompletely inactive; without power; without a signal.Rate it:

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dead airAn unintended interruption in a radio broadcast during which there is no sound; a similar interruption of a television broadcast in which there is neither sound nor a video signal.Rate it:

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define the relationshipA modern phrase to describe when two people agree on the nature of their relationship - is it casual, serious, open etcRate it:

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do you come here oftenA common phrase for initiating conversation with a stranger, especially one for seeking romantic involvement.Rate it:

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don't do anything I wouldn't doA phrase, often used jocularly, to give vague advice upon parting.Rate it:

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donde dije digo, digo DiegoA phrase used by the speaker when rectifying something they had previously said, claiming it was mispronounced or misinterpretedRate it:

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don’t ask, don’t getA phrase used to guide those who are nervous to speak up about their needs or wantsRate it:

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double entendreA phrase that has two meanings, especially where one is innocent and literal, the other risqué, bawdy, or ironic; an innuendo..Rate it:

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dusty millerA formulaic phrase for a miller, related to the dust generated in the milling process.Rate it:

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el burro delante, para que no se espanteA phrase used as a reminder that, in a grammatically correct sentence, yo doesn't go at the beginning of a phrase mentioning other subjects.Rate it:

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el sábado, sabadete, camisa nueva y polveteA phrase used to show excitement about the day being SaturdayRate it:

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Elvis has left the buildingA phrase used to announce the end of a show, usually one performed by an Elvis impersonator.Rate it:

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en Bretagne, il ne pleut que sur les consPhrase que tout bon Breton objecte invariablement au touriste qui se plaint de la pluviosité élevée de la Bretagne.Rate it:

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every horse thinks its own pack heaviestEveryone thinks their problems or burdens are worse than everyone else's. This phrase is a response to someone complaining or to someone complaining that they have it worse than othersRate it:

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eye catchingTwo words which may have evolved from the marketing and advertising entities, The phrase says and sees it all, appeals only to the sighted.Rate it:

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faites ce que je dis, ne faites pas ce que je faisPhrase, devenue proverbiale, dite à propos de quelqu’un qui se dispense d’appliquer les conseils qu’il donne à autrui.Rate it:

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farce ou friandisePhrase que les enfants viennent dire aux portes des maisons le jour d’Halloween afin de récolter des sucreries.Rate it:

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Felices ReyesHappy Wise Men Day A phrase used to wish a happy "Wise Men Day", celebrated on January 6 in some Spanish-speaking countriesRate it:

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fend offTo take defensive action, push against, veer away, avoid, steer away, retreat, tack, give strong vocal or signal warning.Rate it:

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fiddle withTo adjust the position, as of an electronic device, in order to provide better reception or signal.Rate it:

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figure of speechA word or phrase that departs from straightforward, literal language.Rate it:

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fingernails on a chalkboarda phrase used to liken the sharp or shrill sound that is made when fingernails are scratched across a chalkboard to something that sounds sharp or shrill like thatRate it:

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flag downUse a flag or some kind of signal to get the attention of someone.Rate it:

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for what it’s worthIdiomatic phrase used to introduce one’s opinion or advice on a topic or situation - usually spoken with a guarded degree of modesty, uncertainty, or an expectation that the receiver is not bound to heed the speaker’s words. Interchangeable with the phrase, ‘take it or leave it.’Rate it:

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Franklin prend son the chaudPhrase utilisée par les élèves francophones qui étudient le néerlandais pour se souvenir que les participes passés réguliers en néerlandais se terminent toujours par un d sauf quand le radical du verbe se termine par f, k, p, s, t ou ch.Rate it:

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