
Phrases related to: special forces group Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 273 phrases and idioms matching special forces group.

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big tentPertaining to, representing, or advocating such a group, philosophy, or movement.Rate it:

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bigwigA person of importance to a group or organization.Rate it:

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black magicMagic derived from evil forces, as distinct from good or benign forces; or magic performed with the intention of doing harm.Rate it:

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blow the whistleTo disclose information to the public or to appropriate authorities concerning the illegal or socially harmful actions of a person or group, especially a corporation or government agency.Rate it:

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bog standardEspecially plain, ordinary, or unremarkable; having no special, excess or unusual features; plain vanilla.Rate it:

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boots on the groundThe ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict, rather than troops not engaged or other military action such as air strikes.Rate it:

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box seatA seat among a group of seats in an enclosure, as at a theater or stadium.Rate it:

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bozo eruptionA remark-usually unscripted-by a politician or other public figure which is especially ill-considered and foolish, and which has negative repercussions for that individual and for his or her affiliated group.Rate it:

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break ranksTo publicly disagree with one's own group or organization.Rate it:

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break withTo cease having a positive connection with (a person, group, movement, etc).Rate it:

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cheaper by the dozenThings are handled more efficiently as a group, rather than individually.Rate it:

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cherry pickingSelecting only the best from a group or other range of choices.Rate it:

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circular firing squadA political party or other group experiencing considerable disarray because the members are engaging in internal disputes and mutual recrimination.Rate it:

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clean upTo become clean, handsome, smart in appearance, e.g. for a special occasion, especially when it is out of character to be seen as such.Rate it:

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close ranksto regroup forces, especially when this involves overlooking differences in order to face a challenge or adverse situation. Often implies making a show of unity, especially to the public.Rate it:

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come inTo join or enter; to begin playing with a group.Rate it:

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comfort womanA woman forced, or supposedly recruited, into brothels by the Japanese occupation forces during World War II.Rate it:

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common or garden varietyOrdinary, standard. Nothing special.Rate it:

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companyA group of individuals with a common purpose, as in a company of actors.Rate it:

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copias (arma) cum aliquo iungere or se cum aliquo iungereto join forces with some one.Rate it:

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crowd-pleaserSomething that is pleasing to the majority of a group.Rate it:

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cut a dealA Special Arrangement, Contract, Agreement, Permission, Bargain Price, 'Good Deal'.Rate it:

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dance/march to the tune ofGet In Step!, Get With It!, Join The Group!Rate it:

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decimal dozenten, a group of tenRate it:

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developmentsA group of building complexes or apartments. Often used for low income housing.Rate it:

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DiamondIn Railroad Parlance, the especially designed, critically installed rail-section in place at 'Cross-Over' point. Special Switch-Tower With Special Switch-Point Equipment operated 24/7 by Experts:Rate it:

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die offTo become extinct (if a group of plants, animals, or people dies off, all of that group dies over a period of time).Rate it:

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dog in the huntLiterally, ownership of one of several canines participating in the group pursuit of game or fowl.Rate it:

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doll upTo dress oneself or another in formal or ostentatious clothing as if for a special occasion.Rate it:

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dude upTo dress up; to dress in smart or special clothes.Rate it:

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esprit de corpsA shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion to a cause among the members of a group, for example of a military unit.Rate it:

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esprit de corpsspirit of the group, common spiritRate it:

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final cutA group, after a selection process getting rid of other candidates.Rate it:

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first among equalsA person or position that if formally equivalent to others in a group, but is superior in some attribute.Rate it:

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fit outTo provide a thing, a group, a person or oneself with requisites; to kit out.Rate it:

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flutter in the dovecoteA disturbance, usually one caused within a prescribed group of people.Rate it:

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fourth estateJournalism or journalists considered as a group; the Press.Rate it:

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fresh meatA person or group of people who arouse one's interest, either as a new target for deception, humiliation or ridicule, or as a potential love interest or one night stand.Rate it:

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from central castingConforming to the stereotypical image of a particular type of person or group.Rate it:

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fundere hostium copiasto rout the enemy's forces.Rate it:

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gather upto gather, assemble or collect, usually into a groupRate it:

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get in the boat and rowTo make a substantial effort, especially in cooperation with others in a group; to perform one's share of work; to show initiative.Rate it:

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get with the programTo comply with the norms of a social group, especially a shared enterprise.Rate it:

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glass ceilingAn unwritten, uncodified barrier to further promotion or progression, in employment and elsewhere, for a member of a specific demographic group.Rate it:

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good doctorsplural of good doctor. An honorific form of address to a group of doctors.Rate it:

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goon squadA group of individuals serving as enforcers, bodyguards, and the like, especially persons hired for such a purpose and using violent, thuggish methods.Rate it:

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hand roundTo pass something to everyone in a group.Rate it:

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hell weekThe week during which new members are required to undergo undignified rites of initiation or gruelling discipline in order to be accepted into a fraternity, sorority, secret society, military group, etc.Rate it:

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herd togetherTo push people or animals into a group, as a herd.Rate it:

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high and mightyA social or economic group wielding undue power, influence or economic clout.Rate it:

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