
Phrases related to: have seen better days Page #30

Yee yee! We've found 1,481 phrases and idioms matching have seen better days.

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you don't know what you've got 'til it's goneA commonly used phrase to acknowledge the irony of taking something or someone for granted and only appreciating it/them once you don't have it/them any longer.Rate it:

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your place or mineA question suggesting sexual intercourse: literally meaning "shall we go to your place or mine to have sex?"Rate it:

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YWMVInitialism of your wallet may vary : you may have more or less money to spend, or different financial priorities.Rate it:

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у меня астмаI have asthmaRate it:

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у меня высокое давлениеI have high blood pressureRate it:

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у меня диабетI have diabetesRate it:

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у меня есть вопросI have a questionRate it:

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у меня нет денегI have no moneyRate it:

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у меня низкое давлениеI have low blood pressureRate it:

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у меня ракI have cancerRate it:

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чтоб уж навернякаbetter safe than sorryRate it:

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חבל על הזמןIt's a waste of time; we're wasting time; we don't have time for this.Rate it:

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יש לי שאלהI have a questionRate it:

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מה עניין שמיטה אצל הר סיניWhat does that have to do with the price of tea in China?Rate it:

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一路走好Have a good and safe journey.Rate it:

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上有老下有小to have both one's aging parents and one's young children to take care of; to be a member of the sandwich generationRate it:

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冇咁嬲would be a better course of actionRate it:

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冇嘢到have/produce little to no resultsRate it:

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唔知個羞字點寫doesn't have any sense of shameRate it:

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唔知個醜字點寫doesn't have any sense of shameRate it:

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唔識個羞字點寫doesn't have any sense of shameRate it:

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我有一個問題I have a questionRate it:

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有心to have the intentionRate it:

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永世不得翻身to have no chance to get up or rise again; perditionRate it:

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笑貧不笑娼the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer povertyRate it:

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腳踏兩條船to have a foot in both campsRate it:

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腳踏兩條船to have two dates at the same timeRate it:

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貴人多忘事important people tend to have short memories; someone having a forgetful mindRate it:

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遠親不如近鄰Nearby neighbours are better than distant cousins.Rate it:

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Have you eaten yet?Rate it:

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鬧肚子to have diarrheaRate it:

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Every _____ has its day.
A Man
B Boy
C Dog
D Night